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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-

Summary of my life as hidden slave


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This page was created on 28.06.2023 and completed on 17.10.2023, updated on 27.10.2023 (=fixed typing errors only)


This page is the summary of all my complaint pages.


Important note: originally, I wanted to create 2 subjects in this page, which are a summary page of my complaint pages in roughly 3-4 pages, yet I discovered many new, partially hidden from me, information, and I think it is better to place it in a separate page, in this page, and not to add to the already completed pages. In addition, I created a replacement for the page "I want justice" which is to be found in the last section of the below index named "Conclusion and I am asking for justice!".



Important note-1 (Added on 20.03.2024): The section Titled (34 pages) “Summer 1969 to December 1975: total slavery and total isolation through American military in Germany” was moved to the page Conclusion-extension-2.htm, and replaced with a short one page description of the content


Important note-2 (Added on 20.03.2024): The section Titled (25 pages) “Conclusion and I am asking for justice!” was moved to the end of the page I-Want-Justice.htm, and replaced with a note about this change.




-         Introduction (≤ 10 Pages)

-         Summary from kidnapping me as an infant in 1950s and until 2023  (≤ 86 Pages)

o   11.1951 to 09.1960: Child Forced slavery (≤ 1 Page)

o   Summer 1960 to summer 1969: The destruction of the child’s mind trough hidden slavery (≤ 1 Page)

o   Summer 1969 to December 1975: total slavery and total isolation through American military in Germany (≤ 28 Pages)

o   December 1975 to September 1977: Preparing for a long-term persecution by misusing religions (≤ 3 Pages)

o   September 1977 to December 1983: Temporary freedom with hidden destructive setups as preparation for a long-term isolation and slavery (≤ 27 Pages)

o   1976-1985: Slavery through immigration in Germany (≤ 5 Pages)

o   January 1984 to 2023:  isolation and slavery in the name of democracy and freedom of USA + UK in Germany + Netherlands (≤ 3 Pages)

§  1984 to 2001: total Lockup and isolation of the past and the life itself  (≤ 11 Pages)

§  2001 to 2016: Lockups, and re-brainwash  (≤  3 Pages)

§  2016 to current in August 2023:  very limited freedom, only to write about my past!!?? (≤ 2 Pages)

Summary from January 1984 to September 1987, brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA as a slave (≤ 76 Pages)

-         Persons used repeatedly in brainwash situations as distraction of the real psychopath criminals (≤ 10 Pages)

-         December 1983 to October 1987 brainwash, enslaving and kidnapping (≤ 40 Pages)

o   December 1983 to January 1984: Dragging me to the Illegal Calypso Project  (≤ 3 Pages)

o   February 1984 to Spring 1984: Preparing me for a re-brainwash  (≤ 1 Page)

o   Spring 1984 to September 1984: Severely re-brainwashing me  (≤ 4 Pages)

o   September 1984 to 20 October 1984: step ONE of destructing my life and killing my life inside out  (≤ 10 Pages)

o   20 October 1984 to 24 December 1984: step TWO of destructing my life and the Isolation until slavery  (≤ 6 Pages)

o   25 December 1984 to End of September 1986: step THREE of destructing my life and begin of total slavery for 15 years  (≤ 3 Pages)

o   End of September 1986 to November 1986 step: FOUR of destructing my life and preparing for isolation and total lockup  (≤ 1 Page)

o   November 1986 to March/April 1987: step FIVE of destructing my life and isolation through controlled (trusted) environment  (≤ 3 Pages)

o   April/May 1987 to September 1987: step SIX of destructing my life and the total isolation and total lockup in the most evil country on this earth = USA  (≤ 12 Pages)

o   September 1987 to February 2001: the total isolation and total lockup by killing the mind  (≤ 1 Page)

-         Misusing religions to enslave people! (≤ 28 Pages)

Conclusion and I am asking for justice! (≤ 22 Pages)

o   Short explanation (≤ 5 Pages)

o   List of requested justice (≤ 10 Pages)

o   Explanation notes (≤ 9 Pages)



Important Note: when a group of people brainwash a person and do to him as they did to me since 1960, they place their thoughts, attitude, and description of their character and behavior in his/her mind. And if their victim get the chance to analyze his life and his memory and recognize the brainwash, then he also understand that these thoughts + forced upon him situations are nothing else than the description of his brainwashers. Therefore, and today I can and to larger part know how the brainwasher think and what they did, and what they are doing and what they are going to do, which you can clearly see in my complaint pages, especially when I suggest a solution to the problems they cause, because it is their pattern, just like if you see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then you know what is following is 6,7,8,9,10…

 (Go to Index)

Introduction (Go to Index)

12.10.2023. Important note about the language used within this page: in this page I use descriptive language such as prostitute, pimp, whore, "mother fucker". On 13.10.2023 I removed the word "mother fuckers". You might think this is vulgar or rude to use this kind of language and if you think so I would like to apologize to you in advance and explain why I am using these words. Here are the reasons:

1.           Sometimes it is hard for me to find the right words.

2.           I use these words because they exactly describe their doings, which you can clearly see once you finish the entire page.

3.           I was forced to learn these words through the American military that took me by force of a very sadistic brainwash for isolation, re-brainwash and enslaving me under their hired prostitute Anita Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old in 1970.

4.           I was forced to learn these words after they kidnapped me in 1986 from Germany to USA and kept me by force as slave for 15 years as it is described in detail within my complaint pages and in this page.

5.           Since they taught me these words, which means it is their language and it is very clearly not mine, therefore I am using their language to make them understand me, because they have absolutely no understanding whatsoever for the freedom or for the wellbeing of others as you can clearly see in my entire complaint pages including this page.

6.           On top of all of the above, and since I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague, some unknown to me persons wakes me up 2-5 times on a daily basis until around 1 year ago they used to do that 5-6 days weekly, which very much means I sleep only 3-4 hours a day and the 7th day they let me sleep 7-8 hours, and some time they force upon me their sick fantasies while I am sleep and what we call dreams, then it starts all over again, yet since one year they are doing it on a daily basis and not allow me to have enough sleep, which makes me very tired and sometimes very sick, and there with I cannot concentrate and be very angry because I cannot stop these psychopaths of torturing me on a daily basis!


Finally, someone or more than one person wakes me up in nighttime every single day 2-5 times, and therefore I am always tired, cannot concentrate and very aggressive and angry, because I cannot protect myself against these criminals. I believe there is at least 1-2 persons with telepathy either on my floor or the floors beneath me. Above all, I lost around 50-70% of the strength of my muscles due to the forced upon me sicknesses that led to my hospitalization each for 3 weeks on begin November 2021 and begin of November 2022, I believe the first was to 99% telepathy caused sickness, the second was a lung operation because the hospital claimed I have a tiny dot cancer. After the operation I lost the strength of my muscles and no matter what I do, I seem not able to restore my strength. For months after the lung surgery, I was not able to walk straight, and walk as if I am drunk, one step right and one step left and it repeats, yet because I was walking consistently on average 10-20 km per day, now I am able to walk straight. Yet my strength is almost 2-3 times per week so weak that I avoid many activities. On top of that, I had and still have little trouble breathing since the lug surgery. But also, it is among others due to some criminals wakes me up several times every single night and most of the times I cannot go back to sleep except with sleeping bills, yet they still can wake me up after 2-3 hours and this since at least 1 March 2016 in the so-called the city of justice called Den Haag/The Hague, where the international court is located!

End of Note


This page lists two highlights of my entire complaint pages, in the order of occurrences meaning sorted by dates.


Please note that there are many kinds of brainwash. The brainwash that they performed on me since 1960 is one of the most vicious ones, if not the absolute most sadistic and vicious one. And here I will give you 2 comparison examples that equals my life from 1960 and until current in 2023:

comparison examples 1: It is as if I lived all my on a ship, and this ship was always on high sea, and everyone I know is on this ship and everything I know is from this ship and everything I own is also on this ship. Suddenly the ship sank with everyone and everything on it (or all the ones I knew threw me of the ship in the middle of the ocean), and suddenly I was floating in high sea and do not know what hit me, and I am trying to understand what happened while simultaneously trying to find the seashore where I can save myself and this equals my life from summer 1960 and until summer 1999. I am still looking to save myself by looking for the seashore, and this equals my life from summer 1999 to 1 March 2016, Once I see the sea shore and land there I recognize that the ship was nothing else but jail on an isolated island and everyone around me was the master of slavery and own countless slaves and somehow I managed to get out or was pulled out and now I see that my mother was not my mother and my brother was not my brother and my sisters were not my sisters but rather the managers of the island I was locked up in and pretended to be my family along with all others. This brings me into a shock that I am trying to understand more of my past enable I can also come out of this shock.


comparison examples 2: my entire life from summer 1960 and until summer 1999 was as if someone forced me into a comma (= unconsciousness = blackout = a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness, caused especially by severe injury or illness.), then waked me up for a few years from September 1977 to 31 December 1983, during which I did not even notice that I was in comma. Starting 1 January 1984 and very suddenly I was put back into comma until summer 1999, then I was trying to find my life where I left it in 1983 and do not understand what happened to me since 1983, and suddenly I started to understand small piece at one given time yet not enough to make sense of all what happened to me. Starting 1 March 2016 I started to understand more and more that makes more sense and build a house of lies that I was living in, which pushed me into a never ending PTSD- Post-traumatic stress disorder, that I am trying to come out of, which is difficult because I cannot get anything back of what I lost from prior to 31 December 1983, because everything that happened to me after 31 December 1983 was 100% forced upon me = 100% slavery!


The above 2 comparison examples give a big picture of my life!


Please note that some situations and incidents mentioned below and in my entire complaint pages are for some people hard to believe, because they never heard or saw something like that before, and this is exactly the reason why these huge, organized crime families use these methods, or better said create situations that are hard to believe and therewith no one will even notice it.


These organized crime families I am complaining about are not 50 persons or 500 person or 6,000 persons, but rather they are several millions spread all over the world forming a very poisoning snake that eat the lives of billions of people and the head of this snake are the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + some of the ex-German royal families + my fake families + many others I know and do not know, yet I see the link to them and the pattern of them very clearly. And to organize these several Millions worldwide, the English royal family uses the organization called Freemasons that they took control of around the year 1600, which is around 423 years ago. Therefore, and to make more sense to you, please be patient until you read more to see the logic and concept of these organized crime families that have absolutely no moral values and no family values and are totally inhuman the only thing they know is money and the power to control others and for these 2 objectives they will sell their mother, father grand parents and children to enrich their selves while staying in control of governments that would guaranty not only their safety such as Donald Trump and the organized crime family Bush in USA did and still are doing but also it guaranties their continues illegal income through all kind of hidden crimes while stealing the tax payers money with all kind of hidden methods and the best way to see that is to look at the government finances in the UK + the USA that are constantly being stolen by these organized crime families, such as in giving subsidies to fortune 50 or fortune 500 companies which equals placing money in their own pockets, often in the hundreds of Billions, while they have 30% of the population do not know how they are going to pay the next rent or how they are going to feed their children and I saw that countless times in USA and in the UK, here is one example, in the UK the unemployment support for the general public and based on what I read on the Internet, starts after 6-8 weeks of being unemployed, which very much means after a person has spent all his savings to pay the bills for these 2 months, other countries such as in Europe, Japan, Korea and many others they pay unemployment support starting day one of being unemployed, another thing is that the UK pays 17% of the last received salary as unemployment support, meaning if my salary is 1000 Pound and now I am unemployed starting 1 January, the UK government will start giving me support starting March and pays me 170 pounds a month, which will not even cover the rent, and believe me the rent in the UK is higher than any place I saw, and there with the English savage government forces their own population to be poor to force them to be busy trying to work several underpaid jobs and then they have no time for anything not even to think, which is a very sadistic and vicious mass brainwash strategy that I also saw in USA and in the Middle East to force the people not to have enough time to communicate with others and try to discuss with them the joint problems and then protest against this savage governments such as it is the case in the UK and in USA and I was forced to see that first hand. Yet many people worldwide think that UK and USA have the best freedom and democracy in the world and this due to the propaganda through the huge mass media owned by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and their relatives worldwide such as CNN, BBC, SKY, Fox, Al Jazeera and countless others that do nothing else but propaganda and mass brainwash by lying to the general public day in and day out at least by not reporting the real problems of our lives, and there with they do force people to think that they are in the best country of the world, better than African country that they already stole long time ago, or South American or even European countries, which is far from the truth, most European countries, at least the western part of Europe, even though they are by far not perfect, yet they take care of their own population 10 times to 100 times better than the USA and the UK combined do for their people because USA + UK see their own population as their stupid slaves and they also did the same to me since 1960.


I will start with the first thing that happened to me in 1952 and 1960 and until current in the form of summary highlight points. My goal is to limit this page to 3-4 pages. In other words, the entire complaint pages that consist of several thousand pages will be condensed to this 3-4 pages. Which is very difficult to-do, that is why I have 2 different summaries as follow:

1.           Shorter summary of brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA from 1984 until 1987. Which is within the above point!

2.           Longer summary from kidnapping me as an infant in 1950s and until 2023 (roughly 175 pages)



After the summary pages, I will write a small conclusion asking for justice of the main thieves that literally stole everything in my life, whereby, here too I am limiting it only to 3 governments + Aramco + the English royal family, even though many performed severe damages upon my life, yet they all were directly or indirectly working for these five. Also note that US government is the representative of the main criminals that stole everything in my life, which are:

1.    The English royal family with all their hidden branches that control a major part of USA.

2.    Their relatives the Rockefeller families with all their hidden branches

3.    Their relatives the Bush families that control a major part of USA

4.    And many others that stretches to the Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas, USA and the companies Haliburton, Chevron, Fluor Corporation in Irving, Texas, USA as well as Companies in Munich, Germany, and other areas (Note: Fluor Corporation was formally Fluor Daniel in Sugarland, Texas, USA)

5.    Last but not least ARAMCO, the evil Saudi Arabian petroleum company owned and operated by the Rockefeller family while they are hiding it as an alleged owned by Saudi Arabian Royal family that persecuted me to death using among other Siemens AG, British Petroleum and the Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah and Malas families in Jordan + Saudi Arabia + UAE + Kuwait + Oman.


Here are other subjects mentioned within this page:

1.           Please note that the best and largest source of information we have today and worldwide and from my point of view is the website, among others because it support countless languages. Very unfortunately not all information is correct, and many history facts are fabricated, especially about the Middle East, yet this is not the fault of the founders and also the current maintainers of, but rather it was created by certain people that love to fabricate history and then force it upon others in schools since the year 1455, in this year the first printing machine was invented to print among others also books, some people love to hide facts by manufacturing other fictional stories. Wikipedia created a system that allow people worldwide to add useful information to their library, because people have often better knowledge about hidden facts and information than the national and international media that is mainly owned by controlling families such as the English royal families and the American Rockefeller families.

2.           Who and what do my fake family consist of, such as religions and nationalities as well as their locations?

2.1.             Nationality wise My fake family are 100% organized crime family as sub organization of the English royal families and the American Rockefeller families and the ex-German royal families and other hidden royal families that all build a very large, sadistic and vicious organized crime family networked together using the organization Freemason and therewith they control several government such as but not limited to, USA, UK, parts of Germany, most of the Middle East such as Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and all countries bordering Saudi Arabia the so-called Arab Petroleum countries as well as the 54 Common Wealth countries and others. And to be specific, my immediate fake relatives, such as fake mother, fake 3 sisters, fake brother, nephew, nieces, uncles aunts, cousins, great uncles and great parents all pretend to be Syrian, yet they are Germans, Swiss, French, British, Italians, Greek, Turkish, Americans, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaitis, Omanis, Bahrainis, Yemini, from UAE and other countries also and  most probably also Dutch, because I was not able to be free since 23 years in the Netherlands by force of the evil American and German and Dutch governments and before that 15 years in USA and before that 17 years in Germany (with exceptions of 5 years from 1977 to 1983)

2.2.             The above-mentioned organized crime families and today they are not prejudice against anything as long as they can maintain their power and make a ton of money anyway whatsoever, including but not limited to illegal drugs, and by far their biggest area worldwide is the following countries Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Myanmar, the last 3 are the largest opium producers worldwide.

2.3.             They pretend anything they want, they are the best actors worldwide, not even Hollywood or Bollywood actors can compete with them, therefore, they are always on both sides and all sides, such as in USA they are within the Democratic party and the republican party and as independent politicians = their version of win/win situation, because whenever a political party win the one or other election, they are always within it. It does not stop there; they also control countless Christian denominations, Muslim denominations, Jewish denominations, and even Hindi denominations as well as others.

2.4.             They own countless businesses in many countries and therewith they can manipulate anyone very destructively at any time.

2.5.             All the above mentioned are described in detail and with facts and many proofs, also and especially in this page.

3.           Where did Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and his wife really originated from and who are they really working for?

3.1.             Jürgen Möllemann a very corrupt German politician that passed away in 2003 and his wife named "Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff", and above all I recognized that he had 2 lookalikes that he exchanged places with, and these 2 are members of my fake family named Mohi Sabri and Dr. Basam Baroudi, and his wife I recognize as my original fake sister named Moni Najar that helped in kidnapping me as an 8 years old and taking me to Cairo Egypt in January 1960, then disappeared in February or March 1961 and in 1965/66 they replaced her with a lookalike named Mona Abokurah from Amman, Jordan that pretended to be Syrian, and today lives in Washington D.C.. Below you can recognize these facts based on her photograph.

4.           Are Israeli government as well as the Palestinian governments working in the interest of their population?

4.1.             The answer is most definitely not, and this is not my opinion, but the facts of their religious book as well as their very aggressive behavior towards Palestinians but also towards countless others, including mistreating Jewish, yet in the hidden.

4.2.             I was an IT professional until the year 2000, and as such and whenever I have a problem and need a solution, then I would go to the root of the problem, and the root of the problem in the conflict between Israel and Palestinians is 2 different  reasons, root-1=reason-1 is 100% unverifiable because it is religious reasons that today I know it was fabricated as cover up for other reasons, which are also mentioned with details and proofs in the page conclusion and some within this page. However the root-2=reason-2 is verifiable, which is in 1948 and after the second world war the British government and the US-American government by using the British general named Belfort, said to the Jewish people, and in particular in UK, Europe and USA, that they are going to give them their own land where they can build their own country, and stole this land from the Palestinians and gave it to them. The official reason was based on root-1=reason-1 allegedly due to religious reasons based on 3, 500 years ago = unverifiable because it could be fabricated, and that is my belief based on facts as it is laid out in the page conclusion. The real hidden reason for creating the country Israel is mainly 2 reasons, that are laid out in the page conclusion with proofs, here is the short version, to get rid of Jewish and place many of them in a controlled environment, which is the pattern that has been often used in the past, and in their new environment, they are in constant fight for survival, because the British and their allies stolen the land of Palestinians and forced the Palestinians since 1948 to be locked up in a land that constantly is getting smaller because Israel is annexing one piece of the land every a few years, and there with the Palestinians have lesser and lesser land and are fighting for survival officially against Jewish, yet this is a deceive situation created by the British, and therefore both Jewish and Palestinians are fighting each other’s based on the wrong reasons and because they were set up against each other’s as distraction of the real reasons, which is to get rid of Jewish, while using them to create the largest American-British military base that has one goal, which is to protect the hidden properties of the English royal families and their partners the American Rockefeller families and others, and this also is laid out in my complaint pages with proofs, these properties are 100% the following countries: Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and parts of Yemen, and Iraq as petroleum countries but also and in the hidden Syria, Lebanon, and Iran as illegal drug countries, and also some African countries including but not limited to Libya, Nigeria, Niger, Somalia, Ethiopia and many others, which makes Israel not only the fastest response possible in case a military is needed right now, but also and from my point of view based on the facts of the world history of the UK and the Jewish, that the UK and USA are 100% misusing Jewish as spies in the Middle East just as they have been using them since at least 400 years, possibly even a couple of centuries earlier, in other words, they are brainwashing and setting up countless innocent Jewish persons and even families to be professional spies as family hidden business since so long that they are not aware any more what they have been pushed into by the British, or better said by the English royal families, that and based on the facts of our history created a copycat (=imitation) Islam from India and modified it to suit their vicious goals of conquering and enslaving the world as they did to the 54 Commonwealth countries using Jewish and also Muslim soldiers from India and in particular Muslim, by kidnapping them and forcing them to be slave soldiers, and they still doing that today, and that is why you will find that most of the soldier in the above mentioned so-called Arab Petroleum countries, mainly Indian and Pakistani soldiers

4.3.             And this is the root problem of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that is causing literally countless death on both sides, no one have a clue how many died since 1948 just because of this Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To give you an example of this countless death see next point.

4.4.             Since 7 October 2023 and on the Palestinian side: The death toll in Gaza has risen to more than 4,200, and 70 percent of the dead are women and children. More than 13,000 people have been injured = on Palestinian side, and more than 700,000 Palestinian in Gaza Strip had to escape to the south. And still counting (added on 18.12.2023: some news report 15,000 death others over 20,000 deaths only on Palestinian side, of which over 99% are civilians of which 40% women and children. End of added)!

4.5.             On the Israeli side: About 1,400 people were killed in Israel during the Hamas attacks on October 7, and more than 4,000 people have been injured. A couple of thousands Israeli farmers were relocated by the Israeli government from North of Israel at the Lebanese border area. And still counting!

5.           Antisemitism = Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews. This sentiment is a form of racism, and a person who harbours it is called an antisemite. Please note, even though the word Semitism means allegedly Arabs and Jewish = brainwash created by some Germans university professors in around the year 1770 that wanted to classify/categorize the people as mean of mass brainwash, because among others the wording Arab and Jewish, which is mixing the alleged race = Arab with religion = Jewish that are also and by some scientist, also from around that time in Germany, related the Semitism to people from north Asia = confusion, above all and during that time the average literacy worldwide was far below 20% and in Europe below 30%.


Summary from kidnapping me as an infant in 1950s and until 2023 (Go to Index)


11.1951 to 09.1960: Child Forced slavery


I have no solid proof for this point, except conclusions based on the facts of my life and the solid pattern in my life that repeated itself from 1960 to 1999. I strongly believe that my birthdate was modified/falsified by around 4-12 months and made me up to one year younger. In other words, my official birthdate in October 1952 is most definitely wrong and very possibly made me up to one year younger, meaning I believe I was possibly born in November 1951, 3 months before the death of King George VI that I strongly believe to be my biological father. After his death I was used by queen Elizabeth the second, alias most probably my older sister, as a decoy vacation son. In other words, she along with her hidden huge international brotherhood placed me with some woman in some city and that woman was pretending to be my mother. And then Queen Elizabeth would go to this city for vacation and exchange places with this woman pretending to be same local woman with her same son, me, just to have a vacation in this city while not being recognized as queen Elizabeth the second. And this vacation was somewhere between a few days to even a few months. And then they would place me with another woman or the same woman but in another city and country using the same scheme to allow queen Elizabeth  the Second to have a vacation while pretending to be the local woman and my mother in this city, that possibly stretched from Hong Kong to Shanghai, to Japan, to Moscow, to India to Europe, Africa and north and south America, and I strongly believe that after each relocation to another fake mother or city or country they would cause me a total amnesia to not recognize anything and no one will ever notice that a small infant boy of 2 years and even until his age of 8 years old has total amnesia, which very much means that they caused me an irreparable damage in my memory + logic + mental state of mind + feeling as a human being, for them I was a toy robot that they can do with what they want. In August or September 1960 was the last time that Queen Elizabeth used me as a vacation decoy while she was pretending to be my all-new fake mother named Hayat Baroudi an alleged Syrian, then in 1965/66 made it look like as if I am related to the Jordanian royal family, by adding a new fake brother to my life that in reality is the son of king Hussein of Jordan that pretending to be my Syrian brother, and all this as distraction of Queen Elizabeth the second and her very nasty sadistic, vicious and totally inhuman huge brotherhood that today I estimate this brotherhood to be in 6 or 7 figures, which is described in details with photos within my complaint pages. And it did not stop there and later they implicated me falsely with counterfeit US Dollars, illegal drugs, being allegedly member of the terrorist group PLO, being an alleged member of ex-Soviet Union agents/spies ring, and much more to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to pretend to be persecuting me for these alleged crimes, yet in reality they were totally isolating me to prevent not only others but also me to understand the situation I am in. I may be wrong, and I am not the son of king George VI the father of queen Elizabeth the second, yet I am more than positive that these criminals and psychopaths’ English royal family used me as vacation decoy as mentioned above.




Summer 1960 to summer 1969: The destruction of the child’s mind through hidden slavery (Go to Index)


Note added on 18.12.2023: This note is a bit long, but it clearly shows that these people are mentally sick. After the year 2016, I started to discover that I had total amnesia when I was a child. In the beginning I thought I had total amnesia in summer 1959, then the more I analyze my past and the content of my memory the  more I recognize the total amnesia date. Today I am more than positive they caused me total amnesia sometimes after spring or even summer 1961, because I have absolutely no memory whatsoever with my 2 fake sisters in Cairo, Egypt, where we had one joint bedroom in a 5-room apartment. These 2 sisters’ official names kept on changing, because each one of them had at least one double that exchanged places with and had similar but different names. I was allegedly born in 1952, which makes me 8 years old in January 1960, and no 8 years old would ever forget waking up or going to sleep in the same room as his 2 older sisters = 100% total amnesias, that was manmade and caused sometimes and most definitely after spring or even summer 1961. These 2 sisters are as follows: Sister-1: named Fadia Najar later Fadia Shawki later Fadia Nagar and was allegedly born in 1942, which makes her 18 years old in January 1960. Sister-2: named Afrah Najar alias Moni Najar, later Mona Abokurah, and later Mona Najjar, was allegedly born 1940, which makes her 20 years old in January 1960.


Also, and here I have no prove for it except the most odd situations of my past, which is, it is very possible that sister-1 mentioned above was a man disguised as a woman because of the following situation: allegedly in 1961 my fake sister Fadia Najar married to our neighbor named Afaf Shawki, what is odd about this neighbor is that he was a civilian pilot working for the Egyptian airline and sharing an apartment next door with another follow pilot that was Canadian, this pilot had a lot of look similarities to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (,_Duke_of_Edinburgh ) the official husband of queen Elizabeth the second. Their apartment was right next to the landlord apartment named Aziz and was Indian, today I know it was not coincident that the owner was Indian and had a 2 floor building with 8 apartment he lived in one and rented out the 7 others, of which at least 4 tenants were most suspicious and related directly but in the hidden to my fake mother, one of them pretended to be Palestinian Sheikh (=Muslim priest) and allegedly owned a paper factory in Cairo Egypt. Today I strongly believe he was Israeli spy pretending to be Palestinian, whereby I saw a few of these spies pretending to be Palestinians. Back to my sister marrying the Pilot, after getting married they moved to another apartment directly opposite the Air Force airport named Almaza in Heliopolis in Cairo, Egypt, where I strongly believe some relatives of the bush families also lived next door. Shortly thereafter, and I cannot exactly recall when, possibly in 1961 or 1962, my fake sister Fadia Najar now called Fadia Shawki and her husband Afaf Shawki went to the country Yemen because his employer the Egyptian Airline allegedly sent him there to train Yemini pilots. This Afaf Shawki had several brothers and sisters, one of them was younger than him named Elwie Shawki and was also a pilot for the same Egyptian airline. 2-3 years later and after they returned from Yemen to Cairo, and here where I have a very odd situation, it is possible that I misunderstood the situation, you be the judge: my fake sister somehow changed, her habits and the way she talks and what she eats, now she likes Italian super market and uses a couple of Italian words, not to forget at that time the Italian car manufacturer Fiat opened an assembly factory in Cairo and lied to the people claiming Egypt is building it is own cars called “Nasr” meaning victory, in short, everything points out this is a different woman. She allegedly was pregnant, but and as far as I recall she did not have a pregnant abdomen/stomach, yet and suddenly she wanted to give birth and the mother of Afaf Shawki, name forgotten, she acted as a Doula ( to allegedly help my fake sister in delivering a baby. I was in the apartment, but I was not allowed to be in the room during the delivery. There was no doctor or a registered nurse, only this old woman, the official mother-in-law of my fake sister, that was around 60 years old and 160 cm tall and maybe 100 kg weight = at least 40 kg overweight, and suddenly this old woman comes out of the room holding something in her hand that looked like a piece of 2 kg meat without skin and said the baby is dead and took it to the trash. Today I believe this was an act!


