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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Conclusion extension-1 of my life as a hidden slave


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This page was created on 20.06.2023.

This page is only to verify a few points that I may not have described it clearly enough, that may lead to misunderstanding!



-         Introduction

-         Fake photo within my complaint pages

-         Other notes



These are several very important notes.


Fake photo within my complaint pages

2 photos of Ex-US President George H. W. Bush and his wife and children. The left one is fake.



The above left photograph is fake. I just noticed it a couple of days ago, or better said an unknown to me person got my attention to it via telepathy.



As you can clearly see the hair as well as the lips are manually drawn. Most probably someone placed the head of a man named Pastor Herbert Lange on top of the face of Mrs. Bush and then with some program such as Paint draw hair and lipstick color. Most probably to force me to hate the church, and this is especially true due to the many very negative and partially very destructive situation caused to me by the one or another bad churches in USA as mean of isolation and mind confusion where other may notice this photograph as fake  and possibly think I made it and therewith I am lying throughout my complaint pages, but I am most definitely not, I do not have any gain what so ever to make up any of the very destructive manmade situations such as the Corona virus was 100% intentionally distributed by the ex-US president Donald Trump Whitehouse administration as it is mentioned within my complaint pages.


Also note that the Bush family is one of the most destructive families worldwide and is 100% a sub branch of the English Royal family + the Rockefeller families and all of them, and this is very unfortunate for me, are my hidden from me biological families that kidnapped me several times in my life to prevent me of discovering any of the information within my complaint pages, and they are the biggest drug lords worldwide using Lebanon + Syria + Jordan + Egypt + Yemen + Iran + Afghanistan as well as Israel for drugs while using the so called moderate Muslim countries for money laundering, such as Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Egypt and other countries then create several companies to launder the money through investments. One of these companies is the investment company called Black Rock that was through and through built on blood money through illegal drugs and advertise about their selves as if this company is legal and good company.


Here are some of the methods that they use to distribute and sell illegal drugs without being caught:

1.           American and British militaries for distribution worldwide, also other militaries such as of the Arab countries mentioned above.

2.           Construction material

3.           Large and small cement blocks and other figures that then they break certain part of it that contain the illegal drugs to use the rest at site for constructions of all kinds of things from buildings to infrastructure to bridges and the list is endless.

4.           Petroleum trucks such as the largest petroleum transportation company in USA still are doing, which is Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas, USA, and the same is being done in the Middle East through my fake family that raised me from 1960-1969 and then delivered me in March 1970 to the American military base in Munich, Germany for re-brainwash and isolation for total of 7 years, and all is described in details with proves in my complaint page

5.           Food and food stuff in all kinds of packages especially canned food from Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries, but also internally and in some countries, they use food cans to sell illegal drugs mixed with all kinds of food, from powder food to solid and liquid drinks

6.           All kind of pipelines from petroleum to water pipelines

7.           Fake crystal parts that contain powder or liquid drugs

8.           Same as above using sugar that then Look like crystal one of these master criminals that uses theses fake crystals tried hard to kill me in 1981, which is Dr. Sami Assassa an oriental carpet dealer and Mossad agent in Munich Germany and do business with countless country concentrating on the Middel East and especially Saudi Arabia. This psychopath Dr. Sami Assassa gave me once a bag of these fake crystals claiming they are small diamonds and asked me to give to my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, whereby my fake uncle pretended to be poor Syrian living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in reality he is the older hidden brother of Prince Andrew of the UK and simultaneously working for the government in Saudi Arabian, I do not know as what, but I guess he is one of these mentally sick Saudi Arabia ministers that disguise as Arab with Saudi clothing, because he was white, blue eyes and blond hair, during that time I was working at the company Siemens AG in Munich on the Saudi Port’s turn-key project and was helping in creating a multilingual computer system for them, but they did not want me to see them and that is why Dr. Sami Assassa gave me these fake crystals that were in reality illegal drugs and therewith give my fake uncle a reason to force the airport police to arrest me and most probably they would have cut off my head with the sword, that is how Saudi Arabia execute prisoners. They did arrest me as I arrived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and were taking me to a police bus, where there was roughly 100 meters long que for the bus. I strongly believe someone used telepathy to save me. Today I see 2 possibilities who saved me: 1- some of my work colleagues at Siemens AG and that explains why shortly thereafter Siemens AG set me up to leave the company as a means to save my life. Possibility-2: the CIA agent named Anita Disbray that the CIA brainwashed me and enslaved me under her control on 20 August 1970, 4 days before her birthday while she pretended to be 21 years old and I was 17 years old and she married me and isolated me in Munich for nearly 7 years, until the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany freed me of her and all the details are in my complaint pages. Anita Disbray had an identical lookalike that used to exchange places with her and live with me as Anita Disbray, one was older than the other, I never noticed all of that because they caused me a total amnesia in summer 1960 to destroy my logic and ability to recognize large or even small details and ever since I was forced to be isolated to not grow intelligence. Today and based on my memory of the situations of the past I recognize the one of the 2 women was at least 60 years old and the other was between 25-35 years old and both were 160 cm tall 48 kg weight, blue eyes and dark blond with one of her upper right teeth with a brown spot of roughly 2-3 millimeter. Also, today and based on many situations of my past I strongly believe that the younger one was married to either a Saudi Arabian minister or even the king and keeping her husband as a slave as she did to me and is all described within my complaint page. That was by far not the only attempt to murder of my person!

