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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Kidnapping me as an adult


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This document was created on; 13.09.2018, updated on: 27.08.2019, and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021


This page is about kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986, as I was 34 years old, which shows a routine, meaning they often perform this evil slavery and kidnapping!



Between January 1984 and 24 December 1984, I was severely brainwash in Munich, Germany, by dragging me by force to the illegal project named Calypso performed officially by Computer Consulting company called SCS-Scientific Control Systems, a subsidiary of BP-British Petroleum, and from the background by CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and others, to deliver Satellite computers that uses the American Satellites, to control the Syrian population. It is possible that they lied, and it was meant for the ex-Soviet Union and Syria was used as a Proxy.

The content of this box was added on 20.06.2021


This shows the big deceive of USA + UK and the x-German royalties’ alias the Nazis of the second world war.


First to mention is why do I think  or even know for fact that this project performed by SCS/BP-British Petroleum and called Project Calypso was controlled by the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD, and other European’s security agencies is because they forced me and forced countless other people to think that this project was a trade for hostages in Lebanon, as distraction of the real purpose of this project. In 1980s many Europeans from different countries and Americans were kidnapped by a terrorist organization such as PLO and kept hidden allegedly in Lebanon ( However, a satellite computer system to control and track the population can never be a trade for hostages, especially if this satellite computer system was dependent on the American military satellites system, above all it was allegedly for Syria, yet they always claim that Syria is under the control of Russia, but it is a big lie, Syria was and still is under the control of various countries led by the English royalties, these countries are 100% hidden allies or even public allies of USA and the UK, and these countries are:

1.     USA

2.     UK

3.     Turkey

4.     Greece

5.     Germany

6.     Pakistan (Muslims from Pakistan are heavily used by English royalties since more than 300 years to fight India and Hindu, where at that time there was no Pakistan it was all India then they divided it in 1930s. Also English royalties + the Rockefeller families heavily use Pakistani Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Jordan and other countries where the international community think of these Pakistanis as natives of these mentioned countries and the prove for that is that Saudi Arabia and at least until 1980s, their armed forces consisted mainly of Pakistanis, because this is an old slavey strategy of the UK and other Europeans, where they take a group of people as slaves to other countries where then they are isolated of their families and country men and no one will help them get free in this new country, just as they did with Africans, Sri Lankan, Indians, Indonesians, and Chinese and this since at least 500 years)

7.     Israel

8.     Italy

9.     Russia

10.And possibly also others


Here is the created chaos by the English royalties and USA to hide the facts:

Syria is ally with Iran, and Pakistan, Saudi Arabia have and had and since establishing it in 1900 always Pakistani as soldiers and for other slavery purposes, but also as front puppets as if they are members of the Saudi royal family that was 100% established after the year 1900. If Syria was controlled by Russian, then there is no need for American satellite computer systems to control their population, Russia was controlling the ex-Soviet Union with nearly 300 Million population and 15 countries, and Syria was at that time far under 5 Million population and since the Russia was controlling the ex-Soviet Union for nearly 70 years, they are very well capable to control an insignificant country such as Syria = the USA + UK + Germany, whereby Germany was used as proxy to perform this project in 1983 and until at least 1985 in Munich, Germany, they all lied not only to the public but also to me. I strongly believe Syria is controlled by a mix of ex-German royalties = ex-Nazis + their relatives the English royalties + Turks and that is why they are using the religion Alawi because it comes among others not from Arab countries but from Turkey. To make it short today I am more than sure that this project Calypso was to deliver satellite computers to Syria was actually not for Syria but rather for Iran to help them control the general public after the converted this country from a kingdom to an alleged Islamic state as cover up for mass illegal drugs plantations as mentioned in my other complaint pages in more details. In other words, the Saudi Arabians and other Petroleum countries + English royal families  + Rockefeller families are using Iran for pure illegal drugs plantations while staging a cold and hot war with Iran as cover up for the illegal drugs just as they were doing in Cuba, Golden Triangle, and other areas, where the American and/or English and or Israel military is located or nearby for military transportation. Meaning the alleged helicopter accidents as they were allegedly trying to rescue the Americans from the American embassy in Tehran during that revolution, but they were not able to because they did not want to show as if the Islamic revolution in Iran is already controlling the country and they are now enemies, which was and still is far from the truth (

_hostage_crisis). The illegal drug business is over 300 Billion tax free US Dollar yearly revenue alone in USA, yet they sell it in every country where there is American and/or British military bases from Japan to Germany to Italy and Spain to all over USA and in countless other countries.


Back to the project Calypso that these criminals used to brainwash me and steal literally everything from me, enslaved me under the whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA where they forced me to live as an illegal alien for 15 years with not rights what so ever = slave + hostage and prisoner of these criminals and psychopaths Bush family that is responsible for kidnapping me as cover up for the Rockefeller and English royal families and in the name of US national security!


In other words, the project Calypso was for Iran using Syria as proxy, where Iran  that just made a Islamic revolution in 1978 and was not able to get Iran under control as the government of the previous shah was able to (
), when you look at the shah photo you will notice he has a lot of look similarity to the ex-Syrian president called Hafez Al-Assad alias the father of the current mass murderer Syrian president Bashaar Al-Assad ( and both have some similarities to ex-US president George H. W. Bush  and the ex-US president George H. W. Bush has a lot of similarities to king George VI, not to forget that Bush + Rockefeller + English royalties are partners in countless crimes!


End of Added


Here I will list the brainwash situations that they performed enable to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me to USA, where they kept me as a hidden hostage living allegedly free as an illegal alien in a total controlled environment.


Detail will follow.


Added on 12.05.2019 and updated on 27.08.2019:

For details on how I was brainwashed, enslaved under a CIA, MI6, BND and BP-British Petroleum whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, and then kidnapped to USA to be used as a blackmail object against my biological family while preventing me to visit the members of my fake family in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Germany, Switzerland and the UK and while also forcing me to raise one of the hidden children of the evil CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum whore agent and lookalike of Najlaa Mahmoud in the UAE, Saudi Arabia or Jordan that was hired to be a top government official, and while forcing me to believe that this fake son is my own biological son, more evil than this, I have never heard or seen before or after in my entire 67 years of slavery life!


See the following 3 pages for these details:

1.     The page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

2.     The page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2

3.     The page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3

Since I already wrote the details of kidnapping me from Germany in the above-mentioned pages, then there is no need to place them here also. Therefore, this page is completed.