One Year later she allegedly gave birth to her alleged daughter Esmat Shawki and a year later gave birth to her alleged son Essam Shawki, both lived between Saudi Arabia and the UK and I strongly believe they are the children of my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi that is living in Saudi Arabia and I strongly believe he is a member of the Saudi royal family and the Saudi government, and also and most probably he is the older brother of Prince Andrew, Duke of York (,_Duke_of_York), and this is due to their look and countless situations around my life


Today I see the possibility that this first pregnancy delivery was fake and an act to force my mind and the mind of others that this woman is the same woman as the one went to Yemen 2 years earlier and she allegedly get conceived in Yemen, but this alleged first pregnancy was a failure delivery as described above. Another point is that she was officially married to Afaf Shawki for almost 3 years, and she did not get pregnant (?????!!!!!), where usually a person in these days of 1960s and in the Middle East get pregnant the first year of marriage. Since I know that the 2 official children of my fake sister Fadia Najar are 100% not of Afaf Shawki, because Afaf Shawki was dark and very short, his mother (name forgotten) was dark and very short, his father named Hamed Shawki was very skinny and also dark and very short just like Afaf Shawki was around 160 cm tall and wide boned, meaning wide shoulders big feet, big hands that did not fit his body size. Since Americans and British government are trying since at least the second world war to take over Yemen by using Saudi Arabia, but they did not succeed, and since today I know that my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias now she is named Fadia Nagar and not Najar (my fake brother last name is Naggar, my other fake sister Mona is names Najjar and my name is Najar which very much equals each one has a different last name because we are not brothers and sisters). In short I strongly believe that my fake sister Fadia Najar that allegedly went with me to Cairo, Egypt in January 1960, was a man spy that was distant to go to Yemen and stay there, and was replaced by a real woman after they returned from Yemen to Cairo Egypt, some times in 1963 or 1964 or even 1965, I am not sure any more of the date due to all the severe brainwash and stressing my life to prevent me of understanding anything. And that would explain why they caused me total amnesia after spring or summer 1961 to prevent me of remembering any details of my alleged 2 sisters that disappeared of my life, one in spring 1961 and the other within one year thereafter, meaning sometimes in 1962, and who knows maybe they caused me a total amnesia in 1962, yet I am more than positive it was after spring or summer 1961.


I may have misunderstood the pregnancy situation, yet everything else is accurate and total chaos for the mind to prevent others to understand and see through these severe brainwash situations = lie situations. End of note.


I am now in Cairo Egypt officially since 15 January 1960, yet they caused me a total amnesia around August or September 1960, and added to my brain fake memories, that I cannot 100% verify, yet I can 100% verify some of it after January 1960 as it is described how we relocated to Cairo, Egypt allegedly from Damascus, Syria and what happened from January 1960 and until end of summer 1960. Also, I was able to verify that prior to January 1960 all my memory were 100% fake as it is also described among others in the page ‘kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children’. In Egypt I was totally mistreated, and sexually rapped by many men and youth as mean of brainwash and to force my mind to think that I did all that voluntarily and I should be a shamed of myself and I do not even want to think about these times, which is very much a very mean and most sadistic brainwash strategy to prevent the brain to remember that time, and to try to understand it, while forcing their victim to think he is allegedly homosexual and they were doing all yet to come to help him or treat him, yet and after I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1.3.2016 seeking protection of this very destructive and sadistic brainwash and continuous persecution, and here in the city of Den Haag/the Hague I was able to analyze my past and understand it, and I strongly believe with the help of some unknown to me locals that used telepathy to help me or even force my mind to go over or bridge this very sadistic brainwash strategy of fear and shame and do not want to think about it and the result of this help and today I understanding my past as it is described in this summary pages. Also, in Cairo Egypt I was linked by force of brainwash to hidden escaped Nazis among others are the family Queder/kwader family and close to them also the Aljumaiee family living directly opposite the Airforce airport called Almaza in Cairo, Egypt, and their neighbor’s alias the landlord of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar. This landlord name was Dr. Lapeep, an alleged Egyptian dentist, yet his son’s look is 100% identical to the look of ex US president George H. W. Bush as he was young and his photographs of 1950s and 1960s are to find on the Internet. This Dr. Lapeep was most probably not a dentist, most probably was either the father of George H. W. Bush himself or his very, very lookalike brother or cousin, among others he was most of the time on business trips. His son named Hani Lapeep, was one of the persons that was used to rape me. This while their neighbor Aljumaiee family had a woman named Farida and was the alleged friend of my fake sister at that time named Fadia Shawki, the brother of this Farida was named Ali, and was for a while the friend or boyfriend of the same mentioned fake sister. This Ali Aljumaiee he limped with one leg as if he had a severe accident with it. He had red hair and red freckles all over his white body. His alleged younger brother named Hishaam pretended for a short period to be my friend, he was around 2-4 years older than me, his look was identical to the look of the father of Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush, all this very much shows that they went a lengthy way to unlink/disassociate me of the English royal family and queen Elizabeth the second and placed me right here!


Summer 1969 to December 1975: total slavery and total isolation through American military in Germany (Go to Index)

Important note: this section was renamed to “ex-German vice Chancelor “Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann” alias Mohi Sabri” and relocated to the page Conclusion-Extension-2, and below is only one-page short description. End of important note.


In short, this section was about the ex-German Vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and his wife Mrs. Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff, and both I strongly believe that they were spies working for one of the following countries, listed in order of highest possibility:

1.   UK-United Kingdom

2.   USA-United States of America

3.   Israel

4.   Ex-German royal families (very remote possibility)

5.   One of the Arab countries, which is out of the question and totally impossible, because each single Arab country in East Africa and in West Asia are 100% controlled by the first 3 and possibly also number 4 listed above in cooperation with other countries such as India and others!

6.   Or a combination of some or all the above!


And since ex-German Vice Chancelor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann used to go to Cairo, Egypt between 1963 and 1968 and house at our apartment in Cairo, pretending to be a local police officer and boyfriend of my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and he was used to rape me the first time and the only time in around 1965/1966, this means 100% that these criminals took me to Germany to blackmail him and force him to do what they want, and just before he reached a higher German government position these mother fuckers brainwashed me and enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA where they literally kept me as slave for 15 years and as I tried to escape USA in middle of June to the middle of July in the year 2000 by living in the Houston, Texas International Airport called George H. W. Bush International Airport, during which I was trying to find a way to smuggle myself on an airplane back to Germany, then I was arrested twice and in July 2000 and imprisoned in deportation prison near the Airport and deported to the Netherlands where I was in one way or another locked up until summer 2012 and ever since I am forced to live in this country that I totally dislike. The details including photographs are in the page  Conclusion-Extension-2


December 1975 to September 1977: Preparing for a log term persecution by misusing religions  (Go to Index)


I was forced to be asylum seeker in Germany from around 15 January 1970 and until current January 1976, which is 7 years of pure slavery, and I do not even notice it due to many factors among others because my intelligence was totally damaged through total amnesia in September 1960 and the repeated re-brainwash and isolation to prevent me of learning anything of anyone. Until current in January 1976 my immigration attorney was provided to me for free by the Bavarian government through the organization named Caritas, which is a subdivision of the Catholic church of Bavaria, whereby the state of Bavaria (the largest state in Germany, land wise) has the official state religion as Catholic and percentage wise and at that time in 1970s it was nearly 70% of the population Catholics, now it is much less, possibly just over 50%. My all-new immigration attorney was forced upon my mind by the criminal CIA/MI6 agent Anita Disbray in cooperation (and that is my conclusion/guess based on what happened to me after that) the Bavarian government or some other German authority. Anita Disbray 100% had telepathy and totally controlled me with it, that totally killed my own intelligence because I was not allowed to think, this new attorney was a private one and the most famous one in the state of Bavaria and one of the most famous ones in all of Germany, and this alone to force my mind to trust his judgment and his help suggestions (!?), his name was Rolf Bossi, he was catholic (based on the internet info of 2021/2023) and suggested, after me being 7 years as asylum seeker on waiting status, to change my religion to Christianity, then I would be immediately recognized and approved as refugee (7 years as asylum seeker on waiting status in Germany = 100% brainwash and to prevent me to leave the country and visit members of my family,  that turned out to be NOT my biological family but rather pretending to be my family, and some of them were Germans and I did not even know that at that time, and this while they were covering up for queen Elizabeth the second that used me as decoy son for her worldwide vacations, last time was Cairo Egypt in 1960, and therewith this new fake family of mine became my actual kidnappers and criminals their selves). Back to my all new attorney Rolf Bossi that then suggested the only way to come out of this asylum seeker trap is to change my religion from Muslim to Christian (which was a lie, there were several other options, one of them everyone can verify, which is Anita Disbray was officially British and the UK was a member of the ECM-European Common Market the predecessor of the EU-European Union and therewith I was eligible for residence permit because I was the official spouse of a UK citizen, but they kept this hidden of me since 1973 and until 1976), and I was forced to see this as a big solution for all my immigration problems, because I was not allowed to think and was enslaved under the control of one sadistic psychopath British royal family member that now is pretending to be Anita Disbray allegedly 27 years old in 1976 while I am 23 years old, but in reality she was over 65 years old, possibly even over 70 years old in 1976. Then I was 100% delegated to go to the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city of Unterschleissheim that was over 1,200 Meters of our apartment and not easy to find,  and it was more complex to reach, while the catholic church called Sankt  Korbinian (saint Corbinian) was just 800 meters and practically on the same main street directly in the shopping area in that city at that time, which very much means that the Catholics and in particular the Bavarian government set me up to become Christian to help in creating a reason for persecution through my fake allegedly Muslim family, that some of them are 100% hidden escaped Nazis since the second world war, which all in all is creating a mass chaos in my life to cover up for queen Elizabeth the second and these mentioned Germans, while the very disgusting nasty sadistic slavery through the CIA + MI6 using a 60 years old woman in 1970 that officially had papers stating she is born in 24 August 1948 = the government is never to be trusted no matter what country it is, in matter of fact the more a country advertise for their alleged freedom and democracies such as USA and UK do, the less they can be trusted, this includes as number one USA + UK and as number two Germany, yet and at that time in 1970s and 1980s Germany had a plausible reason to betray me, which is they were enslaved their selves and divided more than ever in form of East and west German and would do anything to get reunited again, which they did in 1991 (, and the prove of all that is what these savages did to me from 1952 and until current in July 2023 and still counting! For me it is very sad because  I genuinely fell in love with Munich and in general in Germany as well as in this church called Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, and I still love them, among others because I was totally isolated from 1960 and until this point of time and now I am a member of a church that had over 2000 members and I get to know around 200 of them and around 25 very well and all of them were very good and nice people, and so I thought, not all of them, some were traitors and brainwashers as it is mentioned below, the problem here is not only I was setup to become Christian, but there were also 2 other major problems, which are, that a hand full of the members were 100% working against me with my fake and biological families and either the Bavarian government or the German federal government or both and I will prove it in next section, and all I need is one solid prove, which is 100% my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, as it is described below. CIA/MI6 + English royal family whore named Anita Disbray left my life unexpected in September 1977 and the reason she left now is because now I am surrounded by many members of the church, and the reason this is important is as follow:

1.   Since she had telepathy and controlled me with it since 20 August 1970, my brain was not fully functioning anymore, and I would not know what to do, because she was doing all the thinking and forcing it upon me, but also it is very possible that I would have performed countless crazy illogical things that very possibly would have landed me in a mental hospital.

2.   Also, and with so many Christian around my life, including the Catholic church, where we had a joint cooperation, no one will be able to come close enough to me enable they can not only help me out, but also try to know something about my past, and this is especially true because I strongly believe at least one couple of the church was most probably working for some German authority, possibly the BKA-Bundes Criminal Amt (similar to FBI) or BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (similar to CIA and MI6), and I have just one not very strong proof, as it is also mentioned in the next section. This mentioned couple, I will leave their name out, because I do not want anyone to get hurt.


September 1977 to December 1983: Temporary freedom with hidden destructive setups as preparation for a long-term isolation and slavery (Go to Index)


This section + the previous section will show you why I was set up to become Christian, which was a multipurpose set up. Also this section will show that the English royal family is persecuting me even before the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum get me into their own controlled environment starting January 1984 to re-brainwash me and literally force me with telepathy to do what they want, which was enslaving me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, then literally, stole everything from me, including my apartment on Winzerer Street 146a all the furniture in it, all the photograph of the prior whore agent Anita Disbray, stole my German legal residence permit and kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and kept literally as slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in the Netherlands on 11.2.2001 where I was very mistreated and locked up in various location using various methods until June 2012, this is nearly 13 years lock up in the Netherlands, that meant to force my mind to think that I had it better in USA and therewith prevent my mind to complain about the concentrated evil Bush family that did all that to me to cover up for the savages English royal family. In other words I was 100% enslaved by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum since day one they dragged me to their illegal project Calypso as it described in detail in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, and then locked up in one way or another and prevented to think freely, and live freely until at least June 2012, and there after I was pushed around with many relocations to prevent me to think, and today 2023 I am still busy with my slavery past, which very much means I was locked up since my birth and until current in 2023, with the exception of the period of September 1977 and until 31 December 1983, where I was semi free, and the reason I say semi, because I was used as blackmail object during the entire period. Last but not least to mention is, this section will show the big possibility that Avon Products/Avon Cosmetics, and this from my point of view based on the mentioned below situations, is a spy agency, oft used as and when is needed by the CIA and MI6 to spy on people directly at their homes, because they used it twice against me to cover up for my fake brother in Eching, Germany starting 1977 and again in Rye, New York, USA in October/November 1987.


My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar is at least 2 different very lookalike persons, and very possibly they are 3 different persons that has a very strong look similarities, and this because they are either brothers or cousins, and they exchanged places starting end of September 1970 until 1994, and without me noticing, one of these criminals is the son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king of Jordan named King Abdullah, add to that, that one of these very nasty and destructive persons that pretended to be my Syrian brother, was allegedly working for some one man company for free and allegedly he occasionally gets only bonuses when he complete a job, and this to coverup for his lack of employment and lavish spendings while he was having a German social apartment = the German or at least the Bavarian government was helping him to cover up his identity by giving him a social subsidized apartment while I am poor and was forced to pay usual rent, which was more than the double what this sadistic savage pays, add to that that I complained once to Mr. Klaus Fischer that my brother is being unfairly used by an unknown to me company and he is working as mainframe programmer for free. Mr. Klaus Fischer and his family were members of this church Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim and he was at that time director of the human resources at the company Avon Products/cosmetics at their German headquarter in Eching, Germany (later was promoted to be the director of Human Resources for Avon Cosmetics/also called Avon Products for entire Europe), Avon Products USA headquarter was in USA in the city Rey in the state of New York in USA and in Germany in the small city called Eching just around 2-3 km north of the city where I was living and is called Unterschleissheim, to make it short this Mr. Klaus Fischer, that was simultaneously the father of Detlev Fischer (pretended to be my friend) and the father-in-law of Mr. Walter something, last name forgotten, that was either the boyfriend or husband of Beate Fischer, that was working for Aldi in the same city, Beate Fischer was the daughter of Mr. Klaus Fischer while Walter and Detlev Fischer pretending to be my friends and often playing with me table tennis and going out with me or better said taking me along with them to gain my trust, and Walter was also working in the IT department of Avon Products/Cosmetics in Eching and allegedly in the same department as my fake brother. Forgot to mention my fake brother claimed to have gone to the same computer school as I went to between 1973 and 1974, Named Bayerische Fachschule Fuer Datenverarbeitung (in English Professional school for data procession, it is closed now) and I had a certificate of completion showing that I studied Mainframe programming and analysis, which was also stolen of me in the year 2000 in Houston, Texas USA through the concentrated evil American government just as they literally stole everything else of my life, where I attended classes daily Monday to Friday from 8 in the morning and until 13:00 hours, this is 5 daily hours from September 1973 and until June 1974, and this fake brother claimed to have went to the same school but in the evenings, whereby I never saw him there and I believed him at that that time, and he claimed he completed the one year course but never received a certificate like everyone else did = he lied, his knowledge of IT-Information Technologies and computer in general was 100% 0 (Zero), beside a large company like Avon Cosmetics would never hire someone graduated 3 years ago and has no certificate or references to prove it. In short, he never worked for Avon Cosmetics in Eching nor in Rey, NY, USA, because in April 1982 he claimed Avon Cosmetics relocated him from Eching Germany to their USA headquarter in Rye, NY, USA, which was 100% a lie and I was able to verify it later in various situations in 1986 to 1987, among others through the company called Connect Computer corporation ( + ( whereby the owner was Jewish and that is why they created a setup using him to force my mind to link everything to Jewish and Israel as distraction of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, to make it short I worked for a short period for them and suddenly also my fake brother was working for them, yet the owner told me after a few days that he wanted to fire him and claimed because my fake brother knowledge of computer was practically zero, I even fell for this brainwash situation and offered the owner, at that time was only 5-10 employees company, to work for him one month for free if he just does not fire my (fake) brother, but he refused, today I believe they created this situation to see if I can discover that Avon Products was helping in brainwashing me by pretending to be the employer of my fake brother. All this it breaks my heart because I trusted the church, and when persons I saw as my best friends in the church and they helped cover up for this savage and psychopath fake brother of mine in that they claimed he worked with them in the same company just to cover up for his unexplainable lavish spendings (such as in around 1976/1977 he purchased a brand new Ford sport’s car called Capri + purchased for himself and his alleged wife ski equipment’s and clothing’s worth far more than 5 thousand Deutsch Mark = 10 thousand Euro today, yet he was not working and had no official employment income, this alone shows you the level of destructive brainwash and telepathy control they used on me to prevent my brain to question things like that!!!), then I truly do not know who to trust any more, when my church friends claimed that they were work colleagues of my fake brother at Avon Products/Cosmetics, and they were most definitely not because neither Avon Products nor any other company in the world would ever hire a CIA agent that exchange places with at least another look alike and maybe even two that he exchange places with, while one of them is the son of king Hussein or even is member of the ARAMCO top management, which very much means he would never work as a mainframe programmer for a small company for just bonuses and that would also explain many things in my life. What is also very bad but not as bad as what the church members did, is that Avon Products/Cosmetics in Rye, NY, USA covered up for this criminal and thief by allowing him to walk freely in their IT department in roughly October 1986, while he took me with him to allegedly show me his working office, which was 100% an act. All this means that organized crime families have no limit on where they can be and where they came from and where they can go and what they pretend to be. Again, this is for me a very destructive shock because I loved the church and still do and the concept of the German churches as I saw it after I was set up to become Christian. I Became Christian, and I would do it again, but most definitely not at this church. Let us look at the situation again, if some members of this church are working with my fake family and the government against me and covering up for my fake brother, then they were 100% working with the women that the CIA + MI6 enslaved me under her control on 20.8.1970 and until September 1977, during which the lookalike of my original fake brother shows up for the first time in my life in September 1970 pretending to be coming from Amman, Jordan and as if he is the same person as from Egypt, and this at the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany, but also a new lookalike of my original fake mother Hayat Baroudi came also during that period of time at the American military base (this alone shows how criminals and psychopaths are the members of the American military, at least in Germany, and the American government) and again came later and was around my life after I was setup to become Christian as a part of the brainwash scheme and to blame only my fake allegedly Muslim family (if I learned anything in Egypt and from the many Muslims I met in many countries, is that they have more heart and would never do anything anywhere near what these savages and psychopath members of my fake family did to me repeatedly from 1960 until 2014, there after I refuse to have any contact with these psychopaths, and that is one of the reasons why I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague in Netherlands, seeking protection among others of these savages) and here and for the first time this evil woman appears in my life pretending to be my original fake mother from Egypt and this charlatan woman shows up in this church and city of Unterschleissheim in 1977 as Muslim covered up from head to toe, which she never did before = she is a new woman much fatter/overweight by at least 40 kg, and by her height of roughly 160-165 cm, this is a lot that I cannot even recognize her facial features and I am forced (=brainwash) to believe that this charlatan woman is the same fake mother from before. Also is very important to note, that the reason she came, was only to pretend to be against me being Christian, but in reality she was working with them to cover up for the CIA/MI6 + English royal family whore named Anita Disbray that pretended to be 30 years younger and also left me in September 1977 just a couple of months after my fake mother came, which very much means it was 100% an act for this whore Anita Disbray to blame my fake mother for leaving in September 1977, because in September 1977 I was separated of her very unexpectedly she left my life without warnings, and we officially get divorced in summer 1979 and I never saw her again, today I strongly believe that at least some of the church members were also covering up for this charlatan woman that was over 60 years old and I was forced by the American military to believe she was only 21 years old in 1970. All to coverup for my past and actual origin, because now and after I was setup to become Christian, I was heavily persecuted, then later enslaved again under the control of another most disgusting woman and kidnapped from Germany to USA for total isolation of not only others but also from my own past and of my own self to not allow me to understand anything by forcing me to concentrate only on survival as it is described in my complaint pages! Now Back to Mr. Klaus Fischer and his family, here are even more proves of the very destructive situation to my current life and future that resulted me being enslaved from 24.12.1984 and until 1 March 2016:

1.          Mr. Klaus Fischer had 5 children, 4 of which never showed up in the church, including Mr. Klaus Fischer himself and his wife, the only one that came to the church of this family was Detlev Fischer that in spring of 1976 as I get to know him was allegedly 19 years old, today I have my doubt over his age, it is very possible he was 3-6 years older.

2.          One of the 5 children was 17 years old in 1976 and was named Roland Fischer. He allegedly quit school without the knowledge or consultation of his family and then allegedly volunteered to be a nurse male at the Catholic Red Cross nursing school in some small town (name forgotten) north of Switzerland, and never seen him after that, as far as I recall he did not even come for a vacation to see his family, at least I was not told about it, and I saw his brother that pretended to be my friend and named Detlev Fischer until shortly before I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in September 1986. Today and through the Internet I found that the Red Cross was founded in Bern, Switzerland and it is headquarter is in Geneva Switzerland as well as it’s nursing school is not even in Switzerland, but rather in Sweden + +

3.          Mr. Klaus Fischer claimed about himself to be a member of the (English royal family brainwash organization) Freemason. But did not like it and left it, which was a 100% a lie, because no one can join the Freemasons, it is only by invitation, meaning the Freemason members see who they need for certain brainwash activity or even hidden illegal activity and then they look for a person matching their need and try to find someone within the Freemason that has something to do with this person and invite him through this Freemason member to join the most destructive organization in the world and this since around the year 1600, and they always make sure that whoever they invite would accept their invitation and that he would never leave + Not to forget that I was heavily brainwashed and enslaved through the Freemason since at least 1960 in Egypt and again after 15 January 1970 in Germany and again after 1986 in USA, and some of these most destructive brainwashes in these countries is described in some detail in my complaint pages.