9.           Students and teachers

10.      Medical doctors that study medicine among others in Syria, Egypt and therewith learn Arabic and then go Europe either legally as professional medical staff or as refugees and that is another reason why Syria is using this situation of manufactured war to send new slave resellers. Personally, I met many of these criminals mainly in Germany, very unfortunately I was totally brainwashed and did not understand anything and did not know any of it, but today I do and that you can clearly read in my complaint pages that some criminal Syrian medical doctors (plural) persecuted me in Germany and helped BP-British Petroleum to re-brainwash me and kidnap me again this time in September 1986 from Munich, Germany and took me to USA by force and against my will and kept me 4 years between Bridgeport and Fairfield,  Connecticut and then 10 years in Houston, Texas, USA as 100% slave covered up by forcing me to be illegal alien with among others the help of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar + the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut + International Institute of Connecticut also in Bridgeport + American Express and the FBI and the INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services (they changed the name but you can still find it using  an internet search engine), very unfortunately also the German immigration in Germany called KVR- kreisverwaltungsreferat in Munich and the German consulate in New York and all the details are in my complaint pages. I said very unfortunately, because I loved Munich, I loved Germany and still do, and that is why I trusted them blindly because I trusted in their laws and their integrities and looked at them as an example of best government, yet they disposed of me and today I know why, because they were enslaved their selves by the so called second world war allies among others they were ex-Soviet union alias today’s Russian Federation  (controlling former East Germany) all the following countries were controlling West Germany: USA + UK + France + Netherlands and others as a result today Germany is re-united and even worked hard on creating or building the  EU-European Union because it was the only way to come out of the English Royal Family slavery, which very much shows how deceiving and sadistic and psychotic is the English Royal family

11.      All of the above is just a small example that I discovered hidden in my past. If I list everything, I discovered it will take over 30 or even thousand pages, during which I will most probably die of sadness!


Other notes


Even though my complaint pages have thousands of pages, yet and by far I did not list all the destructive situations they created around my life, maybe I listed only 10-30% of them. An example is what I call “Operation Choke”, where I just listed 5-10 simultaneous situations, in reality they are almost countless, and there is a reason for that, the more destructive situation they create around their victim, the less likely that the brain will notice them all and understand them all at once. Because everything has a limit even our brain, yet I strongly believe that a human can never be imitated by an AI-Artificial intelligence or a robot, for the simple fact that we all have artificial intelligence and that is why we advance in life very slowly. I strongly believe that only our creator what we call God is the one with real intelligence and the prove for that is that the sun does not hit the moon or earth and the examples are endless also right in front of our eyes but we do not see it because we are all busy trying to survive, some because have nothing and others because they cannot get enough such as the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and the many fake families that pretended to be my biological family and it is all listed in my complaint page and he majority are verifiable.