4.          Starting 1978 Detlev Fischer and his family set me up so destructively as mentioned above, that my new friends in this church were not only avoiding me but literally pushing me away using severe hidden brainwash strategies to force me to leave the city Unterschleissheim and not to come back to the church, which is partially also described in my complaint pages, while blaming everything on my alleged Muslim fake family that today I know they were all working together, because many members of my huge fake family are 100% ex-German royal family members of Munich, Stuttgart and other parts of Germany and the prove for that is very easy, many members of my fake family are still in Germany even though they are top criminals and spies, including at least one of my fake sisters named Moni Najar, while her lookalike is in Washington D.C. USA, one of the several lookalikes of my fake mother, the Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa in Grünwald-Munich, Germany, my fake uncle an illegal drug trafficker named Dr. Farzat Baroudi on Waldweg in Hamburg, Germany, my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi (allegedly studied general medicine and later came to Germany) and most probably his alleged cousin (name forgotten, he was extremely short, maybe 155 cm, he allegedly studied dentistry), both studied medicine in Cairo, Egypt starting either September 1960 or 1961, and as far as I recall in the university of Ain Shams (in English: Eye of the sun) in Cairo, Egypt, where I was severely and most destructively brainwashed by some of their students, among others raped me very sadistically, and today I know why, because it is a very destructive brainwash strategy to force a person to be a shamed and not want to think about these times to not understand them and above all not to talk to others about these times. And here is the real reason, which is this is an international organized crime family dealing with all kind of illegal activities, many of them have telepathy and I saw that first hand and therewith it is not only through their destructive behavior but also they can use telepathy to force police not to detect them, because their number one business is 100% illegal drugs, and here is a prove that maybe not all can verify but most definitely many can verify, especially police and other government authorities, which is in 1960s and 1970s Syria and in general Syrian had one of the highest medical graduation per capita (meaning percentage wise per population of a country) in the world, more than 70% of these medical students were graduated in Syria and the rest and as a distraction were graduated in other countries such as Egypt as number 2, Turkey, name was changed to Türkiye and other countries, in other words, these illegal drug resellers go to Syria get a fake identity as Syrians just as all members of my fake family did, especially of the Baroudi family as described in the page “My fake family the Kidnappers”, then either study medicine in Syria, get a fake graduation from Syrian university, or then go with their new fake Syrian identity to other countries such as Egypt as many members of my fake family did in 1960s and described all over my complaint pages, study medicine and then either get a job  in Europe through legal manners and sponsorship of hospitals or go to Europe as fake refugees with medical graduation and then become a legal doctor in these European countries (Based on my knowledge some or most of European countries require foreign medical professionals to pass an exam locally enable to be recognized as a medical doctor and be allowed to practice as a medical doctor, such as in Germany, possibly also in the UK, France, Netherlands and other countries), and then they be 100% selling illegal drugs to some of their patients, and since many to all of them have telepathy, they can easily determine who they can sell to and is not possible to catch him/her as illegal drug user. Some of the psychopath Syrian medical doctors in Germany and in several cities persecuted me to almost death to cover up for my fake family and illegal drugs until the BP-British Petroleum starting 1 January 1984 started to brainwash me and then enslaved me on 24.12.1984 under the control of one of their prostitute agents named Najlaa Mahmoud that 100% had another 2 different lookalike that exchanged places with her and I never noticed, because at least one of them had telepathy and all of them were 100% protected by the followings: CIA + MI6 + Mossad + Aramco + Exxon/Esso + and very unfortunately for me also with the Fischer Family and at least some members of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of the city Bridgeport in the state of Connecticut in USA, that made sure I be locked up in USA as an illegal alien under the control of the BP-British Petroleum prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, real name of the other 2 lookalike are unknown to me, yet one of them was 100% married to some Saudi Arabian and the prove for that is the male prostitute alias my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi and his male prostitute son named Hani Baroudi and other male prostitute that 100% were working in upper management of Aramco in Houston, Texas and prevented me to get free of this slavery, where it is also described in my complaint pages how the company Texaco, Inc. in downtown Houston Texas and in the Bellair city section also of Huston Texas tried to help me get free, by manipulating me to get an apartment in an apartment complex where my supervisor at Texaco, Inc. also lived enable they can use Telepathy and other methods to help me get free, and this apartment I  was forced to think I am going to rent it in addition to the apartment I was living in and use this new apartment as business office, yet the male prostitute named Hani Baroudi that pretended to be my cousin and the son of the other male prostitute named Jawdat Baroudi that was all over my life in Cairo, Egypt, in Amman, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and in Germany using the American military CIA and MI6 and some of his family members are 100% English royal family and other family members are also 100% the ex-German royal family members alias the real Nazis that used their general to bring a new man to power as distraction of their selves, which was the Austrian Adolf Hitler, and the reason they brought an Austrian as distraction of the German royal family that was being fought by Germans since at least 1919 after the end of the first world war, where Germany at that time was called Deutsches Reich = German Empire that went from part of East current Russia and entire Poland and Denmark and south of Norway, parts of Benelux countries and France and included other parts of other countries not even in Europe, such as in Africa and in East of Asia (, which they lost all through the first world war and lost again more of it in the second world war that then the only part they had was West Germany + When you look at the second link look at the American flag, this is where the psychopath American military and American government started to destroy my life to cover up for everything in this page and in my complaint pages

5.          Here is another destructive brainwash of the Fischer family through Detlev Fischer and the Dutch immigration that had me under their control in the refugee camp in the small village called Zweeloo and on 19 December 2001 I was 100% forced with telepathy in this refugee camp to leave the refugee camp and go illegally hitchhike 900 KM/560 miles to Munich, Germany (I arrived the following day, slept in cars and trucks that took me along) to force me to remember my past, and on this trip I contacted only 2 persons, which were Mohamad Attar, that I thought was my friend, in the afternoon of 20 December 2001, that then pushed me away (I get to know in 1970 or 1971 through an American military sergeant. This Mohmad Attar was either working for the American military or for some German authority, and based on what happened to me later he was most probably working as spy for some German authority, and spying on Arabs in Munich, especially on Palestinians due to the many Terrorist attacks in Germany that were oft performed by alleged Palestinians, today I know they were performed by Americans, British and Israelis to help steal the lands of Palestinians by claiming they are all terrorists) and in the evening Detlev Fischer that not only pushed me away, but when I asked him if I can stay overnight (sleep at his place for one night) at his place, his answer was “No, I have a woman at home”, which was meant as a hint that I am allegedly a bad person and cannot be trusted when it comes to his woman, which very much says it all, that he is hinting to the sex his mother forced me into and the sex without intercourse that his ex-girlfriend named Rosie Ott also forced me into, and to be fair it is possible that someone else with telepathy could have arranged and forced these sex situations upon us that 100% I neither wanted nor planned for nor thought of, meaning I 100% did not want and someone forced me into as mean of a very sadistic brainwash and distraction of the Fischer family as mentioned above and to force my mind to see myself as a bad person and see the Fischer family as good family and my victim, it is just me that was bad and not them and therewith these brainwash thoughts forced upon me would force me not to understand that they were 100% working with my fake and biological family to help prevent me of recognizing that some evil German Nazis were within my fake family and the Fischer family and based on all the above and below were 100% helping in brainwashing me to not understand my situation and my past. In that evening I was so disappointed and sad that I walked the whole way from where I met Detlev Fischer in a bar in the city section Schwabing in northern side of Munich Downtown and walked around 3 hours 12 km/7.5 miles to the Autobahn to go back hitchhiking 900 km/560 miles to the Dutch refugee camp in the village of Zweeloo in Netherlands, and I arrived there Friday 21 December and someone with telepathy forced me to think that I met the wrong people and that I should go back to Germany but this time to the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, 20 KM north of Munich, but I did not have any money, because I spent what I had on this trip and had to wait until I get paid again as a refugee, as far as I recall I get monthly around 70 Euro pocket money, or possibly it was weekly but paid monthly I cannot recall any more, yet I recall I was getting this pocket money paid in the old Dutch currency named Gulden, and starting January 2002 it became Euro and I get paid for the first time in Euro on 7 January 2002, And therewith I was 100% brainwashed with telepathy to plan a second trip 16 days later on 7 January, and I arrived on 8 January at the church and some member of the church invited me to stay at their home (which contradict my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer that did the opposite as mentioned above, today I see the strong possibility that all this was planned to force my mind to not notice that some members of the church were working for the German government, my biological family, my fake family and very possibly also the American military that had me totally under their control from March 1970 and until September 1977, where then the church came into my life and the prostitute agent Anita Disbray that the American military enslaved me under her control in August 1970, left my life in September 1977, and the church covered up for her as it is describe within my complaint pages), I will leave their name out because I do not want to hurt anyone and the only reason I mentioned above the name Fischer is to show you how destructive is the English royal family, the Rockefeller family and their relative the ex-German royal family or at least some of the ex-German royal family members and their destructive network such as the Fischer family, because today I have no doubt what so ever in my mind that the Fischer family was working directly for one of the followings: English royal family and/or Some of the ex-German royal family and/or for members of my fake family including or especially my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar (with 2 “J”) and her German lookalike as my first fake sister and kidnaper in 1960 named Moni Najar alias Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff and my fake mother Hayat Baroudi that I strongly believe was at least 3-4 different lookalike persons and one of them was 100% German, which was the one that took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and set me up so many times during this trip that lasted until 15 January 1970, where then she forced me to land isolated at the concentrated evil American military base that performed several destructive brainwash setups to force my mind to hate Arabs, to hate Syrians to hate Muslims and to hate Germans by creating several very destructive brainwash setups between 15 January 1970 and roughly 15 March 1970 where I was literally forced to be homeless and sleep in the cafeteria in the train station until the waitresses noticed and forbid me to come again then I was forced to sleep between the streets of Munich and an open toilet, and this in the end of the winter and suddenly some American woman German origin named Doris Hayes and wife of some American military sergeant named Steve Hayes (today I am guessing this psychopath to have been either a CIA agent or an American military intelligent agent) and both had a 10 years old son named Mark Hayes, she suddenly helped me get off the street by getting me a job at the so called Mess hall, where the American military soldiers eat the daily 3 meals for free, and this job also provided me with a room within the American military housing area in an area called Perlacher Forest next to Military base McGraw Kaserne/Base and next to the German prison called Stadelheim (Ironically after February 2002 and until August 2006 I was imprisoned there several time, unjustly I may add), and therewith and with this help and the room and the other setups they brainwashed me to see American military as an angel that saved me of the German’s street and the several very destructive set ups with Syrians in February/March 1970 that let to my unjust arrest, which forced my mind to hate Syrians, hate Arabs and hate Muslims, which is a very sadistic and most destructive brainwash methods to force the brain to want to voluntarily to stay away of Arabs, Syrians, Muslims and Germans and therewith not talk about my family members with Syrians, otherwise they may know something and tell me these people are not Syrians, and who worked on these brainwash situations from 10 October 1969 and until March 1970, the following male and female prostitutes, and I call them prostitute because they would do anything for money including kidnapping children, brainwash them, rape them and enslave them their life long as these people did to me, and as a result I had absolute no control what so ever over my own life = 100% through and through slavery from 1960 and until; 1 March 2016 as I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague in Netherlands seeking protection of all these sadistic vicious psychopaths: here are the fake mother the prostitute Hayat Baroudi that pretend to be Muslim and sometimes even pretend to be Jewish, and since they are 100% 3-4 different persons that are lookalikes and exchange places and they tried hard to make me look like as if I am Jewish originated from Russia as the FBI did to me in USA and described in my complaint pages, therefore it is possible that one of these lookalike is Jewish Israeli origin originated from the UK, Germany or USA, or from all 3 countries. The other male prostitute is my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that lives on Waldweg in Hamburg. The other male prostitute is my fake uncle named Badeaa Baroudi that I strongly suspect to be Saudi Arabian originated from Germany, the UK or USA, he also has 3 prostitute children each one of them performed destructive actions against me, 2 brothers named Bashar and Basel Baroudi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and their sister named Summer also can be written in different spelling variations such as Sammer Baroudi in London, UK. The third male prostitute is my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and his male prostitute son Hani Baroudi, and his male prostitute brother-in-law and Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa living in Grünwald south of Munich, and the reason I am more than positive that this person is a Mossad agent, is because they tried hard to link me to Jewish from Russian and from Israel and this since 1970s and the best way to do that is to get a Mossad agent to pretend to be my relative that is also protected by the CIA and MI6 that can then vouch that this person brainwasher, rapist and kidnapper is Israeli spy as Mossad agent and the prove of that is the FBI that persecuted me in 1987 to 2000 in Fairfield and Bridgeport cities in the state of Connecticut in USA, and in particular between 1987 and 1989 where they set me up in cooperation with the company Dun and Bradstreet, during which they tried hard to link me to Jewish from Russia while the BP-British Petroleum female prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud that the BP-British Petroleum enslaved me under her control with brainwash and telepathy on 24.12.1984 and now in 1987, she pretend to be Jewish that is pretending to be Muslim and suddenly she is also friend with a Russian Jewish that the FBI was using against me that I did not understand at that time in 1987, but today I believe the FBI was trying to tell me that my family is Jewish from Russia and since today I know that my fake family do not believe in God and they are organized crime family working for the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + some of the ex-German royal families and think of their selves as Gods and pretend to be whatever they want, they falsify their religion to enslave others, they falsify their identity, their nationality and kidnap children to use them as slaves as these ctiminals did to me since 1960, and now I am over 70 years old with nothing but bad memories of these psychopaths

6.          Note to the point above and the company Avon cosmetics, it is also called Avon products ( When the director of the human resource of Avon Cosmetics alias Avon Products for Europe in 1976-1979 named Mr. Klaus Fischer lies to me along with his entire family that my fake brother is working with them in the same company and in the same building as mainframe programmer in their IT-Information Technology department, but my fake brother never worked there, while my fake brother exchanged places with another one or two identical lookalike and in reality was working for ARAMCO and is the son to king Hussein of Jordan and is the brother of the current king of Jordan called Abdullah as their photos in the page “Conclusion” clearly show their relations, and this Fischer family I get to know through the church where I was setup by the German government to join this church to give my fake family a public reason to persecute me as distraction of the Germans around my life that pretend to be Arab Muslims and related to me but also as distraction of the English royal family in my life, then I have to think deeper in the situation to better understand it. Here are some more highlights:

6.1.          In 1978 the family Fischer used the same brainwash strategies as my fake and biological family which is to force me into a very nasty and immoral situation to force my mind to be ashamed towards the Fischer family and feel bad about what happened, and there with my brain will cease to try to understand the situation and accept everything as I was told, because my brain is forced to see myself as bad person and see the Fischer family as my victims and as a good family. To do that, these psychopaths used Mrs. Fischer, the wife of Mr. Klaus Fischer to have unwanted sex with me as follow: I was visiting my friend Detlev Fischer at his parent’s home, then his mother asked me to go for a walk with her because she is allegedly  afraid to walk alone (where at that time it was day time in one of the most safe small cities in Europe), during which my friend Detlev was not there, so I went with her for a walk under her pretention she need my protection in this walk. While we are walking and very suddenly, she dragged me to the bushes and was all over me having sex, I was shocked to paralysis state and had no idea what was going on, for years I felt more than bad about this situation. Around 6-12 months later, and similar but not in the bushes rather in the apartment the girlfriend of Detlev Fischer named Rosie Ott did the same thing to me, for some reason or another, which I cannot recall, she and I went to diner without her boyfriend Detlef Fischer, even though they were living together in a joint apartment in a nearby building to my apartment or where I used to live prior to January 1977. After dinner and as I was supposed to walk her to her apartment where she lived with Detlev Fischer, I cannot recall all the details, but somehow, I landed with her either in my apartment or in their apartment and we did not have intercourse, yet she gets naked, and she was all over me. Here too I felt very awful and bad about the situation because I was brainwashed to see Detlev Fischer as my best friend, until I discovered that my fake brother never worked for Avon Cosmetics alias Avon Products = they planed all this as a very mean and sadistic brainwash as distraction of their lies and repeatedly helping in brainwashing me or someone else with telepathy arranged all that. Add to that that Avon Products/Cosmetics 100% is owned and operated by the English royal family members that are in USA and have their official headquarter in London, UK ( = all goes back in a circle to the evil and most sadistic woman I ever know of = queen Elizabeth the Second and her huge most sadistic and vicious brotherhood that I strongly believe I was born within this pile of trash of human beings called English royal family. Why stop there? Look at Avon Cosmetics alias Avon Products company behavior all over the world in particular in France since 2013, just 3 years before Brexit  (do your own Internet research to verify all this) = the English royal family + MI6 + CIA uses Avon Cosmetics alias Avon Products company to spy on people, when and where ever they want by using the current and prior Avon Cosmetics alias Avon Products company, which is door to door sales by appointment, and either many of the sales persons are spies or they just replaced any sales person’s with a spy in certain situation and at certain addresses and as needed, while claiming the usual sales person is now sick or no longer working for this company. If you think this is far-fetched, then you are wrong, because the English royal family is nothing else but  a huge sadistic vicious organized crime family that have been using their organization Freemasons for similar objectives and strategies and this since roughly the year 1600 and they used this Freemasons also against me very sadistically and destructively more than once, which is also described within my complaint pages (

6.2.          Here is another very destructive brainwash situation forced upon me to make me feel bad and make some others to see me as a very bad person that betrayed the Fischer family. With this situation and as I mentioned above, I was 100% forced with brainwash and telepathy to go from the Dutch refugee camp and illegally to Germany on 7 January 2002 and directly to the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim. In the church and at that time in January 2002, the pastor of the church was a female pastor named pfarrerin Karin Kittlaus. The German word pfarrer means pastor and pfarrerin means female pastor. Some very nasty person with telepathy was toying with me and forcing me to think that I may have a daughter of Mrs. Fischer due to the forced upon me sex, actually forced upon me sex is the wrong word, I was 100% raped, either Mrs. Fischer had telepathy and controlled me with it to prevent me to resist or someone nearby was using his/her telepathy to force this situation upon me, which is very clear to see it was a 100% destructive brainwash situation. And somehow I was talking and complaining to the pastor mentioned above Karin Kittlaus and she suggested I should go with her to pastor room for a beichte (in English beichte means confession, also called reconciliation or penance, in the Christian tradition, the acknowledgment of sinfulness in in presence of  the pastor to obtain God’s forgiveness), which I did, go with her for this so called beichte and I confessed to have been bad for having sex with Mrs. Fischer, where she possibly has a child of me. Today in July 2023 I know that this was a setup (not necessarily through this pastor, but rather through the person who used telepathy in 1978 to rape me using Mrs. Fischer as mean of brainwash) to remind me of the past and force my mind to the followings:

6.2.1.       To force me to remember the past and feel bad about it.

6.2.2.       To force my mind to think, that I am unwanted in this church and city because I was a bad person and had sex with Mrs. Fischer

6.2.3.       In case I recognize that in 1978 I was severely pushed away from this church and the entire city. And there with force my mind now to blame it on me because I am allegedly a bad person.

6.2.4.       For any person with telepathy that is listening to us, then he/she will think that this is the reason why others with telepathy are causing me so much trouble in this city.

6.2.5.       This is only an explanation. Today I strongly believe that the person or the persons that was using telepathy against me in 1977 and later in this town was of the Fischer family. Today I strongly believe that the main reason for this most destructive brainwash situation, one out of literally countless others, is that some members of my fake family and possibly also members of my biological family are living right here in this town, and the details (in my complaint pages) about members of my fake family origin and what they did as they visited me back in 1977 and 1978 while I was living in this town called Unterschleissheim and working for this church as part time job for nearly 2 years, the job title was  called Messner and was also provided with housing right next to the housing of the pastor and adjacent to the church itself (The German word Messner means in short helper of the pastor that perform various duties, making sure everything is in place when needed such as the flowers, candles, heating when it is too cold, the distribution of bibles and other information during the church service, the timing of the bells and many other tasks. More explanation Messner means in English sacristan, a sexton (q.v.) or, more commonly, the officer of the church in charge of the sacristy and its contents, such as the sacred vessels and vestments. The person may be either someone in holy orders, as is common in a cathedral, or a lay person)

6.3.          Here is another related situation. You decide if it is directly or indirectly related. From 11.2.2001 and until 28.2.2008 the Dutch immigration had me in their own controlled environment in countless refugee camps, jails and prisons and then forced me starting 28.2.2008 to live totally isolated in the village named Bellingwolde (you look it up on google map: it is right on the German border to the Netherlands and that in itself was a brainwash telling my mind this is the closet you are going to get to home(!!), to see how sadistic the Dutch immigration treated me to among others cover up for the stupid mass murderer ex-US president Geroge W. Bush. To the point, during the period from 11.2.2001 and until 28.2.2008 the Immigration used many times telepathy on me to force me to go illegally to Germany, illegally because I had no identifications except a piece of paper stating that I am a political asylum applicant in waiting status in the Netherlands, therefore I was not allowed to go to any other country. One of the reasons that the Dutch immigration were toying with me using telepathy and forcing me to go to Germany is because mainly 3 reasons:

6.3.1.       From 11.2.2001and until 27.12.2002, they were forcing me with all kinds of setups to remember my past, among others by forcing me to go to Munich Germany and visit the church to refresh my memory about the past.

6.3.2.       From 27.12.2002 and until August 2003, they force me into a situation where I was forced to complain to my alleged fake son that allegedly came from USA to live with me here in the refugee camp of the small city called Ter Apel, and since he arrived on 27.12.2002 and until August 2003 we were forced to live alone in an apartment within the refugee camp, this apartment was meant to be for at least 10 refugees, yet only my fake son and me were living there, during which and every single day I would sit on the table facing my fake son and complaining to him and warn him of my very bad Muslim family (= the first reaction of the severe brainwash and forcing my mind to blame everything not only on my fake family but on all Arabs, and Muslims where I was forced to see them all as one huge big monster and this is the result of the severe brainwash that these sadistic vicious people in Germany + USA + the Netherlands did to me). This was 100% a hidden interrogation without me noticing, by forcing me for one year to remember my past, see myself as a bad person, see my fake family and all Muslims as monsters and see the church and Germany and USA as my victims. Also, during this hidden interrogation and the more I talk about my past the more I feel sad and the more I feel angry and talk in such loud voice that possibly the next 2 buildings can hear me, I was totally full of anger. Also during this period, I started to discover that the concentrated evil and psychopaths American military and American government is the cause of many of my problems that I am now complaining about, and that I strongly believe that the Dutch immigration did not want me to see, and today, I strongly believe that the Dutch immigration were not the only ones listening to me, most probably they had hidden microphones and cameras in this apartment, today I strongly believe that the concentrated evil American immigration and or FBI were also present, among others because it was most strange to see a 49 years old man that is specialized in computer and information technologies and was working in the year 1999 at CPC project in Houston, Texas, USA (CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium  and in June 2000 was working at Compaq Corporation computer manufacturer headquarter in Houston, Texas, USA (was taken over by HP- Hewlett-Packard) as high Availability Systems testing and integration. SAN/LAN/WAN and clustering. Then and very suddenly this men, me, left everything and was trying to escape USA by living in the airport trying to find a way to smuggle himself to an airplane back to Germany, then was arrested twice within 2-3 weeks in the airport, imprisoned and deported to the Netherlands, and since the FBI was all over my life at least since November 1986 and performed countless setups against me in 1986 + 1987 + 1988 + 1989 + 1990 + 1991, then I lost them or did not see them anymore, yet I was wrong they were persecuting me using other means such as several setups using the company Texaco, Inc, (does not exist anymore was split and some parts was taken over by Chevron, other parts was taken over by an Israeli businessman). Therefore and today I strongly believe that the FBI and the American immigration were 100% working with the Dutch immigration to see what is in my head and history, yet because I discovered many very bad things about the American government and military, I strongly believe that the CIA intervened and stopped them to prevent not only me to recognize more about my past, but also to prevent others to know what is hidden in my past and all that is in my complaint pages. Why can the CIA stop them? In USA and in many other countries, which is wrong, secret service has top priority in the name of National Security (which is a lie to cover up for international crimes as it is described within my complaint pages), and there with the CIA can and at any time force other police authorities such as the FBI to stop investigating certain issues or persons, such as in my case, and all this is 100% as cover up and distraction mainly of the sadistic English royal family that enslaved me since my birth!

6.3.3.       In the above situation I also discovered several bad things in Germany and through the German government which made me so disappointed that I did not want to leave the refugee camp anymore and wanted to die right here in this evil brainwash camp and I said to my fake son countless times and very loud “I do not want to go back to Germany and I do not want to leave this refugee camp, I want to die right here” then they forced me to leave the camp and go to Germany around 8 August 2003 and forced me to live between countless refugee camps, jails and prisons between several cities in Germany and countless cities and villages in the Netherlands until Mai/June 2012, which very much equals they were no longer interested to see what is hidden in my head and past, but rather are interest in silencing me and punishing me for understanding some of the most destructive situations forced upon my life by the German and American governments between 10 October 1969 and July 2000. And the reason why I strongly believe that some German authority was also involved in this hidden interrogation, because most of the setups that the Dutch immigration forced upon my life and forced me to go illegally to Germany was among others and 100% in cooperation with some German authority and the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, and 21-22 years later, meaning today in July 2023 I am still complaining about these psychotic treatment, where they literally stole the total control of my life and forced me to live as a hidden slave even today, because today in July 2023 I am not living, I am complaining about my last 70 years of my slavery life that was 100% pure slavery, including today in July 2023 because today I am slave of my past and in my past I was slave since my birth and later from 1960 to 1969 100% slave in Egypt and from 10.10.1969 to September 1986 100% slave in Germany and from September 1986 to 10 February 2001 was 100% slave in USA and from 11 February 2001 until 1 March 2016 was 100% slave in the Netherlands and from 1 March 20016 and until current in July 2023 I was forced to complain publicly enable I can find my biological family and get justice, during which I started to understand how dangerous are some persons that misuse telepathy on others to enslave others with telepathy and the others will not even notice that they are slaves as I was, and therewith I saw it as my duty as a human being to warn others of telepathy slavery as it is described within my complaint pages, yet I am still a slave because I cannot do what I want, which is be free, go where I want, when I want and do what I want and not be slave of psychopaths such as my biological family members and my fake family members that pretended for so long to be my mother, my brother my 3 sisters, my fake countless cousins, my fake 6 uncles and aunt and there evil children, and each one of these mentioned psychopaths has his personal organized crime network  and all of them together are 100% in each country worldwide performing countless illegal, immoral crime activities and no one can arrest them because they are either royal family members, diplomats, higher government members or super rich and can buy any one, such as Aramco does, Exxon/Esso does, BP-British Petroleum does and countless others, and above all they are all protected by the so called National security laws, because they all claim they are working in top secret situations for the good of the country, among others as selling illegal drugs, mass killing people in many countries Africa such as Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Niger but also in Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Ukraine and above all, they have been doing that for a long time until these psychopaths found a way to kill several hundred thousand with one Atomic bomb such as they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also they killed me from inside out that today I absolutely see no sense or reasoning what so ever in my life and the lives of billions of other innocent people because a punch of psychopaths do to countless people what they also did to me


1976-1985: Slavery through immigration in Germany (Go to Index)


After I was setup to become Christian and instead of going back to the attorney that pushed me into this as distraction of all of them and to make it look like as if it was all based on my own bad decisions. In summer 1976 the Immigration authorities in Munich, Germany called ”KVR-Kreisverwltungsreferat” forced me to get another fake Syrian passport to allegedly give me German residence permit instead of a refugee status after the 7 years slavery asylum period = slavery that was forced upon me. Since then the Syrian consulate in Bonn (Bonn at that time in 1970s and 1980s was the capital of Germany because Berlin was in East Germany, and East Germany was under the control of the former Soviet Union, later and after 1991 and after East and West Germany reunited the capital was relocated back to Berlin), in the beginning they were within the Pakistani Embassy later they had their own embassy building, which very much shows that the English royal family had control of Syria, because they 100% control Pakistan and Bangladesh and use the huge suppressed population as slaves in the Middle East such as military staff and soldiers in all so called Arab countries in Asia from Iraq to Jordan, to Syria and the whole way to Saudi Arabia and in particular Saudi Arabia that has by far the largest Muslims community that is originated from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh more than any other country in the world, at least percentage wise and per capita and these from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh originated Muslims build over 60% of the current Saudi Arabian citizens, and the rest of 40% are from all over the world. After the Syrian consulate office in Bonn renewed in 1976 my expired and totally invalid fake Syrian passport because my identity was 100% falsified and I was 100% never in Syria prior to January 1960, but with money or even as a favor for someone like English royal family or the Rockefeller families, some would do anything including donating a fake citizenship such as my fake Syrian nationality. Ever since 1976 and 2 years after the first passport renewal expired, meaning starting 1978, the Syrian consulate kept on shortening the renewal period from 2 years to 6 months and from 6 months to 2 months, even my fake uncle that criminal psychopath named Jalal Baroudi that was living in Geneva Switzerland from roughly 1977 and until I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986, and when I asked him for help,  because he pretended to be Syrian consul in Switzerland, he renewed my passport only for 6 months while telling me 3 main brainwash statements, Statement-1: others would pay a couple of thousands for this renewal. Statement-2: he cannot renew it any longer otherwise he can get fired. Statement-3: he cannot renew the passport for me any more otherwise he would get fired. Yet and today I am more than positive that this motherfucker psychopath criminal named Jalal Baroudi was neither Syrian nor was he a Syrian diplomat, and he even claimed to be Syrian representative in the UNO-United Nation Organization in Geneva Switzerland, yet he was most definitely not, yet somehow the actual Syrian consul allowed him to use his office during my visit for just 10-15 minutes in around 1981/1983and when he renewed my passport he left me sitting in this office and took my passport somewhere else to renew it, my guess to the real consul in another room because a stamp and the consul signature are required on the passport itself, I never saw this criminal motherfucker Jalal Baroudi ever since. Thereafter the Syrian consulate at that time in the city of Bonn 600 KM north of Munich was just renewing my passport for 1-3 months and the German immigration would then extend my residence permit as long as my passport is valid = 1-3 months, and the Labor Office in Munich would renew my work permit for only as long as my residence permit = 1-3 months, which all in all equals the time I was forced to live in Germany as an asylum seeker from January 1970 and until summer 1976, as an asylum seeker without a status or better said with a waiting status and temporary residence permit, that then would run out every single 3 months and I have to renew it again at the immigration office for another 3 months and only after this renewal I can renew my working permit also only as long as my residence permit = 3 months and this from January 1970 and until summer 1976, yet now they added more complexity to it and blaming it all not any more on the Bavarian-German government and the German immigration but rather on the Syrian consulate = they are all psychopath that tortured my life inside out and this day in and day out starting 1970 and until I was kidnapped from Germany in September 1986, and even today in 2023 I have the Dutch citizenship since January 2013, yet I am severely suffering due to this tortures treatment of the German government from January 1970 and until September 1986 that was extended by USA Government for another 15 years until 10-02-2001 and extended again by the Dutch government until January 2013 as they awarded me the Dutch citizenship. During this period in 1978, I was hired by the company Siemens AG in a very suspicious way as it is described within my complaint Pages. I was hired starting either 01 June or July 1978 and 100% used by Siemens AG as blackmail object against the Saudi Arabian royal family alias the English royal family + the Rockefeller families disguised as Saudi Arabians since at least 1910. And Siemens AG used me as blackmail object enable, they can get the project called Ports Authority of Saudi Arabia supplying 14 Saudi ports with turn-key project IT infrastructure with headquarter in Riyadh, during which my fake family absolutely did not like to see me there, because they have other identities among other many of them are members of the Saudi Royal family and member of the Saudi government. Which lead that Siemens AG succeeded with the blackmail and get the turn-key project that turned to be 2 Billion US Dollars by the around the year 2008, yet they had two condition to get this project, Condition-1, to get rid of me and out of this project and to prevent me to go back to the Middle East, which Siemens AG did in a very bad and most destructive manner, even though I really loved this company and loved working for them, because in the 3.5 years I worked for them I learned more than in 30 years. Condition-2 to not help me and to let me be controllable by them as they see fit, them meaning my biological and fake families, whereby and at that time I thought the family that raised me from January 1960 was my biological family and did not yet discover that I was kidnapped as an infant. And here too, Siemens AG made sure I be always alone in Munich and no one there to help me against these savages by using 2 of their sub-contractors, one is called ADV/ORGA owned by Mr.  Friedrich A. Meyer in Wilhelmshaven, and the other was the company ”UDV-Unternehmensberatung fuer Datenverarbeitung” (in English: ”Consulting Enterprise/company for data processing”), owned and operated by a man and his wife, his name was Wolfgang Mergenhagen and his office was in the side large garage like room of his house in the tiny city called Baldham around 20-25 KM/15 miles East of Munich, later he purchased a house in the south in a small city called Starnberg direct on the lake Starnberg around 25 km/17 miles south of Munich. And both these companies kept me not only with nonsense work, the first only for 6 weeks to show that I was removed from Siemens AG. by making the company ADV/ORGA mentioned above taking me to Saudi Arabia as an employee for a 3 days trip fake business trip, and the other until after summer 1983, and the job of the second company was to monitor who I am contacting to offer the multilingual computer design, while simultaneously and from the background sabotaging any success to force all my work to become a failure until I was dragged by/through BP-British Petroleum to the illegal project Calypso, where they re-brainwashed me, enslaved me by force of brainwash and telepathy under the control of another hired prostitute, this time she pretended to be Syrian named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA, where they literally kept me as slave for 15 years covered up by forcing me to illegal aliens until 10.2.2001, during which all of them together and literally stole everything in my life from furniture to my multilingual computer design that I worked hard for from 1978-1984. After losing my job at Siemens AG on 31.12.1981 by force of brainwash and telepathy I started to offer computer companies my multi-lingual computer manufacturing design and I really became obsessed to help as many computer companies as I can to adapt a multilingual computer input and output concept enable I can help the Arabic speaking countries advance quicker by using the Arabic/English/French computers, which was all new at that time in 1982 and I was not concentrating on making the most money, but rather to get as many computer manufacturer as I can to manufacture multilingual computers for the Arabic speaking countries and was offering my services starting at 10,000 Deutsch Mark (ten Thousand), today equal to 10,000 Euro, the competitions were asking for at least 200,000, some even 5 Million (= two hundred thousand or even 5 Million such as IBM paid in around 1979 or 1980, yet their system was nowhere near the quality I was offering, because I had the best teacher, which was Siemens AG, one of their foreign design was for China, where they created a keyboard with over 1,000/One thousand  Chines characters, usually 3000-4000 characters are required for good Chines language, yet the Chines limited it to one thousand characters and Siemens AG made a keyboard that looked like a book, where it was several very thin keyboards attached together in form of a book, and you just flip one of the keyboard to come to the next one and the entire book was very light weight can be operated while held by own two hands, that was one of the most intelligent manufacturing that I have ever seen at that time, or even today in 2023 ). But I was forcibly stopped of selling these services by stealing all my documents that I collected the majority of them since 1978 and others I created by myself since 1978 that amounted to nearly 10,000 pages (ten thousand) and were around 6 large boxed, and British Petroleum stole them by force of me on 19 October 1984 to sell them while preventing me to be a competition for my own design, and as I was told by Siemens AG, that manufactured the first real multilingual computers, based on my design and won an award in Saudi Arabia in 1983/1984 for the best Arabic/English computer’s input + output + processing. Today I strongly believe that the British petroleum and after they stoles these boxes of me, they sold a copy of them to their above and lower business neighbors which were IBM and Microsoft and possibly also to others, and the reason I am more than positive about that is because I was forced in summer 1986 to test the all new Microsoft Word in English in comparison with Microsoft Word in German, and Microsoft Word in Arabic, which was 100% based on my own design and I was at that time prevented to think and see through all these schemes


January 1984 to 2023:  isolation and slavery in the name of democracy and freedom of USA + UK in Germany + Netherlands (Go to Index)


On 1 January 1984 I was dragged to the illegal project called Calypso. Officially it was anti-terrorism project for Syria, but it was a lie, it was 100% to control from the smallest to the biggest thing about the Syrian populations as well as keeping in touch with British and American military in the most efficient and state of the art system at that time. In other words, the American military/government supplied Syria with satellite computers based on American military satellites. Suddenly and in Munich, Germany I was surrounded by Syrian military, military intelligence, and police officers from the rank of majors and up to generals that came from Syrian to learn the new technologies, during which these criminal psychopaths’ motherfuckers BP-British Petroleum represented by the IT company SCS-Scientific Control Systems, where hopelessly brainwashing me and literally destroying everything in my life and blaming it on those Syrians. On 17.10.1984 they separated me by force of telepathy in a very destructive and sadistic manner of my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. On 19.10,1984 fired me of the project and confiscated all my belonging including over 10 thousand pages of IT multilingual designs that I either collected or made myself, including IT standards for keyboards, printers and processing, which was the so called 128-character ASCII standards and 265 = double 128 ASCII standards, ASCII and so called EBCDIC standards ISO-International Standard Organization, ECMA-European Computer Manufacturer Association, DIN-Deutsche Indudtrie Norm and many others that were among others also used by IBM, Siemens AG, Olivetti, ICL, and many others. And therewith they stole my design for multilingual computer input, output and processing made for manufacturer to help them sell their computer products in the Arab Countries. Also on 19.10.1984 BP-British Petroleum blamed my ex-German girlfriend for many of their own very vicious, sadistic, barbaric and totally inhuman behavior towards me, by claiming that my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka called them and claimed that I am working with their Syrian client from behind their back, which I never did, but they set me up thereafter to look like it, on top of that Adelheid Kuczka allegedly reported me to the police that I beat her up/hit her on 17.10.1984, and therewith they made sure from all corners that I never see this woman again that I was madly in love with because she was one of the most lovable persons that I have ever met in my life, she was also a superb mother and that they did not want me to continue to see and understand, because it places many questions in my mind, such as if this how a mother treat her child, then what was my fake mother doing with me = the total opposite, what were my fake 3 sisters doing with their children = the total opposite = they are not my family nor they are the mothers of their children. On 24.12.1984 I was enslaved by force of brainwash and 100% telepathy under the control of the human trash agent and hired prostitute that pretended to be Syrian to force my mind and everyone around my life, such as all my new friends at the church as if I am Syrian Muslim, think accordingly  and that is why I allegedly left my ex-German girlfriend that I loved so much, and I still do love her today in the year 2023, and then chosen a Syrian Muslim woman, which  was 100% brainwash and it never crossed my mind, in matter of fact I do not hate anything, except make up and this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud, I do not just hate her, I hate seeing her anywhere near my life or placing my eyes on this human trash and filth animal and  disgusting vomit of nature. In September 1986, they kidnapped me from Germany to USA where they kept me literally as slave under her control. There were several reasons why they kidnapped me to USA, here are some of them:

1.          To prevent me of leaving this disgusting hired prostitute called Najlaa Mahmoud

2.          To prevent anyone of helping me out of this slavery

3.          To use new persons forced upon my life to control my life without interference of others that I knew, such as my German friends and my church friends, and here in USA I do not know any person.

4.          To use relatives and friends of the hired BP-British Petroleum disgusting prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud as distraction of the American government, English royal family members and the Rockefeller family members as well as their puppets and agents in the Middle East alias my fake family such as my fake brother and other criminals that were working in USA among others for Aramco in Houston, Texas and kept it secret of me.

5.          To use me as a decoy witness for the whores Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar and Moni Najar that are 2 different persons that exchange places while pretending to be my older sister from Syria, Moni came into my life in 1960, while Mona came into my life after 1967 as lookalike replacement of Moni Najar and I did not even recognize that they were 2 different whore women. The reason they used me in USA as if I am her Syrian originated brother to cover up for her real identity as a hidden English royal family member possibly from Greece that has telepathy along with some of her 5 children and now, she and some of her children are living in Washington D.C. manipulating politicians with telepathy for the English royal family and the Rockefeller families that control USA to over 70%

6.          And therewith The American government helped this whore named Mona Najjar alias Mona Abokurah and her lookalike Moni Najar to become official accepted refugee in end of 1980s, while forcing me to live as slave illegal alien until I tried to escape USA by living in the International Houston Airport trying to find a way to escape this evil country, then I was arrested in June  2000 and released after 4-5 days and arrested again in July 2000, both arrests in the Airport and then locked me up in deportation prison and on 11.2.2001 I was brought by force to the Netherlands where I was locked up all in all until Mai 2012, in various jails, prisons and refugee camp while forcing me to go to integration course for nearly 3 years, this is 2 years and 8 months longer integration course than it should be = special treatment for me until the psychopath ex-US president George W. Bush completed his 2 most destructive presidency terms, and if you would like to know how destructive his presidency was, then ask the Iraqi and the Afghani and the Syrian people!


1984 to 2001: total Lockup and isolation of the past and the life itself (Go to Index)


They started to isolate me on 1 January 1984 by using the illegal project Calypso and using the Syrian projects members that came to Munich, Germany to be trained on the new Satellite computer system. All these Syrian were officially Syrian military and/or military intelligent + police generals from various Syrian large cities, and all of them pretended to be stupid and do not know how to do certain things and asked me continuous for help and therewith these psychopaths criminal occupied over 90% of my time.


Around September 1984 my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that were at least 3 different persons that exchanged places using this name. The other two I did not see after 1975. Only this new criminal disguised as Muslim and was around 100 kg weight this is at least over 50 kg overweight, and since she was around 160 cm, her entire look was covered up through the overweight + she was covering her body from head to toe as an alleged Muslim. No Muslim would ever behave like she did or like any other member of my fake family. In short: she was working with the Syrian government + the German government + the British and American governments, last two were covering up for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families the owners of BP-British Petroleum that are running this illegal project, Calypso.


Today I strongly believe that there were at least 3 German citizens very close to me and within my fake family as follow:

1.          One of the at least 3 lookalikes of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which is the one that took me to Germany in a very destructive and deceiving way that today is the prove for me that she was German because she was covering up for the ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann ( ) and his lookalike double named Mohi Sabri alias her alleged boyfriend since 1962/63 + his lookalike number two that I strongly suspect to be my fake cousin named Dr. Basam Baroudi

2.          One of the at least 2 lookalikes of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar, which was the one that never left Egypt in 1970 and her lookalike named Fadia Nagar a Saudi Arabian citizen that pretended to be my Syrian sister Fadia Najar!

3.          One of the 2 lookalikes of my fake sisters Moni Najar in Cairo Egypt, alias Mona Abokurah in Amman, Jordan alias Mona Najjar in Washington D.C. I believe the one that was German citizen is the first one Moni Najar that disappeared from my life in 1961 and was replaced in 1966/67 with Mona Abokurah. I also believe but not 100% sure, is that this Moni Najar is possibly the second wife of the ex-German vice-chancellor Jürgen Möllemann mentioned in point-1, her name is Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff. Search for her and her husband on the Internet, there are tons of photos of them both.  Based on the Internet information, Mr. Jürgen Möllemann get married twice as follow:

3.1.          First marriage was with a woman named Irene was in 1965 to 196?, they had one child, detail information over this lady are not found, at least I was not able to find them.

3.2.          Second marriage was with Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff was in 1975 and until his official death on 5.6.2003, they allegedly had 2 children.


All of the above is pure conclusion based on many things, her are the most important ones:

1.          In Spring 1969 my mother went from Cairo, Egypt on vacation to Germany to allegedly visit her missing boyfriend named Mohi Sabri that was an officer of the Cairo police force with the rank of major as I saw him last in 1968, then he disappeared.

2.          After she came back, she said that we are going to relocate to Germany so she can live with her boyfriend that allegedly left Egypt in 1968 and went to Germany as an asylum seeker. Then she sent me to take around 6 hours of private English lessons to my English teacher from my school at that time called Al-Tabari school in an area called Roxy in Heliopolis city section of Cairo. Small note, when you take someone to live in Germany, then you send him to learn German, and not English, and since it was all a set up for me to force me to live isolated by force of the CIA in the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich starting March 1970, which very much means I was always told lies.

3.          Note: this point is also in my complaint pages with more details: On 10.10.1969 My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi took me from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt, Germany. In this city she introduced me to her alleged old boyfriend named Mohi Sabri, but this man was 100% not Mohi Sabri, I saw him many times in Cairo, and he often lived with us for 1-2 weeks and then disappears for months and comes back for 1-2 weeks then disappears again for months, this one was at least 10 cm shorter, much darker skin and at least 40 kg lighter, in other words, this man was around 45-50 kg, the original one was around 90 kg. and to force me to believe that this man is Mohi Sabri from Cairo forced me to listen to them as they allegedly were having sex. Also, and in Frankfurt I have no idea how she was able to communicate with Germans, unless she spoke German. Anyway and after we waited for this fake Mohi Sabri that does not look anything like him, he came to a downtown café in Frankfurt around 18:00 hours and picked us up and took us to his apartment, where he had a couch that can be transferred to a double bed, yet all three of us slept on the floor and while I was forced to give them my back they made many noises as if they were having sex to force my mind to think that this criminal is the same person as from Cairo. On the next day early in the morning my fake mother and I took the train to Munich, Germany and I never saw this man after that.

4.          In Munich she set me up several times and then in mid-December 1969 took me on brainwash and implication trip through 8 countries in less than 4 weeks and back to Germany and forced me to apply for political asylum, during which she implicated me as if a terrorist from PLO + counterfeit US 100 Dollar bills money launder, member of illegal drugs organization and as if I am related to a spy from the ex-Soviet union to give the CIA a reason to take me and re-brainwash me and isolate me while pretending to be investigating me without me noticing. To make it short, they enslaved me under the control of one of their British agents named Anita Disbray for 7 years, then set me up to be Christian to have a reason to kidnap me and pretend it was my fake family that kidnapped me because I changed my religion from Islam to Christianity and was forced to live as slave in USA for 15 years. In around mid-June 2000, I tried to escape USA by living in the Airport trying to find a way to go back to Germany, then I was arrested 2 times imprisoned in deportation prison and on 11.2.2001 taken to the Netherlands, where I was forced to apply for political asylum, and the Dutch immigration toyed with me until 7 January 2002 where they forced me to go illegally to Germany to refresh my memory from Germany, where then I went to the church where I became Christian, and someone I do not know who it was, yet I strongly suspect it to be my host that invited me to sleep at their home (I will leave their name out), and there I was 100% forced with telepathy to use their telephone and look for Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt Germany and I found one and I called the number and some boy answered and I asked him to speak to Mohi Sabri, and he shouted in German “father it is for you” and when  the father said hello I said is this Mohi Sabri, he said yes, and I said Mohi Sabri the police officer from Cairo, Egypt, then he hanged up the phone. Today I think as follow over this phone call: Why would I look for the ex-boyfriend of my fake mother when I have not seen him since 1968, this is over 32 years, except the one evening and night that I spend in Frankfurt on 10.10.1969, on top of all that these criminal used him to rape me, which was the first time I was raped sexually in around 1965/66 and after my all new fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar arrived to live with us in around 1965/66, that turned out to have telepathy and is the son of king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king of Jordan named Abdullah. And why would I call this Mohi Sabri on around 10 January 2002 from within the Christian community that I was set up to be a member of in 1976, and today I know and based on all the information in this page and in my entire complaint pages that the German government knew who I was and knew I was no terrorist, or spy or drug lord or member of a ring that produce counterfeit US 100 Dollar bills, and all what was happening to me, was only to force my mind to think that I was wrongfully persecuted, but it was not like that, rather they wanted to avoid that I discover all the crimes they performed against me and mentioned within. Back to the call I made to allegedly Mohi Sabri to Frankfurt on around 10.1.2002, and for all I know, the phone of this family was directly connected to some switchboard located nearby or in Munich and they pretended or acted on the phone as if I am talking to Mohi Sabri and allegedly his son picked up the phone to make it more believable to me. Why would I think so, because I strongly suspect this family where I was guest at their home for a couple of days are either working for some German police authorities or are members of the Ex-German royal families and have knowledge of the at that time German vice chancellor that exchanged places with Mohi Sabri or my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi or both and were using me as blackmail object, The reason I think of this possibility not only because I was set up to become Christian in this church to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam and blame everything on my fake family and for also other reasons, also this family that was hosting me for a couple of day in January 2002 had most strange behavior in 1976-1977, while I was enslaved from 1970 to 1977 under the control of the CIA/MI6 prostitute agent named Anita Disbray, in that the woman pretended to be in control, her husband pretended to be Bavarian with extreme strong Bavarian accent (= over doing it = pretending = acting) while also the man pretended to be alcoholic and does not drink alcohol any more, yet his wife drinks moderate alcohol, which very much was 100% a blackmail to the prostitute CIA/MI6 agent Anita Disbray, because she and the American military as it is described in detail in my complaint pages 100% brainwashed me to be alcoholic and made sure I always drink excessive alcohol from March 1970 until 1978, and it slowed down a bit until they enslaved me again under the control their prostitute agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that literally forced me to be alcoholic and I am still today in October 2023 fighting to stop that. This point + all the points mentioned above and below with the 2 churches in Germany and USA shows that they knew more than me about me and my fake family. Add to that I strongly suspect one of the 3 lookalikes that exchanged places as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi is Jewish-Israeli or Jewish-German or Jewish-British or Jewish-American, and that would explain why the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Möllemann ( ) was not only always attacking Jewish just as Adolf Hitler did, but also he was the president of the Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft (in English: German-Arabic Society, +  ) from 1981 to 1991 and from 1993 until his death in 2003. Add to that his death was the following year after I made that call = he was possibly Israeli spy or British spy or American spy or a combination and 100% related to my life directly as it is clear to see in this long point, his photo on the Internet is for me the prove because he 100% look very alike to Mohi Sabri and also a bit lookalike of the criminal fake cousin of mine named Dr. Basam Baroudi that appeared in my life sometimes in end of summer 1977 while I was attending a weekend seminar at a church housing in around the city of Hohenbrunn, he claimed he is here to learn German at the Goethe-Institute a top German language schools, allegedly because he wants to specialize medically in the one thing or another = training in Germany as medical doctor and he allegedly lived more than 2 years in Germany, yet he never visited me except this one time and he was in a hotel in Munich and today I believe I know why he came to Munich to meet me to force my mind to link my fake Muslim family for persecuting me because I allegedly became Christian but also to blame him that several Syrian criminals medical doctors were persecuting me between 1982 and 1984, and today I know that these people were nothing else than organized crime family members specialized in illegal drugs distribution and sale directly to their patients all this is explanation to countless other things among other my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi living on Waldweg in Hamburg that set me up along with his two other official but fake brothers and made me look like as if I am highly connected to PLO while also when I drove to visit him from Munich to Hamburg in around 1976 or 1977, and even though I called him 1-2 days in advance and asked him if I can come and visit him and he said welcome and at that time I had my nephew and nice from the UK that were under 12 years old and as we arrived at his home on Waldweg in Hamburg, this psychopath opens the door and said you are late go away and closed the door. But also that explains why these criminals introduced me in 1976 and after I was set up to become Christian to Dr. Sami Assassa that was allegedly and originally living in a small city called Bad Wörishofen and then moved to Munich- Grünwald in the same year, and today I know that this psychopath had telepathy, was an illegal drug dealer + Mossad agent and tried to murder me as it is explained in detail elsewhere. All this and much more does not speak well of the ex-German vice chancellor nor speaks well in all of my fake family members, Israel + UK + USA where I was kidnapped to in September 1986 and literally kept as a slave covered up by forcing me to be illegal alien with the help of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar + with the help of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport Connecticut + the International Institute of Connecticut now it is called Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants + the FBI + and very unfortunately also the German government or at least some criminals in the party FDP and CDU and CSU political parties that were covering up for ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Möllemann ( ) + list of the German vice chancellors ( + history of German chancellors = CDU-Christian Democratic Union + Christian Social Union (only in the state of Bavaria where I was living for 17 years and until kidnapping me from Germany under their criminal control of my life as hidden slave) (


It is a long explanation, yet this is what they did and why they did it, because I was raised by the biggest and most destructive and dangerous organized crime families, which is the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + ex-German royal families and all their sub branches including but not limited to the Saudi Arabian royal family + the Jordanian royal family alias my fake family, and all of them together were 100% covering up for the ex-German vice Chancelor Jürgen Möllemann and possibly also his wife Carola Möllemann-Appelhoff that I strongly suspect her to be my original fake sister Moni Najar that helped kidnap me to Ceiro, Egypt in January 1960 while pretending to be my sister and worked for the all new Egyptian TV that was in a test phase in 1961, and I strongly believe this TV was built by the Rockefeller family in cooperation with many, among other the English royal family + the ex-German royal families that never left the Middle East after the second World War, they just relocated from one country to another pretending to be originated from that Arab country or the other Arab country, in my case and my entire fake family that started to be 25 and grew with the constant new arrival of new fake relatives that today I estimate them to be several thousand members of the biggest and most dangerous organized crime families that the world has ever seen, because they exist partially since over 500 years = The English Royal Families with all their branches literally in every single country and using their also over 500 years old organization called Freemason to get together and network to brainwash others and enslave them and if they cannot enslave them, then they kill them by the hundreds of thousands as they have been doing all their lives and my life is one of countless other proves.


And therewith I was 100% enslaved starting 1960 until current with the exception of the time between October 1977 and until 31.12.1983, is the only time I felt alive even though they forced upon me countless bad situations and problems that I was never able to solve such as immigration in Germany as it is described in this page and in countless other pages of my complaint pages. And the reason I felt alive only during this time is because a hand full of not perfect but good persons in my life, most of them I never met, but the few that I met made me alive pleasant, here are 4 of them, in order of appearance in my life:

1.          January 1976 to 1978: The pastor that baptized me in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in Unterschleissheim, Germany and named Pastor Herbert Lange that taught me much more than just Christianity, and I think it was a blessing to have known him for around 3 years.

2.          Around June 1976 to Mai 1978 My employer Mr. Helmuth Hoegel the founder and ex-owner of the company Hoegel Studio Technik in Unterschleissheim, Germany was the only angel I have ever met, that is if there are any angels in our lives, then he will be most definitely one of them.

3.          June 1978 to 31.12.1982: Siemens AG in Neu Perlach, Munich, Germany, where I started to work in a department called "SO-Sonder Projekte" in English "Special Projects" and was set on the Saudi Arabian all new project named at that time "Saudi Arabian Port’s Authority" today it is own ministry in Saudi Arabia. Very unfortunately they used me as blackmail object against my fake family that were members of the Saudi Arabian royal families and the Jordanian royal families and other neighboring royal families, however in my presence they pretended to be Syrian small-time middle-class families and some even pretended to be very poor, and tried hard to relate me to Israel and Jewish as distraction of mainly the following 3 families:

3.1.          English Royal families

3.2.          Rockefeller families

3.3.          Ex-German royal families the main owners of the companies Siemens AG, Mercedes Bens, Porsche and many others in the states of Bavaria and of Baden-Württemberg and particular the cities Munich and Stuttgart. (Important note added on 31.10.2023, in Germany and in the rest of the world, only members of the royal families were able to start big businesses such as Siemens AG, Mercedes ad others  while pretending not to be royal family members, often they steal the ideas of others using telepathy or even without telepathy, no one can oppose the royal families, because they own their own private soldiers alias the police and military . The reason they pretend not to be royal families, enable to not be too obvious that everything is owned by the royal family from postal services to police, to engineering to construction companies, electric companies, water companies and so on, in other words everyone else is a slave and is not allowed to have a business, just as they doit in the UK and in the USA today, while pretending that USA is a free country and everyone can be what he/she want to be, yet I was not allowed, nor another 30 million illegal aliens in USA nor another 100 million legal aliens and Americans. The reason I mentioning all this, just to show you who is ex-German royal family today in Germany!)

4.          From March 1981 tofrom7.10.1984: MY ex-German Girlfriend that I strongly suspect to have been set on me to make it look like she is distracting me of the church, which she did, just as Siemens AG also did, yet she was such a lovely and lively and most lovable person I ever met in my life, and for me it was also a blessing to have met her.


Therefore, many Germans persecuted me to avoid that I discover any of the facts hidden from me and listed in my complaint pages, and to do that they often used foreigners such as Americans + Turkish + English and others and other religions such as Christian + Jewish = all it was is pure slavery in Germany, USA, UK and in the Netherlands, because today I am 23 years in the Netherlands by force of them all, of which I was from 11.2.2001 and until 28.2.2008 forced to live between jails, prisons and refugee camps + from 28.2.2008 and until Mai 2012 was forced by the immigration to live in a total controlled environment where I had no freedom what so ever = 100% hidden slavery to cover up for my fake and biological families because the Dutch royal family 100% related to them = I am being forced to live in slavery from 1960 until current in October 2023 through my own family members, whereby it does not really matter anymore if they are my fake or real brothers and sisters or my fake or real distant cousins, because slavery is slavery and I can prove that because I have nothing from my past and I know no one of my past and this after 71 years of life = 100% slavery!


2001 to 2016: Lockups, and re-brainwash (Go to Index)


After arresting me twice between June and July 2000 in the International Airport of Houston, Texas named George H.W. Bush Airport (this is what Americans do, take a top criminal, and make him holly to justify all of his crimes, such as naming the international airport in Houston, Texas, USA George H. W. Bush airport) I was imprisoned in a so called deportation prison where they housed countless deportees in around 4-8 rooms, the room I was in had over 80 deportees in one huge room, then taking me to the Netherland by claiming “they are taking me to Amman, Jordan” as mean of brainwash and to force my mind to think I must be originated from Jordan just like my fake brother and fake 2 sisters and several other fake family members, and this as distraction of the English royal family and the Rockefeller family that today I strongly believe they are my hidden from me biological families or at least they are 100% the ones that kidnapped me as infant in 1951/1952 and again caused me a total amnesia in January 1960 and took me to Cairo Egypt as an alleged 8 years old Syrian!


In Netherlands they toyed with me as it is described in several sections of my complaint pages, by using telepathy and forcing me to leave the refugee camp and go to Germany to force me to remember my past, which all in all was meant to force my mind to think all what happened to me since the start of the illegal project Calypso, it was due to my alleged Muslim family using their connection to force me to be married to a Muslim woman and leave my Christian girlfriend and then kidnap me to USA where they set me up several times between 1986 and 1988 to literally hate the church and Christian, but it did not work because I had a very good teacher that taught me Christianity and therefore I never hated the Church or Christians, but rather I saw these bad situation with Christian pastors as brainwash to hate, one was white American and the other was black American and both in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA, in other words I just was totally shocked and disappointed of these 2 pastors and these 2 churches as it is described in my complaint pages.