Also some things I cannot write down, because you do not want to read it, because they are more than disgusting, many of them were done to me in Cairo, Egypt, others in Germany between 1970 and 1975 and between 1.1.1984 and September 1986 and countless of them in USA, trust me you do not want hear about them or read them, some are sexual perversion, little of them in Germany and  through the American military where they had me isolated for 2.5 years and then enslaved me under the control of their agent named Anita Disbray, and the majority was in Cairo, Egypt and in USA. Even if you like to read them, I cannot write them because I am very ashamed of it, and exactly that is why they use telepathy to force others to do disgusting things, where no one can see that they have telepathy. Also, they used these pervert sexual acts as mean of distraction of their selves, by forcing the mind to think that certain situation they do to the victim in the future was only as revenge or as punishment or even as an alleged treatment. You have no idea how psychotic these people are, and that was my main or let me say to 80% my free will to write my complaint pages to help others to see things I was prevented by force not to see, but today I can see, when is too late and I lost everything even life itself, because I absolutely had no control over my life, and I am just one out of countless others. I forgot another country where members of my fake family also used these pervert sexual acts in 1967 and in 1969 and then tried to remind me of them in 2013, the same they did to me in Houston, Texas reminded me of the past and the same they did to me also 2013 reminding me of Egypt.


There is no need for me to describe these pervert criminal acts that they force upon people, however I must ask any one man or woman, if they do something remotely as I am describing above, either in the bedroom, bathroom or anywhere else, then I strongly advise you to go to the nearest church and tell the pastor what you are doing, most Pastors/Priests know of this and have or can find a good solution, just as they helped in Germany and in Netherland. If you are not Christian, I still advice you to go a church and ask the pastor or priest for help, because only Churches are 100% aware of telepathy because their main religious book called the New Testament is all about telepathy. Maybe other religions are aware of it yet not in slavery countries such as in the Middle East, if you are Muslim in the Middle East (Excluding Saudi Arabia it is forbidden to have another religion than Islam Sunni=Slavery) try to go on vacation to a European country and ask the pastor of a church for help, because if you go to a church as Muslim, in some countries or possibly all Muslim countries they consider that change of religion and it is punishable by death and I do not want anyone to get hurt in any way what soever, and that is another reason why I am not going to give even one example of these psychotic telepathy sexual perversion attacks, because if I do, then I have to list who did it to me in USA and who did it to me in Egypt and who did it to me in Jordan and name of the person my fake relation to them and their real identity and not the fake identity that they forced me to believe over them. Unlike them I love to build things and help others because I see the world as one gigantic team work on the other side you can see throughout my complaint pages what they think of other people: to them all human beings are stupid slaves that they can play with and manipulate as they see fit which destruct the lives of billions and that is wrong. This is the mean reason why I spent all my time since 2018 and until current in 2023 researching my past and documenting the essential to help others be free!


The negative side effect of my time since 2018 is that it makes me very sad when I look at my past, sometimes angry, unfriendly, and therewith damaging myself. Therefore, I must concentrate on life itself, because until 2016 I was not living, I was 100% a dead brain slave and my complaint pages are my witnesses!


Also, to note, and in case you realize that you are being manipulated by someone unknown to you that is using telepathy to force you to perform very aggressive and very disgusting sexual acts alone or with other. I do not advise you to go to a medical or Psychological doctors and ask him/her for help because the doctor may not be aware of telepathy and therewith 100% cannot help you no matter what he does, beside in some countries the doctors are obligated to report certain behavior to the one or another authorities and that can cause more damage to you, and possibly the person with telepathy intended just that, However, it is the law of all churches to keep conversion between pastor and visitors as confidential between that pastor and the visitor and God and whoever else may be listening because others have also telepathy and listen to what people say to the pastors and then possibly he she can help you, because each church no matter what denomination it is, such as Catholic, Evangelical, Methodist or any other one of the over 45,000 denominations, has always at least one person with telepathy that loves to listen to confessions delivered to the pastor, some churches are so large that a church may have over 100 person with telepathy. Please note, I do not know all religions of the world, there may be other religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism where the priest can also help! 


Last note. The word telepathy come of the old Latin language and translated to English it means thought (=pathy) on distance (=tele), just like television = tele-vision = see on distance.


As you can see throughout my complaint pages telepathy is the wrong description of the capability of the human being with telepathy.

P2PCom is more accurate = Person to Peron Communication.


Or even B2BCom = Brain to Brain Communication, but then this would mean any creature that has a brain can communicate with any other creature, but it is not the case because other creatures, at least on this planet, has most definitely no telepathy, only human beings and God have this ability, at least on this planet, therefore P2PCom or Human-Telecom is closer description and more suitable than the word telepathy!