Back to the Netherlands, where the American government brought me here by force and brainwash, and in the first 2 years, in particular in the begin of the year 2003, I discovered a few bad things about my past related to my fake family and the American and German government and I spoke about it very loudly, and since the Dutch Immigration and I also strongly believe the CIA and/or FBI and/or the American immigration were listening as it is described in my complaint page, and they want to keep it secret that many of my fake family are nothing else but criminal CIA + MI6 + Mossad agent that some of them are originated from Germany, other from USA and others from the UK and also from other countries. I also discovered a few things about my fake family in relation to the Bush family, the immigration were listing and did not like what I discovered as a result these criminals, toyed with me and locked me up until June 2012 between jails, prisons, refugee camps and forced upon me housing in a total isolation in over 20 different locations in various cities and villages between Germany and the Netherlands.


Thereafter and in June 2012 I was allowed to relocated from this forced upon me housing in the isolated village called Bellingwolde to Amsterdam, where one year later they awarded me the citizenship, just to push me by force of brainwash and telepathy to various other cities between Netherlands and the UK, all in all 6 forced upon me relocations between Mai 2012 and until 1 March 2016, this is more than one relocation every year which totally confused my mind and forced my life into a total chaos while they were forcing me to think that I was doing all that voluntarily, Where I was most definitely not doing it and I had absolute no control over my own life and this at least since 1 January 1984 as these criminals dragged me by force to the illegal project Calypso with the Syrian government to blame everything on the Syrian while forcing everyone else to think that I am Syrian origin, where I was most definitely born to 98% in the UK or in one of their very close and official territories and was used since my birth as decoy son to enable the psychopath British queen Elizabeth the second to have a vacation in various countries between 1951 and 1960 and using me as decoy son as it is described in my complaint pages as well as in the first section above.


2016 to current in August 2023:  very limited freedom, only to write about my past!!?? (Go to Index)


In 1.3.20176 I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague. The first 2 years I was filling several complaints to various government offices in the Netherland, Germany, and USA, all totally ignored my complaints, and most of them did not even respond to my letters.


Ever since I am busy complaining online using my website and publishing the details of kidnapping me 3 times in my life and keeping me literally as slave all my life.


The more I write in my complaint pages the more I remember situations and relate them to other situations and therewith having a better understanding of my life, but also the more I am sad and depressed. Whereby, and today I strongly believe many things of what I remembered, it was not of me, in other words, very possibly others used telepathy to remind me of certain situations of my past, but also and very possibly others helped me with telepathy to understand certain deceive situations and see through these deceive.


I do not know who used telepathy to help me remember and understand the situation, most probably there were several persons.


Even today in 2023 I remember some of my past and understand it and discover new things about my past, such as Avon Products/Cosmetics that helped my fake brother in Germany and USA to have a fake identity and a fake employment at their offices from 1977 in Eching, Germany to 1986 in Rye, New York, USA while misusing the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, and therewith they with no doubt also misused the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut to keep me enslaved in USA as cover up for the English royal family + Rockefeller family = my biological families.


Summary from January 1984 to September 1987, brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA as a slave (Go to Index)


In this section I am adding two main points as follow:

A.                   Persons used repeatedly in brainwash situations as distraction of the real psychopath criminals.

B.                   January 1984 to October 1987 brainwashing, enslaving and kidnapping: the brainwash situations they created to re-brainwash me, enslave me, kidnap me from Germany to USA and keeping me as slave in USA, while mainly concentrating on the situation in USA, because all the rest is described in details in my complaint pages, yet what happened in USA from end of September 1986 and until October 1987 that lead to keeping me as slave for 15 years in USA, was maybe not clear enough in my complain pages, and here it will be not only clear but most definitely it will show how organized crime families such as the English royal families and the Rockefeller families misuse churches very destructively.

Persons used repeatedly in brainwash situations as distraction of the real psychopath criminals. (Go to Index)


This will show the pattern of using a person in various destructive brainwash situations as distraction of the real hidden criminals.


There were 4 people that each of them was used for certain brainwash situation as distraction of others to force my mind to blame only this one person or the other. These 4 persons are in order of dates their first appeared in my life:

1.          Hayat Baroudi, my fake mother, one person out of several lookalikes, that exchange places as distraction of Queen Elizabeth the Second. First time saw and officially it was in January 1960 as I was taken/kidnapped to Cairo, Egypt, yet they caused me a total Amnesia in August or September 1960 and placed it in my mind that I know this horrible charlatan woman since birth and since 15 January 1960 we allegedly immigrated from Damascus, Syrian to Cairo, Egypt. Last saw her in summer of 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA after kidnapping me from Germany to USA. This woman was used in literally countless most destructive brainwash setups and telepathy force to force me to the one thing or another while only blaming her as distraction of other psychopath criminals as it is described within my complaint pages.

2.          Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, my fake brother one out of 2 or even 3 identical lookalike that exchanged places without me noticing. First ever I was told about him and saw him was in 1965/66 in Cairo, Egypt immediately after a setup (I guess of some Egyptian politicians that knew queen Elizabeth was with me as my fake mother until at least March 1960) where in around 1964/65 I was placed in a private school in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president named Gamal Abd-Al-Naser, his son’s name was either Hakeem or Abd-Al-Hakeem Naser/Nasser, which today I see it as if someone was trying to use me as a blackmail object or force me to think this is the son of the president, and you are the son of whom?? Last saw Mohamad Nashaat Najar or better said his lookalikes Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and Nick Naggar was in around 1994 in Houston, Texas, USA

3.          Najlaa Mahmoud, the hired prostitute by BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + Mossad to keep me under control and totally isolated. First saw her on 24.12.1984 in Munich, Germany, where I was 100% enslaved under her control by using telepathy and severe brainwash. Last time I saw this human trash and nature vomit was sometimes in the beginning summer of 2000, yet officially we separated in June or July 1999. This Najlaa Mahmoud and with absolutely no doubt whatsoever, had another 2 almost identical lookalikes. One was most of the time living with me, while the second comes occasionally and exchange placed with this criminal, pretending to be her, and I never noticed, she came at least once a year, in Christmas time. The third was the most disgusting one, came only at the end, around 1998, during the project CPS-Caspian Pipeline Consortium to force my mind to blame Russian + Syrian for enslaving me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA and now in 1999 the alleged Russians in this project CPC separated me of this human trash and most disgusting woman named Najlaa Mahmoud. Today, in the year 2023, I recognized this new brainwash strategy, which is, at the end, they brought a new lookalike that was most disgusting, totally unhygienic, and smelly, and very possibly also retarded (= born mentally handicapped) and most definitely was at least 20 years older than the other 2 lookalikes. It is easy for the psychopaths that were surrounding me and have telepathy in Houston, Texas, USA, among other the Bush family the top management of Aramco and others, to force me with telepathy to not recognize what they did. This new brainwash strategy of replacing the old criminal woman Najlaa Mahmoud with a new one that is very disgusting, to force my mind to literally hate my life with her and be happy that she is gone and stop thinking right here and not recognizing that this one is a new person, and therewith I will not recognize the other two and not recognize that one of them was exchanging places with the third at least once every single Christmas starting 1991, as it is described within my complaint pages. And most probably that is why they also enslaved me under her control starting 24.12.1984, then it will look like as if I am celebrating 24 December as if it is our anniversaries, which I most definitely did not, yet they had total control of my life and mind, and every single Christmas Eve = 24 December, I would be forced to go with this disgusting human trash prostitute to a luxury hotel for 3-5 days within the same city in Houston, Texas, USA. It started on Christmas 1991 where we went to the Hilton Hotel near Sharps town in Houston, thereafter I was forced to take this BP-British Petroleum + Aramco’s prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud to the Omni Hotel in Houston, and take 2 rooms adjacent to each other’s, and therefore these criminals and psychopaths can put me to sleep, while the parents of my fake son spend time with their son in the other room and I never noticed. This is what English royal family members + Rockefeller family members + Saudi royal family (=ARAMCO) members do for living steal the lives of other people, while they are sleep = criminals and are all together a huge psychopaths prostitutes house. On top of all that the official son-in-law of this prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud, named Kimo Khodor/Chodoor allegedly short of the Urdu/Arabic name Kamal last name Khodor and later was allegedly married to another allegedly Syrian named possibly Heba. This Kemo or Kimo was the receptionist at the Omni Hotel, at least each time I was forced to go there on Christmas = All planned since 1984 and until the last time I was forced to go to the Omni Hotel which was Christmas of 1998

4.          My fake son Abdulhamid Najar allegedly of the hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud. The first time I saw him as a newborn on 26.3.1986 at Sendlinger Frauen Klinik in Munich, Germany (in English: Sendlinger women clinic/hospital, whereby Sendling is the name of the area in  downtown Munich), where I was 100% prevented by the hospital staff in Munich to be present during the delivery allegedly due to a cesarean operation, which is for me an additional prove that he is not my biological son neither hers. The main reason, one out of many other reasons, that I think he is not my biological son, is because his alleged mother this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud was nowhere near me 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after she conceived/had sex that allegedly lead to her pregnancy, officially she was for 3 months in Syria in the spring to the summer of 1985 and she allegedly gave birth on 26.3.1986 with allegedly 2 weeks birth delay that allegedly lead to a cesarean operation = lies and severe brain wash by the ex-German royal family members = Aramco + Rockefeller + English royal families. She allegedly went to Syria to make her alleged high school diploma to show as if she is young and Syrian while pretending to give me time 3 months to be alone, whereby 100% I was not alone, because with telepathy a person can control another person’s mind while being at another location (there is distance limitation, that I am guessing it to be at least 100-200 meters, possibly much longer or shorter distance), that could be next apartment or another place next street, yet and in reality I have no idea where this whore was, because not only everything she says is a lie, but also everything she did or even breath out was and still is a lie. And even if I am mistaken and he is my biological son of this hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud, then and especially then I do not want to have anything to do with him, because of one major reason only: it is the pattern of my fake and biological families that these criminals and psychopaths brings a new person into my life by force and then have a reason to bring others through him, such as his alleged relatives or friends that then each one of them will perform the one very destructive action or another against me as they have been doing since 1960 among others through the above 3 mentioned psychopath criminals mentioned in point 1 to point 3, not to mention my 3 fake sisters (and others fake relatives that all came into my life at a later time after September 1960 and pretended to be related to my fake mother, or related to my fake sisters and each one of them brings another, which meant to me more destruction to my life, whereby you can clearly see this destructive pattern in my complaint page), of which 2 has at least one lookalike that replaced them at one point of time or another of my life = my experience with many that came into my life based on this very destructive strategy, which is also mentioned somewhere in the Bible

5.          There was others such as my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and Moni Najar alias Mona Najjar alias Mona Abokurah alias possibly a new last name due to she allegedly married a couple of years back even though she is officially 12 years older than me, meaning she is now 83 years old and as she get married in Washington D.C. she was over 75 years old, therefore it is very possible that she get married just to have a new last name due to my complaint pages since 2016 and the forced upon me brainwash webpage named “Wanted” from 2007 and until April 2012, because this is the pattern of these destructive families English royal families + Rockefeller families = my fake families that use a person with telepathy at a later age to settle in certain area enable to use him/her to manipulate others as they have been doing it with me since 1960 = a 100% solid pattern, and my fake sister Mona Najjar with some of her official children and a very destructive network in and around Washington D.C. with others such as Ejlani brothers in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington D.C., the Khodor family in Washington D.C. and in several other cities and states such as in Houston, Texas, USA and Allentown in Pennsylvania, USA the Abokurah family, the Bdeir family, the Edelbi family, the Baroudi family and many others = international organized crime families.


Now to the sequence of brainwash and slavery created situations to enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA and literally keeping me as slave for 15 years in USA + 16 years in the Netherlands from September 1986 and until 1 March 2016 = 30 years slavery outside Germany and 17 years slavery in Germany from 10.10.1969 and until September 1986, where I absolutely was prevented to have any freedom in my life during these periods as it is clearly to see in my complaint pages. The only debatable time is between September 1977 and until December 1983, and the reason I call it debatable, is because during that time I was set up to become Christian to allow them to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam, and here I totally fell in love with the church, yet it is still a fact that I was setup and practically forced to become Christian but also that hand full of members of this church conspired against me it is very clear to see also in this page. The other period is with Siemens AG, I was 100% hired by Siemens AG because they knew who my family was because today I strongly believe my fake and biological families asked Siemens AG to remove me of the church, and that is why they wanted to use me as blackmail object to get the project Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia, which they did, during which they performed an irreparable damage to my life, yet I loved working for this company because I learned much more than usual. The third period, and all three are partially parallel/simultaneously, is my ex-German Girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka that was 100% set on me either with or without her knowledge, I believe with her knowledge, but I am not sure about that, and even though they forced me to blame her for many very destructive situations, and this because I loved her very much and I would have never left her if they did not force me with telepathy as it is described within my complaint pages and these 3 periods from September 1977 and until December 1983 and partially until 17.10.1984 was the best things that ever happened to me = a paradox of loving being a member of the church + loving being an employee for Siemens AG + loving being the boyfriend of Adelheid Kuczka, even though and through all 3 very destructive situation were forced upon my life = brainwash, and the reason I call it brainwash is because I loved them, and love makes a person blind and I never questioned the situations and therefore I never understood what happened = a pattern to force a person fall in love with something to prevent his mind to question the bad side as you can also clearly see with my relation with the Fischer family as described above in the period of 1976 and thereafter.


Here are the situations to re-brainwash me and enslave me from 1 January 1984, then kidnapping me from Germany and forcing me to live as slave for additional 15 years in USA. Also note I never wanted to ever leave my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, never wanted to leave Germany, and most definitely never wanted to go to USA because I totally disliked it to almost hating it:

1.   1 January 1984 to 16 October 1984, forced me to mix with psychopath’s Syrian military intelligence, Syrian military officers, and Syrian police chiefs of various parts of Syria, and all this in Munich, Germany

2.   17 October 1984 to 23 December 1984, just a couple of weeks earlier, brought my fake mother that second biggest and filthiest prostitute of my life, named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi. Then they separated me of my ex-German girlfriend by force and in a very sadistic manner. Stole all my Multilingual Computer research documents + designs based on my research, all were between 7 thousand and 10 thousand pages. Reported to the police falsely that I hit my ex-girlfriend very badly, which I most definitely did not because I was madly in love with her and still I am today in the year 2023.

3.   24 December 1984 to August 1986, on 24.12.1984 brought the prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud allegedly from Syria and enslaved me under her control by using brainwash and 100% telepathy, otherwise I would not even look at this trash woman. Forced a fake son upon my life, set me up countless times very destructively. Just imagine I would marry a woman I never ever seen before above all she was totally disgusting, looking wise, behavior wise and totally lack any moral values and a very bad character, and that anyone can see, just by looking at her for a few seconds. Used me to test the new developed Microsoft Word in Arabic that was 100% developed based on my design that these criminals BP-British Petroleum (= English royal families + Rockefeller families) stole from me

4.   September 1986 to November 1986 Kidnapped me from Munich to USA and forced me to depend on my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, whereby I really never liked him, nor I trusted him, I just tolerated him because I was forced to believe that he was my biological brother. He is one of the filthiest men I ever met in my life just like his father and entire criminal families = king Hussein of Jordan + king Abdullah of Jordan + the Bdeir/Budier family in Jordan and in another at least 12 countries + Abokurah family in Jordan and in Washington D.C. = English royal families + Rockefeller families + Ex-German royal families alias the current controlling families in Germany, such as Siemens AG and the Siemens family + the Porsche family ex-owner of the Porsche cars + the family of Mercedes Bens = ex-Nazis of the second World war and the prove of that, is that all their official top management staff including CEOs were arrested and imprisoned in 1945 for at least 2-15 years depending how much the British and American was able to live without their network enable they can control Germany for decade thereafter and officially at least until 1991 and unofficially or better said in the hidden until today because they pretend to be Russians or Chinese or Indians or Arabs that are either relocating/investing in Germany or as refugees!

5.   November 1986 to March or April 1987. Forced me to live with the family of the Pastor Jack Stevens of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, which was nothing else than 100% temporary controlled environment to make sure I do not leave this fucking country called USA before my temporary German passport for strangers (in German it is called Fremdenpass: + + )  runs out and go back to Germany, then I would have been 100% more free than in this evil country called USA. Also, they know every contact I was making, if it was with the telephone or via post mail, because I had no money and was forced to use everything from the church and the pastor’s home and the church computer to look for a job. Where I was not successful in anything I ever done during this period. Today I know that this church was 100% working against me and helping not only my fake brother that knew them before me, but also helping the CIA + the English royal family + the Rockefeller families = my biological families that have no moral values, no family values and as you can see, they also and absolutely have no Christian values in any way whatsoever

6.   March or April 1987 to September 1987. I was forced to apply for political asylum as another brainwash setup that these people blamed on me. I was forced by the church to contact the organization International Institute of Connecticut (They changed their name to the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants as you will see, they are not mentioning the old name on their new website, most probably due to my complaint pages, many changed internet presences also in the Netherlands! This is their new website ), that supposed to help refugees, but they conspired with the church + the FBI + the CIA + The American immigration to force me to live in USA as illegal alien without any rights what so ever enable to prevent me to leave this fucking country called USA and go back home to Germany, during which they used me to raise the son of some criminal psychopath from Saudi Arabia that today I 100% relate to my fake 3 sisters Suhair Bdeir of Amman, Jordan that was a nanny for royal family children, and my other fake siter named Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar alias a new unknown to me name because she allegedly get married again as she was over 75 years old in Washington D.C., and my third fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar, that today I have no doubt what so ever that her husband is from the Saudi royal family and in my presence pretend to be Dr. Alaa Ali from Cairo, Egypt and I strongly believe he is either the older brother or even father of the permanent CEO of the petroleum Saudi company named ARAMCO named Dr. Amin H. Nasser ( + ) = English royal family + Rockefeller families, because these 2 families own Saudi Arabia because they founded it, and now they claim it is the base of Islam! Think about it for a minute would the prophet Mohamad allow criminal military such as UK military and the military + navy + Airforce of USA be stationed in and around Saudi Arabia? I don’t think so.

7.   After September 1987 and until June 1999. I was hopelessly enslaved and my logic was totally damaged and was not able to think any more, not only because they forced me to literally fight on a daily basis enable I can have enough money to pay the bills/monthly expenses such as rent, food and so on, but I was hopelessly controlled on a regular base with telepathy, which is very damaging for the brain and for the logic of a human being, in other words, it kills the intelligence and it make out of a human beings a good slave that would say everything is beautiful even if he/she hates it! This is the fucking freedom and democracy of this fucking country called USA + UK that are, and as you can clearly see, controlled by organized crimes families called English royal families and Rockefeller families and Bush family and Koch family (=ex-German Nazis and drug lords) and Trump family and the list goes on and on.


The best is if I just list the situation in the sequence of happening, sorted by date.


All dates are roughly, some are +/- 1-2 days, others +/- up to 7 days.


December 1983 to October 1987 brainwash, enslaving and kidnapping (Go to Index)

This section concentrates only on brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA, during which these criminals stole every single thing I owned or built or worked for in 17 years of my life in Germany, including the followings:


1.              Totally destroyed my relationship with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka

2.              Totally destroyed my relations with my friends at the church.

3.              Totally destroyed my relations with my other friends.

4.              Forced me to lose my apartment on Winzerer street 146a in Munich.

5.              Forced me to lose all my furniture, whereby I really loved my furniture because some of them were gifts of others and the rest I had to work hard for and wait long time until I was able to buy important parts for my apartment furniture such as a real bed and real mattresses. While implicating me as if I gave voluntarily my apartment with all the furniture for free to a Palestinian man to show as if I am related to him = confirming my fake relationship to the official terrorist group called PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, whereby I do not know this man and never seen him before in my life except one week before I was forced to look for videos with Arabic movies for the BP-British Petroleum whore and prostitute that they enslaved me under her control on 24.12.1984, and this man owned a small Arabic video store near our apartment

6.              My life insurance that I lost.

7.              My bausparvertrag, in English savings to build a house contract with a German bank, and once I reach certain savings amount, the bank will help fulfill the rest of the cost as house mortgage.

8.              Lost all my Siemens AG shares/stocks. Each Siemens AG employee receives yearly certain quantities of stocks/company share depending on how many years he/she has been with the company.

9.              My savings were all lost, a few thousand Deutsch Mark = the same in Euro

10.        Germany is the only home I ever had, and I was forced to lose it.

11.        And much more


Below you can see the steps.


December 1983 to January 1984: Dragging me to thr Illegal Calypso Project (Go to Index)


This section is a bit longer than it should, just to enable you to see how deceiving and liars BP-British Petroleum company are, because they planned to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA before they even called me and tried hard to make it look like that the Syrians did that due to I allegedly changed my religion from Islam to Christianity, which really speaks very, very badly of the evil German government of that time, that 100% helped in preplanning all that!


In mid-December 1983 I received a phone call from Mr. Schilbach (first name forgotten) allegedly the manager of the company called SCS-Scientific Control System (at that time was 100% owned and operated by BP-British Petroleum, whereby the owner were and still are the English Royal families + the American Rockefeller families) and the German project leader for a project called Calypso, he was a brother of a director at Siemens AG with the same name. He claimed that he heard of me of Siemens AG and that he has a small project to just translate some documents from German to English and Arabic, I said I am not a translator, he said I know, but this is too technical for a multilingual computer processing and a translator is not capable to translate it justly because he does not know Computers, in short I was somehow brought to accept it. At that time, I was working as a freelancer and was having some difficulties to find projects because I was prevented to work, which I did not recognize it at that time that some groups of people were preventing me to work since September, because they wanted me to take this project. Please note that these people are lairs, con people, brainwashers, kidnappers and rapist, above all they are all thieves they steal anything that can bring them extra money to allow them to feel good about their selves because they are so stupid and do not know how to use their intelligence to build things, so they steal them, therefore, there was nothing that they would not do. MR. Schilbach said that I must have 2 interviews, one with him and the other with the other project leader. My Interview with Mr. Schilbach was after a couple of days, during which he said I am hired, but I still have to go through the other interview with the Syrian project leader named Labeed/Labied Salamah/Salameh, and this Mr. Salameh will be here first week of January.  And I can start on 3 January and then have an interview with Mr. Salameh. I did start on 3.1.1984, and a couple of days later Mr. Salameh came to interview me, which lasted less than 10 minutes, and he said that he confirms my hiring. In short, he said that they have one condition, I should not speak with any Syrians about this project or the personnel of this project, he is allegedly Lieutenant colonel in the Syrian military.


In the first 10 days I was trying to understand the system that they had, because I did not have experience with the mini-computer from DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation (later was purchased By Compaq Corporation, and Compaq Corporation was later taken over by HP-Hewlett Packard, how convenient that everything disappeared including the company that hired me!!) and after around one week, of which there was a 3 days holiday and weekend, I discovered that they have absolutely no multilingual system anywhere, not hardware nor software wise, therefore I told Mr. Schilbach there is nothing to translate and that they do not have anything in Arabic, and suggested that I can custom design a multilingual system for them. He said go ahead, and I told him that this will take several months for ordering custom equipment such as Monitors, keyboards, printers and adjusting the main software, he said no problem.


I worked until the end of January on gathering all information enable, I can make the design (=local feasibility study).


So far it is very visible that they were con-people, and I did not notice, because I see others as honest as I am, and thought the persons that interviewed me were just administrative managers and had no idea about IT-Information Technologies and computers.


February 1984 to Spring 1984: Preparing me for a re-brainwash


During this period, I was busy planning the multilingual hardware and software, and came to the conclusion that the best is to order Siemens Monitors including Keyboards and custom order a printers of a company in Switzerland called Wenger Datentechnik  (in English: Wenger Data Technic, whereby the word Wenger is also the name of the owner, that later closed the company and was specializing among others with Mountain and hiking equipment such as backpacks). This company Had top quality printers yet was not very famous and I had to work with them to teach them how to manufacture Multilingual inkjet printers for Arabic and English. I did not have to teach Siemens how to do it, because I learned how to design a multilingual computer system through them and designed for Siemens AG until 31.12.1981 the current multi-lingual system that they have, whereby one year later they won an award in Saudi Arabia for the best Arabic/English (=multilingual system) computer system.


Spring 1984 to September 1984: Severly re-brainwashing me


Please note that many of these criminals around me had telepathy and at that time I had no idea what telepathy is, I thougt telepathy was what everyone used to talk about, also the media = a myth created by story tellers, and that telepathy was only imagination and possibly exist only by a couple of persons that can somehow predict what others are going to do or what the future could be, and did not relate it at that time to the New Testament of the bible that describes telepathy in a very efficient way, yet they limited it to allegedly the son of God Jesus Christ, today I know that this was not quite as accurate and that telepathy is not only the wrong description of this capability, today I would call telepathy as HT-Human Telecom, but also around 0.005% of the population of each countries has this capabiltity and the others do not have it because their capability was circumsized to enslave them. 0.005% in USA out of rouphly 330 milion population would means 1.66 million persons in USA has HT-Human-Telecom = telepathy. And a small country such as Switzerland with a population of 8.7 milion, then they would have 0.0435 Millions  or 43.5 Thousand person with HT-Buman-Telecom = telpathy!


So small amount of people can control a huge amount of people because they created many strategies, such as herarchies, fear, forcing people to be busy working enable they can survive, creating fake freedom as it is practiced or better said enforced with lies in USA and they call it capitalism and democracy, and many other smaller strategies or even larger strategies such as terrorism, that has been used so oft since 1960s to force to create stricter laws that would then force people to submit as hidden slaves such as they do in Israel against Palestians but also against their own Jewish population where they keep on creating more and more dictatrship laws and want tovoid their own supreme court judges and allow the prime minister to have the last word just as Adolf Hitler and many before him and after him also did such as in Russia and their mass murder presidet Vladimir Poeten/Putin.


Back to my forced upon me work in the illegal project called Calypso. Suddenly I was forced to get all my multilingual documents that amount ropughly to 6-10 boxes that I placed Next to my working desk. They were everything I ever collected or created myself since summer 1978 over multilingual computer systems, monitors. Keyboards, printers and computer processing with all kind of international standards. Today I know 100% I did not need to bring them to the office, and these criminals thieves BP-British Petroleum forced me with telepathy to bring them enabe they can steal them from me, becaus they 100% have telepathy and can see what I have at home, above all they know everything about me, because they are criminal English royal family members and knew that queen elizabeth the second was using me as decoy slave son to have vacation in toher countries, from at least 1952 and until Spring 1960, above all they know also members of my fake family alias the hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family members as they listed as members of my fake family in the page “My family the kidnappers”.


Suddenly and in Munich, Germany I was surrounded by Syrian military staff that were ranked between major to general. Over 40 of them, around half were coming to learn how to use the new systems and go to courses for 6-12 months, many brought their wives and children with them, the others came only for meetings for 2-14 days.


All of them kept me busy, by pretending to be stupid and need my help with this and that, here and there. It went so far that one of them made it depending on me that his wife and 2 children sleept on the streets of Munich, just to force me with telepathy to give him my apartment, because he claimed that neither the Syrian government nor the project is paying for lodging for his wife and 2 children that were under 5 years old, and I had no chance against these psychopaths, where this man lodged in my apartment along with his wife and 2 children and I went to the Holday Inn hotel for 4 weeks. In the begining he claimed only for 2-3 days that stretched to 4 weeks, where I asked him several times to leave, and then I had to complain to others in the project that he is not leaving my apartment, then he left.


If you look at this situation, where my fake family set me up several times since January 1970 to look like I am related to terrorim. Ex-Soviet Union, organized crimes and so on and every couple of years they refresh it and I never noticed it at that time, and now I allow these criminals to take my apartment and I go to a hotel = I am with them against Germany. Wich I most definately was not and still never wortked in any of these illegal or criminal activities, among others and as it is very clear to see in my complaint pages, I was 100% slave of the psychopaths that pretended to be my family. For all I know these Syrian and in the Hidden were ex-Soviet Union militay or Iranians or even Israeli staff that were stationed in the Middel East hands in hands with the concentrated evil American and British military wich is very visible now through the Internet but also through the members of my fake family that are 100% either originated from the English royal families, Rockefeller families working for them or a combination.


September 1984 to 20 October 1984: step ONE of destructing my life and Killing my life inside out


They continued to brainwash me and keep me busy with nuisance, such as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi on Waldweg in Hamburg conspired with them and with the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa to set me up in Hamburg with the alleged Iranian orient carpet distributer of Dr. Sami Assassa and was forced to take 2 days off and go to Hamburg during which I was set up to meet a Syrian business man and his partner, names of both forgotten, and the partner claimed to have been the son of ex-Syrian president named Shukri Alquatly (, during which there was most definitely somehow a murder attempt on myself but I cannot prove it, yet some nasty person that very possibly was my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi caused me something to grow under my skin, in my underarm, that suddenly grew to over 1-2 cm larger than 2 beans and was hurting and it came very suddenly while I was in Hamburg, and on my way back and while driving on the highways back to Munich, and just around 20-50 km from Hamburg a bus bushed me aside and forced me to hit the middle metal wall between the 2-ways highway, and this while I was driving roughly 150 KM/hour, which caused my new car to be totally damage, luckily and somehow I survived it, and had to pull the car 750 km the whole way to Munich through the automobile car club called ADAC, repair took one month and was almost 8 thousand Deutsch Mark 8 thousand Euro, during which I was still staying at the hotel Holiday Inn because the Syrian family took over my apartment with force of brainwash and telepathy, and had to rent a car for one month.


Today I see the possibility that these criminals possibly installed some microphones or even cameras in my apartment as distraction of telepathy and therewith they can see and hear what is going on in my apartment = Spying on me, even though this criminal lived in my apartment by force for one month and should have been thankful to me, but this is what organized crime families do, they smile to your face make you feel sorry for them and then steel everything you have including your freedom and destroy your intelligence to prevent you of recognizing anything as they did to me over and over and over again sine my birth in 1951/52.


On 17 October, I invited my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka for dinner. Yet what is odd, is that I invited her to a new Syrian or Lebanese restaurant named Byblos.


Before I continue with this very damaging forced upon me dinner, here is a very important explanation about Byblos that will help you understand why these criminals and psychopaths set me up very destructively in this dinner and in the following 2 days thereafter: Byblos is a very small city or even a village in around 30 KM/20 miles north of Beirut in Lebanon, where in 1967 I was sent from Cairo, Egypt to Amman, Jordan for a summer vacation for around 2-3 months in Amman, Jordan by the family Bdeir/Budier alias the family of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that raised Reem Bdeir/budier alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan and allegedly also raised my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar (2 different lookalike that exchanged places) and They took me for around 1 month to Lebanon, 2 weeks in Byblos (in Arabic is called Jubail and written as, the following is taken of Byblos (/ˈbɪblɒs/ BIB-loss; Greek: Βύβλος), also known as Jbeil or Jubayl (Arabic: "جُبَيْل", RomanizedJubayl, locally Jbeil [ʒbeːl]; Phoenician: 𐤂𐤁𐤋, GBL, probably Gebal), is a city in the Keserwan-Jbeil Governorate of Lebanon. “”) and then they took me to Tripoli where I was there for around 17-21 days, of which around 3-7 days with the Bdeir/Budier family during, then they left me there for another 2 weeks, during which the family of their partner took me to a very hidden village in northern eastern side of Tripoli, that today I have no doubt what so ever it was an illegal drug village as it is described in my complaint pages, among others because everyone had at least one visible weapon and most had 2 visible weapons on them, a rifle or a rifle + a gun and at that time I was told a lie, that they are all here for hunting and that is why they have weapons.


Back to the new restaurant Byblos in Munich, this restaurant was a luxury restaurant among others you can see that on 3 facts as follow:

1.   It was much more expensive than average.

2.   A newspaper at that time called “Abendzeitung” (in English: evening news) wrote that it was opened in the most expensive streets in Munich called “Maximilianstraße” and that it is why it cost over One million Deutsch Mark/Euro to open the restaurant. I even believe it may have been 5 million, and not just one million, but I forgot the details.

3.   One month later, the same newspaper as above, reported that the restaurant has closed and filed for bankruptcy, which is theoretically and practically impossible to happen under normal circumstances, because any one that opens this kind of a restaurant must have experience and a plan and above all enough cash to stay open for several months until the business catches on and be successful, because no restaurant in the world will have enough customers within a month to be profitable, especially if a person invest one million Deutsch Mark = one million Euro, actually one million of 1984 means at least 5 million in 2023. Therefore and I am concluding that  they planned to open it for one month for one reason or another, and if I think loud, I may have been  the reason, because I was setup several times also through high German governmental officials, therefore it is very possible that they opened it to remind me of 1967 and the illegal drugs, yet at that time I did not yet realize that the 2 villages I went too were illegal drugs, neither I knew that the Lebanese city “Jubayl” was called Byblos in English, nor I knew I was raised by a fake family that pretended to be my biological family, nor I knew that my fake family was not only not my fake family but in general it consisted out of several other organized crime families, meaning each member of my fake family is from a different organized crime family  and each member of this fake family is pretending to be of the organized crime family called Baroudi and most of the members of the Baroudi families were members of other royal family such as Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, UAE, Kuwaiti, and Omani royal family members as it is explained in my complaint pages, and all these hidden royal families members are 100% simultaneously either members of the English royal families or the Rockefeller families or working for them or a combination


And there with the above information would give you a very good idea about the most destructive brainwash situation in my life directly after the sadistic and psychotic 2 women in my life alias queen Elizabeth the second and my fake mother Hayat Baroudi.


Back to my dinner with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. We went to this Byblos restaurant and had dinner including one bottle of red wine for both of us, and one small alcoholic drink with desert, and the reason I am mentioning the quantity of alcohol we consumed, is to show that we were not drunk, because each of us had at the most half a bottle of wine, which equals 2-3 small glasses, plus a very small alcoholic drink with desert that was equal to roughly 44 milliliters (ml)/1.5 ounces of alcohol, and since we both drink so much every time we go out for diner, this means we get used to it, and I was brainwashed by the American military base McGraw Kaserne since March 1970 to be alcoholic as a mean of brainwash tool as it is explained in my complained pages, which very much means to me that this amount of alcohol was nothing but a drop in the bucket enable to get drunk, period.


After dinner I drove my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka back to her apartment and on our way, I told her that I am ending my relationship with her, and that today is the last time I ever want to see her. Then she was shocked and angry, because there was no reason to end the relationship, and then she asked me but we can still be friends and I replied no I do not want to see you any more after today, then she asked me to stop the car and that she wants to get out of the car right now, but we were driving in a tunnel very close to her apartment and I am not allowed to stop, because there was no place to stop, and if I stop I may cause a car accident so I told her I cannot stop here and it is only a few minutes then we will be at her apartment, then she opened the car door while I am driving 50 km and hour, I quickly grabbed her door and closed it, and locked all car doors by pushing a button designed for that, and she tried to open it again but it was already locked and then she asked me to open and I said no it is dangerous and we be in a couple of minutes at your apartment, then she started hitting on me while I am driving, so I held the steering wheel with my left hand and raised my right hand to block her hitting me, and somehow we made it in less than 2 minutes to her apartment that was just a couple of hundred meters of the tunnel, and then I open the door and let her out, and she walked away without saying a word, and I was totally shocked and did not understand what just happened, because I was madly in love with her, because she was exceptionally good person and a very lively and lovely woman and very lovable person and fun to be with.


Today in 2023 and since 2001, I recall this situation and looked at it from all kind of angels to understand it, and I came to the conclusion that some person with telepathy forced this very destructive situation upon us and as a confirmation, here are small details: I knew her since March 1981, this is 3.5 years, during which we went out to dinner at least once every 10 days, often 2-3 times a week, yet we never went to an Arabic restaurant or any other Middle Eastern restaurant, yet we both loved to go to Italian, Japanese and French restaurants, and sometimes to Greek or other north European restaurant, yet the only time we went to an Arabic restaurant, it was Syrian/Lebanese, named after an illegal drug Lebanese city called Byblos and this while I was being severely brainwashed by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and their alleged Syrian military customers, that were systematically and piece by piece stealing the life away from me and the following a few lines shows that very clearly:

1.   The following day I went to work at the Calypso project, then I received a call of my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and she asked me if I can give her 200 Deutsch mark because she is short on money, and asked me to meet her in a café in downtown Munich in Marien Platz (marine square), I went there and she had 2-3 brown spots on her face, and telling me look what you did to me, then I through the 200 Deutsch mark on the table and said, you deserve it and walked away and suddenly I started crying while trying hard to suppress it because I was still in the café that was heavily visited. I did not understand what happened just now, above all saying you deserved it, it did not come from me, but at that time I did not know anything about telepathy, and I did not understand how can I do or say such thing to the woman I was madly in love with, and I never found the answer and I never understood the situation and accepted it as if it came from = severe brainwash with telepathy.

2.   2 days later on 19 October and at work, the new project manager named Mr. Klein or Kleine (in English: small), came from Stuttgart as distraction of Mr. Schilbach and his brother the Siemens AG Director, asked me to his office and, then told me that my girlfriend called him and said that I hit her very badly and that she filled a complaint against me also by the police and allegedly she also said to him that I am working with their client from behind their back and trying to steal their client, which is practically and theoretically impossible because I do not have spying satellites for this project, and at that time and to my knowledge only the American and possibly also the ex-Soviet Union alias the current Russian Federation had them, which very much means that this criminal Mr. Kleine is lying and creating a destructive situation in my life through  BP-British Petroleum alias the English royal family and the Rockefeller families alias the owners of the BP-British Petroleum and making sure that the relationship with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka is destroyed once and for all and to never give me a chance to fix the damage that these  psychopaths did to me. Then Mr. Kleine said that I am fired and should leave the office right now, I believe he gave me 5 minutes, which is absolutely not the German way of doing business, yet they created the lie that I am allegedly stealing their client enable to have a legal reason to force me to leave right now, and therewith he gave me no chance to defend myself and I went to my office to take my boxes as mentioned above to my car, but Mr. Kleine came and said I cannot take them and that this is the property of the company, which was 100% not true, I brought them all from my home to help these psychopaths, this above situation and also the explanation about Avon products company, as mentioned above and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that was 100% originated from the UK and they lied to me and claimed he was raised in Amman, Jordan by the Bdeir/Budier family and went to their own private  Islamic school and then transferred to A catholic school in Cairo, which is absolutely impossible, no Muslim would ever do something like that, unless he is a member of an organized crime family, and all together shows that the English royal families + the Rockefeller families have been constantly persecuting me using their businesses and secret services, which also show that they are 100% psychotic organized crime families that has no family values, no moral values, no religious values, no country values, and therewith they are 100% value-less and a plagues upon the entire world.

3.   I was fired on Friday 19 October 1984 and the following week between Monday and Friday, I received a call of a person named Asok (Indian Origin), that claimed he heard of me and would like to discuss with me in person a job opportunity and if I can meet him tomorrow at the Airport of Munich where he allegedly will be in transit for an hour or so. I met him the following day and to make it short, and until today, I have absolutely no idea who this man was and for whom he worked, I am guessing for the German BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst, which is a German secret service organization similar to CIA in USA and MI6 in the UK, anyway he get me a job starting 1 November at the company UDF-Unternehmnungsberatung Dr. Fischer, today it is called UDF Consulting AG (AG means it is registered at the stock market) The company was a business and computer consulting company with around 100-150 employees, owned by Professor Dr. Hellmuth Fischer (Later owned and operated by his son Dr. Claus-Dieter Fischer). Professor Dr. Hellmuth Fischer was the economic advisor of ex-German chancellor Helmuth Schmidt ( Later Mr. Asok created several situations with Mr. Uwe Dee and Mrs. Dee, whereby Mr. Uwe Dee was the trainer and commander of the anti-terrorism German Federal police unit/group named "GSG 9" (= formerly called "Grenzschutzgruppe 9", in English: "Border Protection Group 9"), for more information see the following link, where Mr. Uwe Dee is mentioned within the page as commander ( I will skip the detail because it is in my complaint pages, but all in all it shows you that nothing was coincident and it was all planned, because this GSG 9 group was created immediately after the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics, to take the Israeli sport’s team hostage and killed many of them or all of them, which is mentioned in the above mentioned Wikipedia link and here is additional information over it: Not to forget that I was setup immediately after that terrorist attack and be separated of the whore agent Anita Disbray and set up with a German agent that pretended to be a nurse as mentioned in my complaint pages. Which all in all shows that I am being unjustly persecuted since January 1970 because my fake family + the CIA set me up to look like as if I am linked, falsely I am say, to PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorist group to give the CIA and American military a fake reason to pretend to be investigating me but in reality they were re-brainwashing me to forget my past, isolating me and enslaving me for 7 years under the control of their  British whore agent named Anta Disbray that was over 60 years old and pretended to be 21 years old in August 1970. Which very much means they planned to give me this job at UDF-Unternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer enable they keep me busy with nuisance until enslaving me again under the control of their new whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 and then kidnapping me from Germany to USA in September 1986. They did all that and much more, as is described with many details within my complaint pages. Please note and as it is described above in this page that I was set up in 1976 to become Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city Unterschleissheim, Germany, where they had a few agent within the church such as the family Fischer as described above and they covered up for my fake brother by pretending that he was working for Avon Products cosmetic company to prevent me to question how come he can spend 10 times as much as me while he is allegedly unemployed, and they did that to cover up that he is the son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king of Jordan named Abdullah, while I also strongly believe that he either worked in the upper management of either the company Exxon (=owned officially by the Rockefeller family) or the company ARAMCO (=Saudi Arabia and in the hidden owned 100% by the Rockefeller family), which very much means that the church was covering up for my fake and biological families and it is 100% the prove that the government of the Free State of Bavaria and the government of Germany and the government of USA knew who I was and pretending to persecute by the police enable they can brainwash me, isolate me and enslave me over and over and over again since at least 1960 and that is proven by many of the verifiable facts written alone in this page!


All the above is only the short version of what happened, I left out many vital details that are mentioned in my complaint pages.


20 October 1984 to 24 December 1984: step TWO of destructing my life and the Isolation until slavery


My Fake mother the prostitute Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi came just 2 weeks earlier and now she is keeping me busy with all kind situations.


Not to forget this fake mother has at least 3 different lookalikes that exchange places with her, and at least one of them or more has telepathy.


And here one of these evil telepathy manipulations she used on me by force directly after I was separated of my ex-Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka very sadistically: she forced me to say I am lonely and want a woman right now, and her answer was (please note she speaks through my mouth which forces me to think that I am talking, and then she answer herself) I do not know any woman without hijab (=a head covering worn by force in public by some or even most Muslim women.), and this statement alone was supposed to force my mind to think of her and my entire criminal fake family as a Muslim woman and as a Muslim family, which they are most definitely not, but also whoever is listening to us via hidden microphones or telepathy, and I know I was persecuted and monitored by many persons with telepathy. Today I know that this whore woman was and if she still alive can never be Muslim, because one thing I can say for sure about the majority of Muslims, they all have moral and family values, she had none, nor any member of my fake family has ever had. Then she continued to talk and saying: but there is this woman renting a room in Damascus at the house of your aunt Eftikar Kheir (First this, aunt is another hidden royal family nanny and most definitely she never lived in Damascus Syria, I know 3 of her alleged adult psychopath children, the first a female named Fatina Kheir I saw her between 1981 and 1984, she was around 18-20 years old as I saw her once in Amman, Jordan at one of the several houses of the Bdeir/Budier family alias a hidden Jordanian or Saudi Arabian royal family members originated 100% either from Europe, UK or USA, the second female named Faihaa Kheir, at that time was around 30-35 years old, I saw her in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 1981, the third is a male named Farhat Kheir I saw him in around 1981/82 in Amman, Jordan at one of the several houses of the Bdeir/Budier family, while he claimed to be living in Oman. I strongly suspect all 3 to be to 99% English royal family members and the 2 oldest have performed the one damage or another on me), then she continued saying her name is Najlaa and has 4 children.


To make it short she forced me with telepathy to call this hired prostitute called Najlaa Mahmoud somewhere she claimed it to be in Damascus, Syria. (today I know that the governing political party in Germany or at least during that period of time which were the CDU-Christian Democratic Union and their partner in the so-called Free-State of Bavaria where I was living was CSU-Christian Socialist Union and the national political party called FDP-Free Democratic Party were 100% helping the Bush family + the English royal family by keeping me as a slave, beside they did not want me to understand the situation of yet to become the German vice-Chancellor  in 1992 named Jürgen Möllemann ( ) + list of the German vice chancellors (, where he was only 8 months as vice chancellor and officially died through an accident, yet today I strongly believe he either was assassinated or he killed one of his at least 2 lookalike and doubles and disappeared because he was 100% a spy and an agent or at least the hidden son of a hidden and escaped Nazis within my fake family as it is described within this page). Therefore and for all I know this public phone that she insisted on using instead of the phone in my apartment, was most probably linked to a telephone controlled center and whatever number you dial they will redirect it to where ever they want, and today I believe they redirect it to somewhere in Germany, this because at least one of my fake mother was 100% German citizen while pretending to be Syrian citizen, and very possibly also Jewish, because this is what many Jewish people do, as it is dictated to them in the Torah = the Old Testament book of the Bible. Beside and today, I strongly believe that there were microphones in my apartment, possibly also from some German police authorities or even the Munich court, because today I see the possibility that this whore, bitch, prostitute, and traitor to humanity called Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother filed a legal action against the Germans for brainwashing me to become Christian, and the only 3 possible proves that I  have are the followings:

1.          Some times between 1978 and 1983 She asked me for a power of attorney allegedly because the nephews of my (non-existing and made up) father named Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar are living in his house in Damascus, Syria, but allegedly this house is her property and the property of her children, and the Syrian court wants a power of attorney of all her children to kick out these nephews and their family and place on the street enable she can sell the house because she is poor and need the money. And she claimed that my (fake) brother(s) and 3 fake sisters have already signed a power of attorney, and she just need mine. But I refused to sign it because I did not want to place any one on the street, but somehow I signed the power of attorney, which very much means this criminal woman that pretended to be my mother or someone else nearby forced me with telepathy to sign it and very possibly she used it for something that give her the right or give my fake family these criminals no good nazis and English royal family + Rockefeller families the power through the court to enslave me under the control of another prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA. I have several situations between 1984 and 1987 that confirms this possibility. This means she had by force of the German law a so-called conservatorship ( over my life just as the famous singer Britney Spears was also enslaved by her sadistic father that also had a conservatorship over her, even though she was over 27 years old,  and was stealing her money until she was able to win legally and be free ( ), with one difference and if this is true that my fake mother had a conservatorship over me I was not told about it through any of these mother fuckers I am complaining about, because each one of them had the one benefit/profit or another or were spies or hidden colonialists as you can clearly see in my complain pages or even they stole some inheritance of mine, such as if I am really the son of king George IV then queen Elizabeth stole my inheritance, or if I am wrong and I am the son of someone else, then someone stole something of me and kept on implicating me in all kind of severe problems as it is clear to see in my complaint pages. The Power of attorney ( ) that this charlatan woman made me sign could have been for something else such as Legal guardian ( or authorization to represent me affairs which may be financial or regarding health and welfare = another form of guardian to enslave me and silence me as cover up for all the spies in the Middle East that are from the UK + US + Germany + Israel, but also in Europe, such Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich-Grünwald and others in Hamburg, Geneva, Paris, Munich, Frankfurt and others as described among others in this page

2.          Because they caused me a total amnesia sometimes after summer 1960, then isolated me ever since and therefore my intelligence was severely lacking, and possibly they claimed that I am intellectually disabled = retarded and therefore these psychopath fake family get a German conservatorship over me and without telling me then and with the help of the Evil German government and the American government and the British government by using the sadistic psychopath management of several companies including BP-British Petroleum to enslave me under their joint prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA, and I was not able to defend myself because they 100% used telepathy and still are using it on me today in 11.10.2023, with one difference that today and most of the time I can recognize it is telepathy.

3.          Nothing in my life makes any sense whatsoever above all not in Germany, where I looked at the German government and in general at the German people as a top example of high honesty, high integrity and above all are straight forward politics and straight forward people/population/general public, very unfortunately I was wrong, at least not when it comes to politicians that made my life to hell in Germany to cover up for their Nazi relatives within my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East, USA and also in Europe, which is very clear to see in my complaint pages


Everything in this page alone proves that the German government + the Bavarian government knew who I am, and that I was absolutely not only harmless but also hopelessly brainwashed, suppressed with a total damaged intelligence, but also they knew my fake mother because she is their spy, they knew all of my relatives because many of them were main distributors of major German + British + American + Japanese and other countries top companies such as Siemens, DEC, Mercedes, Toyota and above all weaponry that they purchased from Germany, and at the latest as my fake brother exchanged places with his lookalike, beside all the setups they created to make me look like a terrorist + related counterfeit 100 US Dollar manufacturing, illegal drugs, related to a Russian spies and more was only to place it in my head that they were just suspecting me of these crimes, yet they never suspected the real criminals such as my fake brother, my fake sisters and their criminal husbands, my fake uncles the Mossad agent Dr. Sami Assassa, my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi on Waldweg in Hamburg, or my fake Sisters in Washington D.C. and the list goes on. They just made my life to hell, which clearly shows that the three above mentioned German political parties are 100% controlled by organized crime families, which are one or a combination of the followings: ex-German royal families and/or English royal families and/or Rockefeller families + Jewish from Israel or a combination of at least 15-25% of the German government, because they were officially controlling Germany since 1945 and at least until 1991 and now in the hidden as spies and agents that are welling to damage the life of anyone to not be discovered as traitor of the country, and I strongly believe there are thousands of them in Germany!


Thereafter I was kept busy with nuisance until 24.12.1984, whereby my fake mother never left my side.


On 24.12.1984 the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud arrived in Munich allegedly from Syria, as soon as I saw her, I wanted to vomit, but I have no chance against telepathy. She even tried hard to have sex with me in the same night, but I kept on pushing her away, yet they forced me these psychopaths to marry this whore by using Turkish sheikh, whereby I absolutely do not believe in Islam. Then I was raped by her and until today I hate myself of being anywhere near this vomit, and that is why I absolutely do not like any member of my fake or biological families because they were and still are psychopath criminals mother fuckers that enslave people in the 21st century, and they only reason they can do that to me and to millions of others is because they have telepathy and the majority of people do not have telepathy and therewith cannot defend their selves.


25 December 1984 to End of Septmber 1986: step THREE of destructing my life and begin of total slavery for 17 years (Go to Index)


In this period too I was kept busy with nuisance and I tried hard to get rid of this criminal prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud but I was not able to, because they were too many using telepathy on me, officially my fake mother prostitute Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi + the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud + the male prostitute Dr. Sami Assassa and his female prostitute wife + and her prostitute Lebanese friend names Aisha with her male Syrian prostitute husband named Mohamad Shikho (=Shikho means his priest/pastor which is typical name of spies that always over doit to look like as if they are Muslim from the Middle East, and in this case these psychopath were from the Middle East yet not Muslim but rather Israelis and the reason I know that is because a spy mixes mainly with other spies to not be discovered and each of them vouch for the others and therewith no one will suspect that 5 or 20 friends are all spies, and that is why the English Royal family created Israel in 1948 to use it as slave spies and blame it on Jewish, but also that is why they created the antisemitic laws in Germany by the second world war allies to prevent any one to investigate specific Jewish, otherwise they will call them antisemitic and punish them by law, yet they do not protect Palestinians even though they are officially also sematic!!!???) at least his new friend and male prostitute Mohamad Shikho/Sheicho/Sheikho and his female Lebanese prostitute named Aisha were added to these criminals the Syrian military staff, + add to these criminals their hidden German/American/British relatives + to all these psychopaths the hired addicted to telepathy that manipulate people and this is their main profession, I estimate at least 5% of all persons with telepathy are addicted to sit at home and manipulate the lives of others, and many of them work for at least 3-5 institutions/companies and/or organized crime families and therewith they make monthly thousands just by sitting at home and torturing the lives of others as they have been doing to me and very concentrated since I relocated to the city Den Haag on 1 March 2016, and they are still torturing my life today on 11.10.2023 by waking me up several times in night and not allowing me to have a routine good sleep, which is causing me countless problems above all I cannot plan things to do because these criminals prevent me to follow my own plans, and all I can say it is very disappointing that the Dutch royal family is not protecting me, neither the police nor any other authority because officially there is no telepathy, and that is one of the reasons why I totally dislike the Netherlands.


I was hired by the company UDF Consulting AG (at that time it had a different name) on 1.11.1984 , just a couple of days after I was fired of the Calypso project, and they kept me busy with nuisance until they fired me one month before they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986.


They fired me in August 1986. And if you look closely they hired me 11 days after the Calypso project had already destroyed half of my life (because losing my ex-girlfriend was alone half of my life + as a bonus these thieves stole all my multilingual manufacturing specification and documents that I worked hard on and collected since summer 1978, and I would not be able to recollect them, because I do not have the connections that I had, nor the resources to recollect them, which very much equals they killed my professional life, which you can clearly see that after kidnapping me to USA I was 100% prevented to work in the computer sector from September 1986 and until January 1991, with the exception of 3 setups created officially by the FBI to have me in their own controlled environment and monitor my brain with telepathy = no privacy what so ever), and when the company UDF fired me just one month before kidnapping me to USA, shows that they were working with them.


On 26 March 1986 I was given a fake son and forced to believe it is my biological son of this vomit prostitute and everyman’s whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, if this son is hers, then it is most probably of one of her brothers, because this is what these criminal families do to generate as many lookalike as they can to use them in the governments, which you can clearly see in my complaint pages including many proves.


Then they took total control of my mind, and it was not difficult for them with so many of them around my life as mentioned above, during which, between 1 and 15 September 1986, they forced me to think that the Syrian government want to assassinate me and I better run and protect my son, the details are all in in my complaint pages. Whatever I did, starting 1 January 1984 was 100% not me and not from my brain, it was all forced upon me with telepathy = I was a total slave with absolutely no control whatsoever over my own life and was 100% prevented by force to think. If they did not have total control over my brain, and I think that someone wanted to assassinate me, then I would go to the police, and the church and I know both would have helped me in one way or another, but I was not allowed to think. Welcome to Germany the country of slavery!


End of Septmber 1986 to November 1986: step FOUR of destructing my life and preparing for isolation and total lockuo (Go to Index)


I was forced to ask my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar for help, whereby I did not yet discover that this human trash was not my brother, and he said just come to USA and I will help you. Instead, this criminal conspired with the American government + the FBI + The Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA to keep me as slave in USA for 15 years to allow the criminal parents of my fake son to see their son while I am raising him believing he is my biological son this is the work of the following psychopaths: English royal family + Rockefeller family + ARAMCO = Saudi Arabia Royal family + Jordanian royal family and the first 2 control around 60-70% of USA.


November 1986 to March/April 1987: step FIVE of destructing my life and isolation through controlled (trusted) environment (Go to Index)


My fake brother kicks me out of his house, and I did not know what to do, except to look for an Evangelical Lutheran church in the city I am forced to be in, which was Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and I found it as Evangelical Lutheran Salem church and made an appointment to speak with the pastor Jack Stevens and asked him for help. He said give a couple of days to figure out how to help you, a couple of days later he calls me and said I can come and live in his house, which we did, me the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud + my 6 months old fake son.


During this period of time, I was desperate to find a job and was not able, I was sending every week between 50-200 letters responding to various advertisements in various newspapers where companies were looking for employees. I ran out of money and the church was paying for the papers, envelopes and stamps and allowing me to use their computer to generate my letters. And there with someone with telepathy or through the church computer knows everything I am doing and can prevent me to get a job and I believe they did, on the other side I am honest and transparent, maybe that is how they brainwashed me to be enable I always tell them what they want, however I believe transparency is one of the best life strategies, because that is what our all creators does, he is transparent and once you take the time and try to analyze some of his creation you will come to the same conclusion. Only organized crime families and the governments that they control are not transparent because they do not want you to know that you are a slave and that they are stealing the taxpayer’s money blindly, among others with the subsidies they give in hundreds of billions to the 50-100 richest companies.


To make it short, and even though I believe that the Stevens family were kind and generous yet it was 100% a brainwash situations to force me to live in an trusted environment with a pastor, where I literally loved Pastor Herbert Lange that taught me more than just Christianity in 1976, but also he was a very good man to everyone and was very engaged and dedicated for his congregations/Church community and entire city community. I thought all pastors were like that, but I was wrong!


Sometimes in March 1987 (almost 5 months after I lived with them), Mrs. Diana Stevens the wife of the pastor, said to me that she spoke to a member of the church that was allegedly the CEO of the financial company called "Shearson Lehman Brothers", it is closed now ( + ) at that time was owned by the company American Express, and this CEO allegedly is willing to hire me, and I should go for an interview and gave me the appointment and the address, which was and as far as I recall at their own building in Manhattan in New York city.


Before I continue, let me mention the most odd situation: I am at the home of pastor Jack Stevens that knows almost every single person in his church, yet his wife finding someone in the church that happened to be the CEO of one of the richest financial companies in New York at that time and she repeatedly does things that he is supposed to do, to make it short I hated the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud, yet these psychopaths want me to like her or even love her, which I never did I was 100% her slave, and to do that and force me to love her or at least like her, they use other women to treat me bad enable to force my mind to like her and that is why Mrs. Diana Stevens, with her knowledge or without her knowledge was 100% used to force me to like the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud, which you can clearly see with this Diana Stevens but also used others, yet it did not work I never like this disgusting vomit woman that was more like an animal then a human being, yet I tolerated her because I did not know how to escape her and that is  why these criminals kidnapped me to USA to force me to be alone busy trying to survive in a new environment where I know no one, except my fake brother and the church and both turned out to be working for organized crime families alias the English royal families + the Rockefeller families + my fake families.



April/May 1987 to September 1987: step SIX of destructing my life and the total isolation and total lockup in the most evil country on this earth = USA (Go to Index)


I went to the interview with Shearson Lehman Brothers, and the interviewer, another sadistic person, said to me: I like your experience and you are hired, can you start on Monday, I said yes, of course.


Here is why he was one sadistic criminal, because he was giving me the fake hope enable to blame me for my actions of being honest, because he said, now you can start on Monday but we need you first to have an interview with our security manager, and he sent me to their security manager that meet me at the lobby of the building, here there was a couch around 15 meters opposite the reception desk that was half circle large desk and asked me only a couple of question as follow:

1.              Where were born? I said Damascus, Syria (whereby at that time I had no idea that I was kidnapped as child and taken to the Middle East, therefore my answer was only what I was brainwashed to believe!)

2.              Where did you live before coming to the USA? I said Munich, Germany.

3.              He said why did you come to USA? I said because the Syrian government wanted to kill me, and I escaped to USA (This too was what I was brainwashed by these criminals to believe). Most probably this man had telepathy and forced me to answer the way is suited for the brainwash situation!


Then he said I have all the information I need. Thank you and goodbye.


Important Note: I worked for many companies that invent and manufacture or had valuable things and are always cautious that no one steal their know-how, including Siemens AG, one of the leading technology companies worldwide, yet no one ever asked me to have an interview with a so-called security officer, and I believe no one does except companies that work for military. In other words, they 100% do not interview others with a so-called security officer, it was through and through brainwash as you will see in the next paragraph. End of note.


I went back to the pastor’s house in Fairfield, Connecticut. I forgot to mention, even though the pastor works for a church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, yet the church housing for the pastor was in the next town named Fairfield, that was considered to be a city for upper class of people, because people who have higher income, because it was expensive to live in Fairfield.


The following day Mrs. Diana Stevens, the wife of the pastors, comes up to me and tells me that the CEO of Shearson Lehman Brothers called her and told her that I cannot start work on Monday because I represent danger to the company, because the Syrian government may send someone to bomb me and therewith endanger the entire building and employees (high rise, I think was much more than 20 floors, I cannot recall the address but possibly it was the World Trade center that was bombed on 11.9.2001). Then Mrs. Diana Stevens exploded and started shouting at me and told me: why did you tell him that the Syrian government wants to kill you, you should have kept it for yourself, it is your mistake that you did not get the job. I want you to take your family and get out of my house right now. And I said where should I go, she said I do not care, you have half an hour to leave and then she went to her room. I did not know what to do, so I used the phone to find a nearby shelter and therefore I called the municipality, but they refused to help me and said I should call the municipality of Bridgeport, which I did, and they gave me an address of a homeless shelter for families, and I took a taxi and the hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud, my fake son the 12 months old baby and the suite cases to the homeless shelter. The homeless shelter provided us with one room. The entire place was for me shocking and totally unhygienic, as soon as we landed in this room, I broke down and could not stop crying because I did not understand what kept on hitting me and blaming everything on my fake brother.


Important Note: Let us look at the small things and big things of what just happened:

1.              They used Mrs. Diana Stevens to force us on the street and be homeless. Actually to force me, because the prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud was hired whore and knew in advance that I am being persecuted and used to raise a child that was not mine, and therewith also this child was not important to the church and they placed me on the street in a very vulgar and most destructive manner as brainwash to force me to hate other woman and in particular the woman of the family I was forced to live with that turned out to be as criminal tool as these psychopaths English royal family and the Rockefeller family and the ex-German royal family that planned all that, and therewith they were 100% trying to force me to like or love this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and feel sorry for her because it is allegedly all my fault!!!???

2.              The only thing I was worrying about at that time was my alleged son, that turned out to be my fake son.

3.              This alone shows why I do not want have anything to do with these psychopath fake family and biological families, because they brought my fake mother into my life, and used her to bring my fake brother Mohmad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias now and here he is 100% another person named Nick Naggar and working with the church and the hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud to brainwash me and force me to concentrate on survival. But also, my fake mother was used to bring this hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud into my life. And this hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud was used to bring my fake son into my life as a leash around my neck, to force me to concentrate on his safety.

4.              The municipality of Fairfield was obligated to help me, but they did not, because it was planned to force me to be in the rundown city of Bridgeport, that at that time had countless closed down factories that were very visible with all the huge empty business buildings, which equals a very poor city = a very poor municipality, shortly later I found out that the municipality of Fairfield was obligated to place us in a hotel with all bills paid by them while simultaneously must look for a long term solution to help us, yet they refused and said I must go to Bridgeport because even though I live in Fairfield, yet I was staying at the house of the pastor that was working for a church in Bridgeport = a brainwash, because where he works is irrelevant, nearly half of the people in Fairfield were working in New York City and travel on a daily basis to New York and back, this mean if he worked for a church in New York City then I had to go to the municipality in New York city to ask them for help! As you can see nothing makes sense = 100% chaos for the mind = sever brainwash by not only the municipality that claims about their selves to be democratic love freedom and help each other’s, but also the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA is a 100% brainwasher, just as the Fischer family from the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany did to me and helped in brainwashing me by pretending to be working with my fake brother in the Company Avon Products in Eching, Germany, where my fake brother 100% never worked for them for all the reasons mentioned above in this page and other pages

5.              Why didn’t the Pastor himself find the CEO of Shearson Lehman Brothers and used it as brainwash? For one reason only to force me to hate other women and force my mind to see the hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud as my victim and feel sorry for her or even like her. But also, they wanted to show that this church is a good church, only Mrs. Diana Stevens is bad because allegedly I am the bad person. And to do that, later on around 2 years later in 1989 I was forced to leave my housing on 277 Queen street to take a house in a so-called a lease/rent purchase agreement or rent-to-own agreement, and I cannot recall how I get this house (yet I recall the situation that forced me to relocate, which was 100% a networked brainwash situation to link me to Jewish and Israel, as you will see below) the house was owned by a married couple, the woman’s first name was Ruth I cannot recall her last name, however she was working for the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut and allegedly she retired and want to relocate to Florida and therefore want to sell her house. The Contract required me to pay 2000 US Dollars in advance, which I did not have, I just had one thousand saved to start my computer business, because I was prevented to work in computer sector since kidnapping me from Germany. The reason I was forced to relocate from 277 Queen Street on the second floor in a building owned by an Italian named Enzo that forced me leave my housing with a court order with the reasoning he allegedly need the house for his family, which was a lie and 100% a brainwash situation to relate me to Jewish as You can clearly see of the following situations. I tried to get one thousand US Dollar credit from the bank, but they said I need a co-sponsor, and somehow, I was 100% forced to contact Diana Stevens, and she sponsored me at the bank, and I get the thousand US Dollar and paid the 2 thousand US Dollar as down payment lease-to-own the house. I was never able to pay the bank back the one thousand US Dollar, which very much means Diana Stevens had to pay it = 100% brainwash to force me to feel guilty and see her as the good woman and I am the bad person, and she was my victim = brainwash. What is odd on this house is that this house I am moving into was on Benson Street in Bridgeport, Connecticut either number 130 or another one between 130 and 144 directly opposite the Congregation B'nai Israel and their pre-school kindergarten, where I was forced to place my fake son in this school. While the hired prostitute Najlaa Mahmoud was pretending to be Jewish that is pretending to be Muslim, among others by allegedly not eating meat except Halal meat, and this is very important to understand enable to see the severe brainwash they were  performing upon me in cooperation with this hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud that was 100% conspiring with my fake brother + the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church and many others against me and to keep me as a hidden slave for 15 years in USA. Here is the meaning of Halal  ( ), and in short halal meat means that the animal is slaughtered base on Islamic religious manner while repeating certain sentences from the Islamic holy book called Quran, yet she was always buying her meat from a Jewish butcher based on the so-called kosher meat (, while she was claiming it is the same as Halal, which is most definitely not, at least not from Islamic religious laws or point of view, and in any case it was not from my believe = all together were spending so much money and time to show as if I am Jewish origin from Israel as distraction of the psychopaths the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, because only these two families have so much power of control and huge network in USA, no Christian, no Muslim, no Jewish, No Hindu or any other group of people has so much power in USA and such huge network capabilities except these two psychopaths families that have absolutely no moral values, no family values and therewith they have no human values and are just a disease in our world infecting every single human being with their mentally sick actions as they did to me all of my 71 years  (Actually it is 72 years) of life.

6.              Finally, a real Christian or any real concerned human being, would never ask his guest that are stranger in their country and have a 12-month-old baby to sleep on the street. Let us assume that Shearson Lehman Brothers were really scared about their building and employees, which is a legitimate concern to protect their properties and employees, in this case and the correct way to do it is to call authority together and ask them for help, or at least find another room for their guests to move in immediately as protection of their selves because this is what these criminals wanted me to think, that Diana Stevens was allegedly worried about her family that the Syrian will come and bomb me along with her family = sever brainwash to myself = Americans never to be trusted, neither Germans, neither Dutch, neither British because all together are 100% working together to keep me as slave and black mail object against each other’s and the prove not only I totally dislike Netherlands, but because also I am in the Netherlands for 23 years and not allowed to live freely and everything I  do is planned by others and I absolutely have no control whatsoever over my own life. Yet it was all brainwash and scare tactic to prevent their victim, me, from talking about his past with anyone to not allow anyone to help me. Shame on you all that your intelligence is only limited to destroying other people’s lives!


 End of note.


The Stevens family and before forcing me to be homeless they also forced me to apply for political asylum forcing me to contact the organization called International Institute of Connecticut. They changed their name around 2017. Very possibly due to my complaint pages, because they 100% work for the government of USA, because the government pays them over 80% of the donations, they receive enable they can keep refugees as slaves as they did to me. The new name is Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (   + + ) it is very possible that they will remove some of these links. Therefore, I will place a copy shown below. And the International Institute of Connecticut, 100% set me up and forced me to be illegal alien in USA for 15 years, just as the German  Catholic organization called Caritas did to me and forced me to be refugee without status for 7 years in Germany to prevent me to leave Germany and visit my family that turned out to be spies working for USA + the UK + Germany, and now I am again locked up in this evil country called USA for 15 years to not visit my family that also turned out to be the co-conspirators for kidnapping me 3 times since my birth. Another important point that shows that the USA government was planning  everything for me and to enslave me, is that and officially I applied for political asylum by force some times in April 1987,during which I was allowed to get an ID-Identification card with my photo + a driver’s license with my photo as a second ID, and then they set me up with the FBI in that the  refugee judge in the city of Hartford, the capital of the state of Connecticut, said first  the FBI has to interview me, a couple of weeks later someone calls me and claimed to be the FBI and they allegedly wanted to interview me because I applied for political asylum and it is allegedly the law in USA that all refugees must be first  interviewed by the FBI (if this is true then the USA is full of shit, which you will see in this section). Then they gave me an appointment to meet them in some café by some river in the city of Westport a few kilometers south of Bridgeport (Here too, the FBI want to interview me in the street in some café or restaurant!!!???). I went there it was I believe  10 or 11 O’clock in the morning, the café or restaurant had  2 sections, inside and outside, through the glass door I was able to see the inside was totally empty, the outside there was 2 tables occupied, each with 2 men, the first with two large muscular men as if they were champion of weight lifting and had casual clothing on, the other table had 2 men with suits and as soon they saw me, one of these criminals with suits stood up and said here Mr. Najar. The reason I am writing small details to show you that the FBI either criminals brainwashers and did not want to brainwash me in an official government building where there are others that can see that they are brainwashing me, or these criminals were not the FBI, until today I do not know for sure which of the 2 they were, even though one of them  set me up at least another 3 times while pretending to be helping me, 2 of which in cooperation with the company Dun and Bradstreet and in their offices in 1988 and in 1989 and the third time was in cooperation with some man from India at the company called Westport publishing  that was among others publishing small time local newspaper. To make it short they asked me to go with them for a few days to some hotel, where they can question me and talk with me about my family because they need some information about my family, I naturally refused , and they threatened me, if I help them and talk about my family then they will approve my political asylum, otherwise they will refuse it, I had to say no I will not talk with you about my family, among others because I thought my family were good honest people.  End of interview. In September 1987 I received a decline for my political asylum and my attorney that was forced upon me by the church as mentioned above which was the director of at that time International Institute of Connecticut that was an Italian origin female named Myra Oliver advised me to be quite about all that and not to file objection, otherwise they can arrest me and deport me to Syria where I will be executed . As you can see 100% they used the identical strategy as my fake sister’s family did with me in Amman, Jordan, where the Jordanian confiscated my passport in the Airport and asked me to pick it up from the secret service building called in Arabic Al-Mukhabarat, and in the offices in that building of these psychopaths they asked me to talk to my uncle named Jalal Baroudi that was pretending in my presence to be the Syrian consul in Geneva, Switzerland, and I am supposed to ask him to work as spy for these Jordanian secret service, and I said no I am not going to ask him, ask him yourself. And they said we know you are trying to start a business in Amman, Jordan to be close to your sisters, we can help you succeed otherwise we will destroy your efforts to start a business in Jordan. I said I still refuse. And this was designed to force my mind to blame the  Jordanian secret service for failing in my business attempt in  Jordan, but in reality, my fake sisters these prostitutes  Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Mona Abokurah, were nothing else than nannies for the psychopaths’ Jordanian royal families that disguise like cowards as if they are poor or middle class.


This is how nasty are the organized crime families that have power over the government and use them to control, manipulate and destroy the lives of countless people that they do not like or do not want them to know their real identities = extreme psychopaths and danger to every single human being!


Back to the FBI and the evil American government, and there with they allowed me to have ID + driver license enable I can use them legally while they are forcing me to live as slave covered up by them forcing me to live as an illegal alien by choice, which was 100% not my choice, it was their choice to live and behave as psychopaths and criminals!


A screenshot of a web page

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September 1987 to February 2001: the total isolation and total lockup by killing the mind (Go to Index)


And there with the " International Institute of Connecticut " alias the new name " Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants" and in cooperation with the FBI as it is laid out in my complaint pages, took the blame of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport Connecticut for locking me up as slave in USA covered up as illegal alien for 15 years in a country that I totally despise, and today in 2023, I almost hate this country because all the people I met are 100% thieves that stole my life by force of brainwash, networking and telepathy, above all by the laws of their evil country, just as Germany did to me, yet USA was much worse, but also as Netherlands did to me using different strategies, yet today in October 2023 I am still a slave and cannot do what I want and I cannot go where I want and cannot be with the people I trust most, which is the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bavaria that taught me how to see through deceive situations!


Misusing religions to enslave people (Go to Index)

This section is much larger than I planned it to be (it is 25 pages, instead a few pages), and this due to the complexity of the subject, and as they say: the devil is in the details, and here I shortened it as much as possible while showing some unknown or hidden details!


Note: below and within this note was added on 13.10.2023.

Sometimes all you need is one solid prove, and since what I added yesterday to this page and is mentioned after this note section, can be skipped because what I am adding today is a solid prove that you can see clearly with the conclusion page including many proves but also throughout the verifiable history.


I strongly believe that the English royal family and as they went to India the first time around 500 years ago, they were overwhelmed with the persistence of the Hindus in India, and therefor they allied with the Muslims of India, that were a minority  against the Hindu of India that was and still is a majority of India.


Also, I strongly believe that the prophet Mohamad is often misunderstood because many has duplicated the Islam (=made a copycat Islam out of the original Islam) and adjusted it to suit their needs to enslave others.


I also strongly believe based on facts and mathematics that the prophet Mohamad was not born in Saudi Arabia, but rather in India.


I also believe that the English royal family after they made the first copycat Islam, from India sometimes 400 -500 years ago (Possibly even earlier), then adjusted it for their own army and called it Torah the book of Judaism and used this army that was living by the rules of the Torah to invade many neighboring countries the whole way to east Asia and forced them to be Muslim.


And sometimes between the year 1850 and the year 1910 they falsified the history along with their Indian Muslim allies (or better said with the controlling families of the Indian Muslims) and made the prophet be born in Saudi Arabia, it is very possible that they did that even after the year 1910, to help and protect the petroleum properties of the Rockefeller families as well as their own, because the Rockefeller company named Standard Oil ( was broken down by force of the American government to prevent slavery by the Rockefeller family that was controlling many federal and states government of USA.


And there with the Rockefeller family came up with a new concept to prevent any one to break their company again, by creating a total new country as their own country with their own sadistic vicious government and named it Saudi Arabia. I also believe that they did not stop there but also with the help of other rich families from USA and Europe or even Russian relative + German relatives created several other countries that today we call the Arab petroleum countries mainly in Asia and possibly also in Libya and therewith they had several protection laws that will protect them and allow them to be as sadistic and vicious as they want to be and enslave as many as they can. They kept on expanding their hidden territories the whole way to Nigeria and many other countries in between because they do not know how to work with others as partners because they think of their selves along with their relatives in the UK + Germany + Russia + others as the Gods of this world on this earth!


I also strongly believe that was the reason of the followings:

1.           Replacing the LON-League of Nations that was created after the first World ( with the UNO-United Nations Organization that was created at the end of the second world war ( with all new laws. Where they divided the world among their selves and made new countries using the LON which was the solution to stop the first world war after killing 40 million people = they and the British were the cause of the First World War and also the Germans that lost their empire through this war. The UNO was made also as mean to stop the Second World War where the German started it to regain their lost empire and killing, unjustly I may add, 5 million Jewish in many European countries but also were they along with the British, Americans and others were the cause of the entire Second World War and the death of officially 75 million person, it was 50 million now it is officially 75 million. And in both wars died 115 million, whereby many of whom died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation = Controlling families that were relatives’ family wise each get greedy and wanted what his relative has.

2.           Splitting/partitioning India (today it has 196,000,000 Muslims) and at the end of the second world war in 3 countries, India (today it has today 196,000,000 Muslims) + West Pakistan alias today it is Pakistan (today it has 212,160,000 Muslims)+ East Pakistan alias today it is Bangladesh (today it has 149,143,500 Muslims) = a total of 557.3 million if India was not forced to split (not counting the countless millions that immigrated from India to other countries, and not counting the countless kidnaped Indian Muslims and other Indian religion member to have them in Asia as slave soldiers and also in Europe and USA as they did to Africans and many others, all together possibly 150-300 Million Indians of which at least 25% and possibly even 50% were Muslims, because they also used them in Asia as slave soldiers, and most of them died for the greed of English royal families and other European controlling families, including the Netherlands, which you can see with the Dutch Antilles (, where they have today millions of Indian that were kidnapped from India and Africa throughout the history and taken all over the world, meaning today India would have had possibly 600-750 Muslims, which equals Islam exist in India since at least 2500 Years and in Saudi Arabia allegedly was founded in around 1450 years ago = falsified history) to cover up for the properties of the Rockefeller family in partnership with the following families:

2.1.             English Royal family

2.2.             Ex-German royal family alias today they are the hidden controlling families.

2.3.             Ex-Russian royal family alias today they are the hidden controlling families.

2.4.             Ex-Italian Royal family alias today they are the hidden controlling families.

2.5.             Ex-Greek royal families alias today they are the hidden controlling families.

2.6.             And others unknown to me


Add to that the Muslims in India were called Muhammadans and today they call their selves Muslim Sunni and Muslim Shia and others that I strongly believe was integrated by the British to split them and weaken them.


As a result of this above-mentioned partnership, we have the following countries with fake history:

1.           Saudi Arabia

2.           Kuwait

3.           UAE

4.           Qatar

5.           Oman

6.           Bahrain

7.           Jordan

8.           Palestine/Israel

9.           And most probably also Libya


And to do that they went through big trouble to hide it by pretending to be Arabs since over 1600 years and the alleged Saudi Royal family is allegedly the family of the prophet Muhammad/Mohamad, which and from my point of view they are not even worthy of saying his name because they are through and through psychopaths and organized crime family created by the Rockefeller and the English royal family, and therewith or therefore these new Arab-Petroleum royal families  of the countries listed above are totally mentally sick, which you can see how they dress publicly with the long white dress called abaya/kaftan/jubbah/ to show as if they are Arabs, but they are most definitely originated from Indian Muslims, were many of them were kidnapped by the English royal families just as they kidnapped millions of them from India + Africa + elsewhere and took them to Europe + USA + South American to use as slaves. They also forced all the new generation to believe the same = mass brainwash, yet privately  and most of the time when they travel, they put on suits. They would do anything to hide these facts including the killing of the Washington Post journalist Adnan Khashoggi ( + (, where they killed him in the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey/Türkiye and cut him to pieces with the hacksaw while his wife was waiting for him at the entrance of this sadistic embassy of Saudi Arabia.


Small note: I have many things in common with Mr. Jamal Khashoggi, among other his uncle Adnan Khashoggi that either him or his very lookalike brother pretended to be my grandfather in around 1963 named Kamel Baroudi that came to Cairo, Egypt pretending to be Syrian and allegedly wanted to take us back to Damascus, Syria and take care of us, to show as if we all are Syrian, but not one person of my fake family is Syrian, but also and above all my hidden relationship to the Saudi Arabian royal family and the Jordanian royal family as it is described within my complaint pages, but also today I know that the Saudi Arabian royal family tried to kill me in 1981 by using the criminal Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich-Grunwald, Germany and my fake uncle a hidden Saudi Arbian named Jawdat Baroudi In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia that today I strongly believe is originated from the UK and is the older brother of prince Andrew of the UK= 97% or Germany 2% or USA 1%  it is mentioned within my complaint pages, and in 1984 his brother alias my other fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi also tried to murder me as I visited Hamburg, where he lived on Waldweg, and it is also described in my complaint pages. I strongly believe that as they attempted to murder me in Saudi Arabia some unknown to me person, that most probably was one of my work colleagues at the company Siemens AG saved my life and as a result my employer Siemens AG set me up in August 1981 to leave the project called at that time Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia where I was designing the multilingual part of this computer project, and made it look like as if I voluntarily left the company and then immediately  forced me to work for another company called ADV/ORGA that immediately thereafter took me on a fake project to Saudi Arabia to show these criminals Mother fuckers that I do not work on this project any more nor I work for the company Siemens AG any more then fired me 2-3 weeks thereafter and that was in March 1982, and in 1 January 1984 the BP-British Petroleum started to brainwash using the illegal and totally hidden project with the Syrian government (I did not know that was illegal at that time) named Calypso, then enslaved me by force under the control of their prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me to USA in September 1986, where they literally kept me as slave for 15 years and then dumped me in the Netherland where I was locked up unjustly for 13 years as it is described within my complaint pages. This is how Muslim and honest are the Saudi Arabian royal family and the Jordanian royal family = they are 100% not Muslim, but rather an organized crime families as sub crime organizations of the Rockefeller families and the English royal families .


All the above you can verify using simple mathematics over the Internet and that the prophet Muhammad was born in India over 2500 years ago and not Saudi Arabia 1445 years ago, this is the prove:

Saudi Arabia has today a population of around 40 million, in 1980 they had a population of 9 million, whereby far over 70% were all foreigners, and the reason I know that, is because the Saudi government  made a population census in 1980/81 and my employer Siemens AG was involved in this census and my work colleagues told me the result that was never published by the Saudi Arabian government because the majority of the population were 100% foreigners. And in 1945, and here I am giving it my educated guess less than 2 million and in 1920 less than 1 million = Petroleum country created by the Rockefeller + English royal families,


Here are some info ( + ( + (


And as distraction of all that these criminal psychopaths created in 1948 the country of Israel as follow and this as I learned it in school in Cairo, Egypt in 1960s: The British military general named Belfort said that because the Jewish people helped the UK in the second World war and in the hidden also in the first world war, he is going to give them their own country and stole a piece of the country Palestine and gave it to them, where they established the country Israel with the language Hebrew that was created by the British to isolate the soldiers of their army around 400-500 years ago, meaning the Jewish people never ever were in the Middle East prior to the year 1400, and based on the Old Testament (=Torah the book of the Judaism) of the bible, they are appointed by God to rule the world and they must conquers all countries by sending a lot of spies to study the country inside out and it is capabilities and send the information to their army that then will come to conquers the land the whole way to the river Euphrates, whereby this river is in Iraq that also was meant as brainwash for the rest of the world to think that this is all from over 3500 years ago, where they Jewish were allegedly by the 100,000s as prisoners and slaves in Egypt and the river Euphrates is the end of the world. This information is in the Torah alias the Old Testament of the Bible that I read in 1976-1978 several times in English and another version in German and some of it in another version in Arabic and I did the same for the Quran the holy book of Muslims, with the difference that I was forced to study the Quran in 1960s in the school in Cairo, Egypt and here in Germany I read part of it again in Arabic, English version translated and German version translated, there were some discrepancies, yet all in all it is what I wrote above. And all this, in case someone discover that the Saudi Arabian Royal family is not Arab at all just like Jordanian and many others, then they will think the Jewish took them over as it is dictated to them in their religious book, that today I see that their God was the English king, PERIOD. On top of that several Arab countries including Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt helped in covering up all that by creating fake wars, during which real people died, and they did not care because the only thing they care about is money and the power to control others as you can clearly see not only in my complaint pages but by looking at Israel after it was established in 1948, and suddenly there was a revolution in 1953 in Egypt the biggest and strongest and most advanced Arab country at that time, then many other revolutions followed including but not limited to Syria, Iraq, Yemen and others such as Oman. It takes time to read the History of these countries and all the so called Arab petroleum countries in Asia, then you will see the devil hiding in these details, and this devil is not the Jewish people, but rather the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and the ex-German royal families and the ex-Greek royal families all alongside or with the help of USA, and that is why once a while they create a conflict using Israel as distraction or as confirmation of all these deceive!

End of note added on 13.10.2023.


Note: below this line and within this section was added on 12.10.2023.

In my complaint pages there are countless details on misusing religions, among others by copying other religions, modifying it to suit their slavery needs and either rename it or adjust the name to look like it is the origin, and make the origin look as fake then falsify history. No one can really verify the history prior to the printing machine was invented in the year 1450, because all of the controlling families at that time and until at least the year 1900 were slave makers and liars and the king used to be the God of the country of that time, which you can clearly see in England that they created the so-called king James bible, whereby and from my point of view there is either freedom or kingdom, and the New Testament part of the bible  and as I read it in German and read it again in English and read it again in Arabic it promotes freedom, and if I go beyond all religions  that dictate to us how we should live and this is anti-freedom and then look at the creation we live in and I clearly see a master creator of a superb intelligence that 100% promotes freedom.


Now in a very short explanation I will give you a small example how my fake family and my unknown to me biological family, that I suspect it to be a combination of the English royal family + the Rockefeller family in USA, that either placed me within a fake family, or my official family kidnapped me, and enslaved me since childhood, and this fake family totally misused Islam + Christianity + Judaism as mean to brainwash me, persecute me in the name of the religion and literally stole everything I ever owned, built or worked for in my 71 years of life, and here I will just list highlights, the details are in my complaint pages:

1.           They kidnapped me and caused me a total amnesia for many reasons, then took me to Cairo, Egypt in January 1960 and claimed we are Muslims from Syria, today I know that we are neither Syrian nor Muslims, nor Christians, nor Jewish, but rather they are one huge sadistic international organized crime family as a sub organized crime family of the English Royal families + the Rockefeller Families in USA + the ex-German royal families in Germany + others, and all of them pretend to be the one religion or another

2.           The above families are huge, they are in Millions and are in every main city in the world represented and networked together with, by using the organization called Freemason and these families you can find not only in USA and all over Europe and each family control the one religion denomination or the other, such as Islam Sunni in Saudi Arabia is mainly controlled by the Rockefeller with the help of many but mainly the English royal families while they pretend to be Muslim Arabs in England pretend to be Anglican + Methodist + countless others and in USA pretend to be many religions such as First Methodist church, Second Methodist church, Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologist and many other, and each family is using the one or other denominations to control a certain group of people and scare the life out of them by forcing them to believe that they have to follow the instruction of God as it is written in the Old and in the New Testament = Bible or God will place them in an everlasting fire for a thousand year, and if they follow the words of these books then God will place them "back" in haven as Adam and Eva were prior to God kicked them out of haven and placed them on Earth because they did some wrong = brainwash

3.           My fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi never seen her before in my life prior to January 1960 and the same is valid for every single member of this fake family that kidnapped me in 1960 (around 2 years ago, I found the prove that I was kidnapped as an infant) and never acted as Muslim, she behaved as an animal that has no feelings or regards to any thing in life except herself. She took me to Germany in 1969. In summer 1975, she visited me allegedly with her old mother alias my fake grandmother named Samiya Baroudi/Khayat, 6 months later she and other members of the fake and biological family set me up and without me noticing = brainwash in Munich, Germany to change my religion to Christianity (today and even in 1970s, never regret it). Suddenly she appears in my life again, but this time in summer of 1977, was at least 40 kg overweight (in 2 years!!!) and all covered up like some Muslim women do, and since she was around 160-165 cm tall, I did not recognize that this woman is not the same as the one visited me in 1975 = 100% a different woman

4.           From 1960 and until 1976 all the members of this fake family were 100% Muslims only on papers, meaning they never did anything what Muslims usually do, such women cover their self-up with the so called hijab and the only thing you see is the front of their face and hands and they used to drink alcohol, where ever I saw them, in Cairo, Egypt, in Amman, Jordan, in Lebanon and in Germany after 1976 they all and very suddenly pretended to be strict Muslim and fighting me where ever they can to force my mind to believe that they are strict Muslims, and it was all an act, because one person or maybe 2 or 3 can turn all religious overnight but entire family in several countries = brainwash. And the reason for this act, is not only because I read so many books about various religions and therewith I know how real Muslim behave since 1960s, and now after 1976 I know how Christian and Jewish behave like members of my fake family and by 1978 now I know how Mormon, Jehovah witnesses, scientologist, Catholics, Evangelicals and some others how they also behave and that they did not want me to understand, because many of the members of my fake family did not go to Islamic schools, but rather to Catholic schools and now they are trying to cover it up!

5.           Today and since I understand and know that I was their kidnapped slave, and they used me until 1975 as a multipurpose decoy slave without me noticing or understanding it, I strongly believe that they had no use for me any more starting 1975 and set me up along with my biological family, that I am not 100% who they are, but I know that they are British + Americans + Germans + a couple of other European nationalities as it is very clear to see in this page and my entire complaint pages because they had an unbelievable influence in Germany + USA + UK + Italy + other countries, therefor they adjusted their religion strategy to look like as if they are Jewish from Israel that pretend to be Muslim from various Arab countries that in 1960s and in 1970s are not easy to verify, but today and with the help of the Internet it is easy or easier to verify

6.           To force my mind to think that they are Jewish from Israel, they created countless situation around my life to force me to think so and to-do that they used among others the company called BP-British petroleum, as it is written in detail in the BP-British Petroleum-Pages-1 to BP-British Petroleum-Page3-Version-2, here is one, BP-British Petroleum came into my life starting  January 1984 and these psychopaths forced me using telepathy to go into a Jewish bar in Munich called Shalom club, then order some alcohol and sit in some corner alone and start to cry, I had no idea why I was crying, nor I knew why I suddenly went to a Jewish bar, and since many were watching me among others also the German Authorities, then they will think that I am an Israeli or Russian-Jewish immigrant that is missing his Jewish family, while pretending to be Syrian Muslim that suddenly pretended to be Christian. Here is another one but not through BP-British Petroleum, but rather through my fake niece named Reem/Riem Bdeir/Budier from Amman, Jordan, that came to visit me around 1984 or 1985 in Munich, Germany and told me a fake story that I believed her, here it is: She was allegedly a student in the American university of Beirut, Lebanon, even though her family are hidden Jordanian royal family and own an entire university in Amman, Jordan, but they kept it secret from me that they are royal family members, until I saw her photograph a few years ago on the Internet as Princess Haya of Jordan (they are 2 different persons that exchange placed) and saw other photos of the real princess Haya of Jordan and then realized that one of them is the double of the other and that they exchange places also with the same husband that was the prime minister od  UAE-United Arab Emirates named Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (, after I started to complain publicly and also about her, she allegedly escaped her husband and went to the UK with her children and then asked for divorce, which possibly means he did not know that they are two women controlling his mind as they also did to me and kept me as slave from 1970 to 1977 and again from 1979 to 1980 and again 1984 to 1999 by using hired women (=prostitutes) and the first and the third had doubles and I did not even notice it and they all pretend to be either Muslim or Jewish or a combination. Back to my fake niece Reem/Riem Bdeir/Budier and the story she told me to force my mind or at least leave it in my mind for the future to think as if they are Jewish, and the story is: She was allegedly on some ship going from Beirut, Lebanon during the university vacation to the island Cyprus in the Mediterranean sea, and suddenly an Israeli war ship stopped their ship allegedly checking it for terrorists and in this process they were allegedly checking the ID of every single person on the ship including staff, and as they came to her they just saluted her and told her it is ok she can go without checking her id but checked all other ID and since they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in 1986 to prevent me to visit members of my fake family that all of them pretended to be Syrian, but they were each of a different family from the following royal families: Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, Omani, Kuwaiti, UAE and possibly also from Qatar and Bahrain, therefore the Israeli that allegedly did not check her ID, was not to tell me that she is a princess but rather to tell me that they are Jewish, today I know that they are 100% an organized crime family set there by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families starting after the first World War and continued to increase it even in 1960, thereafter I had no possibility to notice new additions while I was forced to live in USA and Europe = criminals that kidnap children and use them as slaves all their lives as they did to me in the name of Islam and the name of Christianity and the name of Judaism, today I know that they do not believe in God, because many of them has telepathy and think of their selves as Gods that are controlling others that has no telepathy such as myself, which is the majority of the worldwide population


There are countless other more severe situations including the Anglican church of England that blesses the king and queen of England as allegedly representative of Jesus Christ the alleged son of God, which is from point of view one of the biggest crimes in our entire human history, because the English royal families including all their kings and queens are the biggest ever mass murderer, which is very clear to see under these links:





In all the wars that they were involved in, they slaughtered countless millions, possibly over 200 million (excluding the First World War and the Second World war) since the year 200 their alleged existence, because there was no one to document with proof such as photos until after the year 1850. Alone in the USA + Canada + Australia and the Middle East I suspect that they killed more than 60 or even 80% of the native populations, then the Anglican church blesses them for all the mass murder they performed, not to mention they kidnapped millions of people from Africa, India and from other countries and took them to the 2 Americas and to Europe as slaves, and it is not enough they keep on kidnapping children even now and it is documented here: +


Not to forget that they also kidnapped me, which very much means they kidnap children from UK and many other countries and use them in countries like Canda, Australia the Middle East, as they did to me and the British  Anglican church blesses all that as if God love to see them destroy his creation by killing millions of his hand made human beings and then kidnap others and destroy their intelligence + logic to use them as slaves as these psychopaths did to me, ok let us assume that God loves that, but which God, definitely not the Christian God, neither the Muslim God, neither the Jewish God, because most Jewish in the Middle East including Israel are slaves and do not even know it, but also neither the Hindu nor Buddhist’s God love that, and my knowledge is based on the many religious books that I read but also based on the behavior of many Indians, Chinese, Africans, Europeans, Even the concentrated evil country called USA religion books does not bless that, except the books that they wrote themselves such as the King James Bible!


Finally, misusing Jewish as scapegoats and as distraction of the absolute psychotic and sadistic behavior of the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and other controlling families, even today in 2023.


In short below I will show that the Hamas terrorist attack on 7.10.2023 on Israeli civilians was planned by the Israeli government + UK + USA, among others to distract the Israeli population that were performing since around 30 weeks uninterrupted mass demonstrations against the new dictatorship laws in Israel. Also to create hate between the Jewish communities and the Islamic communities not only in Israel, but also in many other countries and this among others because some very intelligent and peace loving Israeli women + some very intelligent and peace loving Palestinian women get together on 4 October 2023 to demonstrate jointly for peace between Israel and Palestinians and that neither the Israeli government want nor the English royal family, nor the Rockefeller families nor the Ex-German royal family members that are minority in thousands and live in the Middle East disguised as Arabs and in particular in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait (among others from the Mercedes family), UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and very possibly also in Yemen and else where


Here we must differentiate between the following 3:

1.           Jewish in general, which are just like any other religion followers, and are mixed, some believe, other do not, and the third are organized crime families!

2.           Jewish in Israel, and from my point of view were 100% brainwashed and forced to relocate from number-1 the UK + number-2 the USA + the other British and American territories as well as from Europe topped by Germany due to, the massacre of 5 million Jewish in Germany and in other European countries. Yet and from my point of view if there was no massacre then no one in his right mind would leave Germany, France, Austria, Italy, USA, UK and go to a new country in the desert above all to live in a stolen country that was stolen by the British to isolate their Jewish population while using them as scapegoat for all yet to come sadistic control of the Middle East by hidden colonialists and using entire Israel as a hidden American/British military base

3.           The Israeli government, and from my point of view are set by the British and Americans governments during which they created a system enable  they can always control the government that would keep the Jewish population under control and isolated of their neighbors while showing them as if they are Nazis due to the mass killing of Palestinians and systematically stealing a piece of their land by annexing it one piece at a time since 1948 and until current, where the Palestinian land now is divided in 2 sections called Gaza strip and west bank (just as they did in India and divided it in India in the middle and West Pakistan and East Pakistan, and did the same in Yemen, in Vietnam, in Germany and in many other countries also in Africa) and both these Palestinian lands are around 100 km of each other’s and the total of the 2 lands is roughly less than 35% of the original Palestinian land from after 1948, in other words and since 1949 the Israeli government stole illegally by international laws and norms and moral values 65% of the Palestinian’s land.


The English royal families + the Rockefeller families do not want to see peace and friendship in and around Israel, because mainly they want to keep the Jewish in check status and use them as a hidden military base and once a while, they cause that there is big sadistic situation just as it was started on 7 October 2023 and over 126 Israeli including elderly, women and children were taken hostages = kidnapped = and organized crime act as I was kidnapped 3 times in my life, while killing several hundred other Israelis, for more info see (

 ). And these terrorists named Hamas call their selves Muslims and Palestinians ( + ( + (


Here are the contradictions and the hidden facts of this terrorist attacks and many before it (please note I cannot prove any of this with factual documentation, yet I can prove it with the gift of God that was given to all of us and it is called intelligence, and the only reason or reasons I can prove that, is because the English government + the American Government + the Israeli government persecuted me in cooperation with the German government + The Jordanian government + the Saudi Arabian government as highlighted all over my complaint pages, but also because I read the Quran and the so-called Ahadeeth Al-Shareefe = the Prophet Muhammad conversions + the New Testament of the Bible + the Old Testament of the Bible =  the Torah + several other religious books from other religions and the fact that I was kidnapped by the above mentioned 3 times in my life and they attempted twice to murder me in the year 1981 and in the year 1984), please note since 1984 I was isolated by force, of which 15 years by kidnapping in USA, and 13 years locked up between USA + Netherlands + Germany in countless jails + prisons + refugee camps and since 2016 I am in the city Den Haag the Hague and trying to understand what went wrong in my life, actually I started to analyze my life in 1999 and after the BP-British Petroleum hired prostitute named Najlaa Mahmoud left my life, that they enslaved me under her control from 24.12.1984 and until around June 1999, which 100% not only prevented me to think, but also and totally destroyed my logic and my intelligence:

1.           This is only a note/explanation about how I get this information: I have time and not busy working and my intelligence was destroyed by the British + Americans as they kidnapped me to USA in September 1986 and kept literally as slave in USA, now in 2023 I was able, also with the help of others, to repair my intelligence. Intelligence is heavily dependent on information. The information that I have comes mainly from 2 areas, Area-1 is my own memory = facts of my past from 1960 and until current in 2023 = life experience in around 16 countries and + 16 US states, Area-2 is the Internet

2.           I discovered that MI6 + CIA + Mossad work hand in hand also in cooperation with my fake family that kidnapped me for the second 2 time in 1960 to Cairo, Egypt, and helped in kidnapping me in September 1986 from Germany to USA

3.           The British created Israel in 1948 as distraction of their petroleum empire in partnership with the Rockefeller families and other families that include but not limited to these countries: Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Nigeria, Libya, Russia and in many other countries, but also extracting petroleum from the sea and oceans and in each of these countries they pretend to be local and use only local names and that is why they are very difficult to recognize as such. This deceive strategy I discovered while I was researching on the Internet partially since 2006 and heavily since 2016 for anything that can help me understand my past, and here I discovered the American revolution in 1765 to 1783 ( and the American civil war from April 1861 to May 1865 (, and many other history facts involving the British, French, Mexico (=Spanish) in USA and realized that the British suddenly pretended to be Good American that are civilized and wanted united USA, instead of many different countries as it was and by pretending to be civilized, which they are most definitely not, not even today in 2023 because they go over dead bodies to enrich their selves among others by stealing lands, killing natives and pretend to be the natives as they did in many countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, the Middel East and tried hard to do the same in India and China, but did not succeed and did it in other countries but in the hidden. Then I discovered the absolute same scheme but in slightly different situation was performed in Russia after removing the last emperor of Russia named Nicholas II of Russia ( through the so-called the February revolution (, and since the kingdom is always controlled by a huge hidden family that control police, military and all the ministry, they followed another strategy to get control of the country, which was the communism ( and get the country under the communism with the so called Soviet Union ( The same strategy was also performed in Germany as they removed the last emperor of Germany named Wilhelm II (,_German_Emperor) through the so-called German Revolution of 1918–1919 ( ), then Germany went into political chaos and the so-called Weimerer/Weimar Republic (, because the family of the last emperor was trying to get control of the empire, where they already last half of it in the First World war, while other royal families within the empire want also to get control, and other political parties and all of them were fighting until Generalfeldmarschall (=General) Paul von Hindenburg ( brought Adolf Hitler to power, and then the catastrophe started with slaughtering the traitors of the revolution mentioned above, among others the Jewish population, very unfortunately, some churches supported this action, just like the Anglican church in the UK support the Royal families even though and from my point of view they are the biggest mass murderer of all times and most probably and since their existence they are responsible for the death of around 200 million human beings excluding the first and second world wars (=125 million death). Finally, and what is common in this point is that the English king George V (, and the  Russian Emperor Nicholas II of Russia ( are not only almost identical look, but also they both are the grand children of queen Victoria of England = cousins and both of them are also the cousins of the last German emperor of Germany named Wilhelm II (,_German_Emperor), which very much = Russian Empire + German Empire + British Empire was 100% through and through one family business which all in all = killing others and stealing what they have then enslaving them is a family business

4.           Back to Israel and terrorism. I was kidnapped in January 1960 to Cairo, Egypt where I lived there until they took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and replaced me in Cairo, Egypt either with my twin or cousin and identical lookalike. The point here, is that I know Egypt from Alexandria to Port Said to Suez, to Luxor and Aswan and above all I know Cairo and poor and rich Egyptians and how they think. The point here, is that the biggest and longest lasting (1960s and until his fake death in 2004) terrorist leader in the world named Yasser Arafat (,_education_and_personal_life). This Yasser Arafat was allegedly Egyptian, and was allegedly born and raised in Egypt to be a terrorist enable to help Israel to look good worldwide, because he was the longest chairman of the PLO from 1969 and until his alleged death in 2004

5.           Yasser Arafat did not represent Palestinian interest but rather he represented the hidden agenda of Israel, which is to enlarge their land by annexing = stealing the land of the Palestinians one piece at a time, while gaining a worldwide sympathy, because Yasser Arafat performed so many terrorist attacks not only on Israeli population, but also in Europe and as far as I recall also in East Asia and north and South America, and above all he was not really anywhere near a moral of a Muslim, because Muslims are family oriented and when a person is family oriented then he will have understanding that others are also family oriented and would not harm a family, in matter of fact and today I think of him and some other traitor to humanity that kill innocent civilians as anti-Muslims and anti-humanity, and there is absolutely no difference between him and the psychotic violent government of Israel + UK +USA.

6.           Today and since 7.10,2023 we have a new a new hidden process to annex the Gaza Strip or at least a big part of it in the name of fighting Hamas as they did before,  allegedly in fighting Hamas and they will do the same in Lebanon in allegedly fighting Hizballah in English it means God’s party, or party of God, as if God needs a political party or a terrorist group or a weapon of any kind, I never seen God using any weapon or performing any terrorist attack or kidnapping or killing children, otherwise he will be a mad and crazy God, for creating children, then kidnapping them, brainwashing them, enslave them, rape them as they did to me, God neither do that nor he is in need of greedy deceiving selfish human being to do that for him. To show you that the CIA (=USA)+ MI6 (=UK)+ Mossad (=Israel) create terrorist groups not only to hide illegal drugs but also to create confusion and chaos in the lives of the countries they control in the hidden, here is one prove out of countless: Lebanon, a very small country and size wise it is one quarter the size of the small country called Switzerland, yet has more than double the population density of Switzerland population (=population per square kilometer), and yet they have 4 terrorist groups (1-Hizballah, 2-ISIS, 3-Hamas, and the 4-Abdullah Azzam Brigades), and this by international standards and not my standards, in other words  they have one terrorist group per 1.2 million population

7.           In Short and mark my words, Israel is going on the long run annex the entire Gaza Strip that today has a population of 2.4 million Palestinians, and they want to push them to be refugees next door in Egypt and small percentage elsewhere otherwise they will be killed as the Israeli government today being a brainless destruction machine and bombed their over one thousand two hundred Palestinian housing were destroyed in one week in October 2023 and still counting, to force everyone to run, and once they succeed they will do the same in the West bank and push the population of 3 million into Jordan and systematically annex their land as they have been doing so far and since 1948, see maps of today and in 1948, and after this is completed, possibly by the year 2030 or 2035, then they will do the same in Lebanon and thereafter Jordan and thereafter Syria and thereafter Iraq to land at the Ephorate river and therewith they will most definitely start a world war 3 because other countries would not allow that = possibly 1-2 billion death because the Israeli government uses terrorists to attack them and give them a public reason to attack back their own spy terrorist to steal more lands as it is described for them by the English royal family in the copycat of Islam = Torah = Old Testament (Torah is 100% imitation of Islam that was modified by the English royal families to suit their needs and goals of conquering the world  just as they modified the Christian Catholic Bible and called it King James Bible)

8.           All of the above is created by the concentrated evil English and American controlling families alias the English royal families and the hidden American royal family named Rockefeller and others in USA such as the Koch family the number one petroleum transporter in USA and elsewhere. And why do all this? As distraction of their hidden kingdoms in the Middle East that they created starting at the earliest in the year 1900. Why do I call them concentrated evil? Not because they did to me what they did since my birth, but because they kidnapped unknown amount of children to use them as slaves as they did to me, possibly and alone in this century, meaning since the year 2000, at least one thousand child per year, and I strongly believe that they have been doing that for over 500 years, just like kidnapping millions of Africans and Indians (including today’s India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) alone from Africa some estimate that they kidnaped 2-5 million children and adults and other estimates it to be over 25 million that were enslaved and taken to Canada, USA, South America and above all to Europe and use them as slave soldiers and house slaves

9.           Today I estimate that there is more Jewish in Iraq + Saudi Arabian than there are Jewish in Israel, and believe me they cannot help it, often they are tricked to do only one trip or be there for a short period and then they force them to stay as spies and hidden revolutionaries as they have been doing in many countries. And once a person in a position of being a spy and cannot leave for the one reason or another, he/she is living always in fear of being discovered and would do anything to not be discovered and exactly that is why they use Jewish since I estimate around the year 1400 or 1500 and use Jewish as slave soldiers and as slave spies, but also they did that to many other group of people, such as Africans, Kurdish, Indians and others = Be always alert when it comes to the UK, USA, Israel the most destructive 3 countries that the world has ever seen, and the only reason I know that, is because I was kidnapped and raised by them!


I think you get the concept of the new age of slavery.


Below are some of the latest actions of Israel and Palestinians.


In the 4 links below, you can see how intelligent some women are, maybe because God created them with more feelings for reproduction system, meaning their own babies, unlike my fake mother that was one sadistic animal that kidnap children and keep  them as slaves along with her entire psychotic family named Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir, Abokurah, Taba, Malas and other. I also mentioned in my complaint pages, that the UK + USA +Israel government would never allow any peaceful actions to succeed to keep the entire world distracted of their mainly 2 properties in and around the Middle East:

1.               Slavery

2.               Petroleum

3.               Illegal drugs in Lebanon + Syria + Iran + Afghanistan + Myanmar


Israeli, Palestinian women unite in joint rally for peace:







In the below 9 links you can see that the Jewish population are being systematically enslaved by the Israeli government, among others by creating not only fear and instability in their lives through self-created terrorist leaders such as Yasser Arafat and Hamas and Hezbollah, but also by creating laws in Israel to prevent total freedom and peace initiatives such as the women mentioned above did, and to reach that, they want to (or already did it) give the prime minister the power over the court system, in other words the prime minister can void a court ruling, because most members of the government of Israel were 100% set by British and American to keep Jewish in check and under their sadistic control, then blaming everything on the Palestinians

2023 Israeli judicial reform protests 9 months and 5 days from 7 January to 12 October 2023:












In the below 2 links you can see the effect of terrorist working for the interest of the Israeli government and therewith in the interests of the English royal families and the American Rockefeller families, because no sane person will perform such a terrorist attack, beside it is against God creation, it is also against any intelligence whatsoever = planned by Israeli government. Why is it against intelligence, is because the Palestinian, or better said the terrorist hiding between Palestinians to force everyone to blame Palestinians and have sympathy with Israelis, because it is like a person going without weapons or with the knife against a group of person sitting in the state of the art war tank, where the knife cannot penetrate the armor of the tank = all are protected, while the tank has cannons and can shoot several kilometers far, and have machine guns that can kill anything within reach to a 100 meter distance = both the tank and the knife holder either psychotic or are working together and performing an act for whom ever is watching = the world. On top of that and with my respect to the Christian and the bible, yet the Christian that supposed to be the most peaceful people in the world believe in one thing and act another thing, not all I might add, yet and most definitely some psychotic controlling families, in that they teach to sacrifice yourself just like Jesus Christ allegedly sacrificed himself for you, they do the same in some wrong Islam imitation, yet or on the other side they go and built weapons and call their selves as smart and intelligent, while not  seeing on purpose that they have intelligence and with it they can build the world instead of destroying it by killing one human being at a time, and really when you look at Israeli government behavior towards the Palestinians and the Russian behavior towards the Ukrainian, I just want to vomit over the Israeli government and the Russian government, where you can clearly see how psychotic some Christian are just as some Jewish are also psychotic, yet if you look very close and know what humanity is all about and know what Christianity is about and what Judaism is all about and know what Islam is all about, then you will realize that the Orthodox church of Moscow, Russia where they backup the killing of Ukrainian (I believe because the controlling government are Jewish), they are not Christians, and if you look at the population of Israeli alias the majority of Jewish in Israel are not criminals only a hand of full of them that are working as puppets for the English royal family and the Rockefeller family, but also these terrorist that pretend to be Muslim are 100% not Muslims, because the prophet Muhammad was promoting the protection of children and families in general, and they killed countless children, women and elderly. And if I put all religion a side then the Israeli government are animals pretending to be human being because they planned this terrorist attack enable they can annex Gaza Strip at least one piece of it and the rest in  the future as they have been doing since 1948, and to do that they are willing to sacrifice 2000 or 10,000 Israelis + Palestinians lives, because they think and after they annex the Gaza Strip then they have more farm land and give it to a hand full of farmers then they will be happy and will promote this animal government that has been the number one killer of Israelis since 1948.


2023 Israel–Hamas war = Israel war against Palestinians to steal new piece of land and later annex it as they have been doing since 1948:




For many more details of these crimes see my complaint pages!


Her are 2 maps that shows clearly that English royal families + the Rockefeller families + ex-German royal families are responsible for these never-ending tortures conflict in the Middle East by using Israel as distraction of their own doings.


Palestine prior to 1948

Palestine in 2023

This is Palestime as created by LON-League of Nations after the first world war and was through and through controlled/stolen by the English royal family and then gave a piece of it to their hidden slave soldiers and slave spies since 1948





1.               The Golan heights was in Syria and was officially annex by Israel or, and that is my believe based n the facts of my life + official history, president Assad gave it as a gift to Israel for helping him in the hidden to kill his Syrian animies

2.               The West Bank + Gaza is what is left for the over 4 Million living Palsetinian within this land, and there are arounbd 10 million other Palestinian as refugees living all over the world, I believe at least 3 million of them are in Jordan